The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A 4 A SPORTS THE: SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, JULY: 1, 1959 CLASSIFIED 29. A Hard Return 4 4. Darlene Hard of Montebello, races (Associated for a Press return Wirephoto) in Cher winning match with Britain's Ann Hadon at Wimbledon Tuesday. Miss Hard won 1-6, 6-4, 7-5 to make the singles semifinals. Women's Semifinals 5 Include U.

S. Stars Sally Moore and Darlene Hard Move Up in Wimbledon Tennis Tournament WIMBLEDON, England W- Sally Moore and Darlene Hard won their way into the women's singles semifinals of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships Tuesday, keeping 'alive the hope United States can maintain, the grip on the women's title it has held Darlene Maria Bueno of Brazil and Sandra Reynolds of South Africa also advanced with vic-. tories -as sparkling and full of thrills as those turned in by the two California girls. Miss More, 18, powerful and confident, did it the easy way. scored a 6-3.

6-2 victory over 'Yola Ramirez, a little Mexican girl who stands hardly higher than the net. But bouncy, happy-go-lucky Miss Hard, a Wimbledon finalist two years ago, barely got by Ann Haydon, a lefthanded English girl who ranks as one of the world's leading table tennis players. The score was 1-6, 6-4, 7-5. Graceful Miss Bueno, one of the most stylish competing in the tournament, defeated Romanian-born Edda Buding, who previously upset third-seeded Mrs. Beverly Fleitz.

She won 6-3. 6-3. Pretty Sandra Reynolds of South rounded of eliminating the favorities when she defeated Angela Mortimer of Britain, the second seed, 7-5, 8-6. Thus the women's singles tournament was left without the top- three seeded players and without a British player in the semifinals. All-American final remains a possibility since Miss Hard, "seeded fourth, will meet Miss Reynolds, No.

5, and Moore, No. will play Miss Bueno, No. 6, in the semifinals Thursday. en's semifinals will be run off today with Barry MacKay of Dayton, Ohio, going against Rod Laver of Australia and top-seeded Alex Olmedo of Peru and Los Angeles opposing Roy Emerson of Australia. Four From U.S.

Make British Open Grade MUIRFIELD, Scotland (UPI) -Willie Goggin of San Jose, and three other Americans qualified for the British open golf championship Tuesday in al round of brilliant play led by defending champion Peter Thomson of Australia and Irish amateur Joe Carr. Ties Course Record Thomson, 29-year-old fourtime winner, tied Muirfield's course record with a six-underpar 32-34-66 to lead the 90 qualifiers. with a 36-hole total of 137. Carr shattered all records for the nearby course at Gullane with 31-33-64 for a second place tie at 138. Goggin, 53-year-old driving range operator who won the world seniors championship last Friday, made the qualifying list comfortably with a two-day total of 70-72-142.

Three others-pro Bob Watson Ardsley-On-Hud-1 son, N. amateurs Bob Sweeny of Palm Beach, a John Garrett of Houston, just squeezed in at the "cut" maximum of 147, lowest qualifying score in tournament history. Eight other Americans failed to survive in the group of 81 and nine amateurs that sets out with a clean slate day for the 72-hole championship proper. Frank Jowle of England, coleader after the first round with a 67, put together a 71. Tuesday for a second place tie at 138 with Carr and 24-year-old Neil Coles, a professional who tried the American circuit with little success last year.

Among the major title threats qualifying with ease were South Africa's Gary Player and amateur Reid Jack of Scotland at 139, Flory Von Donck of Belgium and Antonio Cerda of Argentina at 140, four-time winner Bobby Locke of South Africa tied, with of Wales Goggin and at 142, Ireland's Dai Christie O'Connor with 143 and Harry Bradshaw of Ireland with Henry Cotton, England's three 145. winner, qualified Dave Bearse of Denis Court, with a 39-35-74 at. tough Muirfield made the best showing of the Americans. A 77 Monday left him with 151. SL.

Hole-in-One Contest Nets -a Springfield Lions $542 The Springfield Lions Club "'Hole-In-One' tournament last Saturday netted the club's charity fund $542, it was announced Tuesday by chairman Peter Picknelly. Griffin Is. Closest The event was held at nine clubs with the following winners: Napoleon Morncau, Franconia; Chick Price, Wilbraham; Sam Black, Crestview: Ken Poulin, Tekoa; Emil Ziemba, Oxford; Roland Savage, SouthJohn Griffin, Springfield; Dwight Wells Memorial; E. P. Brut, Ludlow, and William Nicoll and Arthur Tessier, Riverdale Driving Range.

The closest to the hole of all the winners was Griffin, president of the Springfield Country Club. Griffin's tee shot came within inches of the cup. The names of the winners are now being engraved trophies. according to Picknelly, and will be ready for distribution this week end. Winners are asked to call Picknelly on RE 2-3173 to make arrangements for trophy pickups or deliveries.

Cabbage Heads RALTIMORE -Two new heads were in the Baltimore dugout when the Orioles gled with the New York Yankees Tuesday night. And the heads will he soaking in buckets of ice water. They're cabbage heads. Trainer Eddie Weidner will be standing by when the Orloles take the. field, passing out iced cabbage leaves to the players 10 wear under their caps.

The idea, of COUNP, to keep cool heads on the Orioles -literally. f. "It'l take only about two heads of cabbage," said Eddie. The fellows ran exchange their cabbage for fresh leaves between After having two days of 100-plus temperatures, more cooled down to 95. 1 A Yorzyk to Try For New Marks Hopes to Better Own Dolphin Butterfly Swim Records Saturday William Yorzyk, a medicall student at the University of Toronto and 1956 Olympic gold medal winner, will attempt to! break three of his own dolphin butterfly swimming records Saturday afternoon at the Pirfe Knoll Swim School on Allen St.

Former Maroon Ace A 1956 graduate of Springfield College, Yorzyk will attempt to break his own records for the 200-yard, the 200-meter and the 220-yard dolphin butterfly event, over a 25-yard course. The record attempts are slated to take place about 12.30 p. m. and are being sanctioned by New England Association of the AAU. Yorzyk's present records for these three events and the places where they were established, 200 yards, 2:03.8 set at Winchendon, on April 14, 1956; 200 meters, 2:16.5, and the 220 yards, 2:17.6 both set at Pine on Aug.

3, 1958. At the present time Yorzyk is preparing for the National AAU outdoor swimming championships to be held July 11 and 12 at Los Altos, where he will be defending his 200-meter dolphin butterfly title, an event which he successfully won in 1955, 1956, 1957 and 1958. Yorzyk holds the world's records for the 200 meters and the 220 yards dolphin butterfly event over both the short and the long course, plus several other intermediate distance records in this event over a 20-yard course. Sawyer to Fight Stitch Tonight LOUISVILLE (UPI) weight Rudy Sawyer of New York declared himself in top shape for his television bout tonight with Rudell Stitch, ranked by the NBA as the No. 2 welterweight contender.

It's a crucial bout for Sawyer, who won 18 of his 21 starts but has had difficulty finding opponents and lost. his last time out to Kid Paret, although the decision at St.3 Nick's in New York June 1. was widely disputed. Trained dis former featherweight champ Sandy Saddler, Sawyer has boxed more than 40 rounds to get ready for this go against Louisville's home town hero. Stitch has not fought since he decisioned Gaspar Ortega on the same night last he Foundation was awarded medal a for Carnegie, for saving a man from drowning in the Ohio River.

Stitch, now, ranked No. 2 by the NBA and No. 19 in the ring ratings, will be after his 21st victory in 26 starts as a pro. DOTHAN, Ala. (P James Franklin Beck, a husky, 18-yearNorth Alabama farm boy with a dazzling fast ball, has signed as a pitcher with the Los Angeles Dodgers.

His signing was announced by Dodge scout Leon Hamilton who said he got his first look at the 6-1, 175-pound right-hander during a tryout camp recently at Sheffield, Ala. Beck, who has just finished high school at his home of Town Creek, has played mostly sandlot and semipro baseball. His school didn't have a baseball team. Farm Boy Signs With Dodgers 'No Shakeup'- -Cronin BOSTON (UPI) The fice "of League President Joe Cronin day denied a Washington re. port quoting him as saying he planned a major shakeup of the umpiring staff "in the near future." "There is nothing to it," a spokesman for Cronin said.

The Washington Daily News, in a dispatch by George Clifford, wrote that "unimpeachable sources close to Cronin said 'he is upset by reports of the umpiring staff's inef. ficiency and is about to lower the boom on umpires, who have shown below major league caliber." EASY WINNER OCEANPORT. N. (UPI) Recite, the odds-on favorite, sped to A six-length victory over Crafty Belle in Tuesday's $7500 feature allowance race for fillies at Monmouth Park. The triumph was the third straight for the daughter of tation and fourth in five starts this year.

CLASSIFIED ADS ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements AUTO-FIRE-LIFE-CYCLES-TRUCKS JOSEPII M. Chernaik Insurance Broker 1684 Main St. RE 4-5791 TIME PAYMENTS A A CELLARS cleaned, landscaping, 3 ton truck. E. Fratamico.

RE 7-0812. ASPHALT driveways, cement steps. stone walls. flagstone wk. RE 7-2426.

A-1 repairs. Pickup del. Bentley. RE 4-9074. A-1 LOAM -Cellars, cleaned.

PESSOLANO, ST 2-0355, RE 6-7894. ANY yd. attic cleaned. Rubbish Free est. RE 2-1304.

ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS. landscaping, patios, loam, RE 7-8923. Paul V. A-1 TRACTOR LOADER. HARROW.

LOAM. FILL. GRAVEL, TRAP ROCK. FRED GIORDANO, RE 9-6128. ASPITALT driveways, cement sidewalks, landscaping RE 2-0882.

ASPHALT driveways, loam, gravel fill. R. Gaudreau, LI ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, cement steps, stone walls, flagstone wk. RE 7-2426, A-1 FILL, TRAP ROCK. LOAM, GRAVEL, TRACTOR WORK, DOM DI DONATO.

RE 9-4162 2 CLEAN loam, trucking loader servIce, odd jobs, gravel, fill, traprock dust. RE 9-5403. CESSPOOLS, septic tanks, flushed and Quick. odorless santi. Phone Roto Rooter.

RE 4-3754. FLOORS Cleaned, waxed polished. Reasonable. Tel. RE 4-2034.

FLOORS and waxed. woodwork. washed. Call RE GEORGE- HAS A LIGHT truck. Call GEORGE RE 3-3149.

HEDGES trimmed, lawns shrubbery. Light trucking RE 9-2104. HAVE ton van truck. Any type of work or moving. ST 8-8683.

INSURED expert tree removal. LO 2-4054. TV INSTALLATIONS antenna 10- pairs Reas. W. O'Brien RE 3-0467.

LAWNMOWERS. saws sharpened. Pickup del. ST 2-2687. ST 2-2297.

LAWNS cut maintained; hedges shrubbery trimmed. Reas. RE 7-4363, LAWNS SHRUBBERY cared for. Cellars cleaned. Rubbish removed.

Light trucking. Reas. RE 4-4045 LANDSCAPING and gardening E. D. McCormack RE 7-2577.

RE after 5 p. m. OFFICE Floors, washed, waxed, polished. Sata. only.

RE 2-0130. ODD. cost Lawn exterior mowed, house gardening 2-2194, ST. SUPER DUPER comp. simonizing $6 25 yra.

exp. 58 Seventh St. RE 7-230 1. sealed protected .05 per 8q. ft.

THAT driveway. Asphalt drives LY 4-9434. SPRAYING (Insect Pest Control) Ants, Termites, Red Spider; lawn grubs. Picnic areas, liquid fertilizing. THE HANGING GARDENS RE 2-0109 RE 3-1745 TREE cutting land clearing.

No job too big or ton small. LY 3-7625. WE guarantee to rid apts. of roaches. mice.

ants. Only $7. Walker RE 7-8159, WASHING machines bought repaired. Alan clean cellars, yd. and remove trees.

RE 6-6122. YARDS cared for, odd Jobs done. RE 3-1413. P'ersonals BRIDES TO BE! 100 FREE WEDDING INVITATIONS BY ENGAGING THE MUSIC MEN RE 2-9404 A Hartford YOTING and MAN back wishing must 8 arrive ride at to Hartford At 8 m. leave at m.

Willing to share expenses. Call RE 2-0573 between 5 p. m. and m. BAT, BONDS furnished.

24 hours. DiSanti. RE 2-6367. IDEAL LODGE Day' Camp. BoysGirls-Transportation Furnished.

Tel. RE 4-9138. RIDE ARRANGEMENT desired from. Mountain Rd. North Wilhraham to State Main.

Call RE 9-3803. QUICK ACTION CLASSIFIED INDEX -ANNOUNCEMENTS Cemetery Lots, Monuments- Auctions-50 Business Announcements- Articles For Sals-51 Cameras and Equipment-514 Business Equipment-52 Personals- Professional Equipment-524 Convalescent Homes-9A Boats and Accessories-53 Lost and Found-10 Building Materials-54 Farm and Dairy Products-55 Fuel and Feed 56 I -AUTOMOBILES Goad Things to Eat-57 Automobiles For Sale-11 Household Antiques-58 Goods-59 Trucks For Saler-11A Upholsterers -59A House Jewels and Watches-60 Akplanes and Equipment-11C Farm Machinery and Machinery-61A Tools-61 Busses-11D Musical Instruments-62 Motorcycles and Bicycles-12 Television and Radio-62A Auto Accessories-14 Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers-63 Service Stations-Repairing-15 Wearing Wanted--To Apparel-65 Buy-66 Cars For Rent-16. Swappers-66A Garages-164 Wanted IX-ROOMS and BOARD Rooms With Board-67 -BUSINESS SERVICES Rooms Rooms For Without Housekeeping- Board-68 Exterminators-18 Vacation Places-70 Building Heating and Plumbing-20 Hunting, Wanted--Rooms, Fishing, Sure Electricians-21 Piano Repairing-22 Tuners-22A X-REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Pointing Apartments and Flats-74 Printing-Stationery-24 Furnished Apts. and Houses-74A Moving-Trucking-Storage-25 Business Places For Rent-75 Professional Services-27 Business Places Wanted-754 Beauty Schools-27A Form: For Rent-76 Beauty Parlors --27 Houses For Rent-77 Millinery-Dressmaking-28 Offices and Desk Room-78 Wanted -Business Service-31 Suburban For Rent-79 Summer Property For Rent-80 IV -EMPLOYMENT Wanted -To Rent-81 Female Female Help-Salary-323 Heip-Saleswomen-32A XI-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Male Help-Salary-33 Business Froperty-82 Male Help-Salesmen-33A Realtors-824 Male. or Female Help-34 Real Estate Agents-828 Situations Farms and Land For Sale-83 Situations, Wanted 3.

Agawam-84A. Central -So. End-848 3 East Spfld-Glenwood-84C 1 -FINANCIAL Forest Park-84D Business Business Opportunities Opportunities-38 Wanted-38A Liberty Heights-84F Hill-McKnight-84E Personal to Lean-40 Financing-39 No. End Brightwood-84H Longmeadow4 84G Money Wanted to Barrow-41 Pine Pt. -Indian Orchard 840 Sixteen AcresWest Springfield-84L VI- -INSTRUCTION Building Lots Property For For Sale-05 Sale-86 Correspondence Courses-42 -87A Instruction-43 Chicopee Falls-870 Musical.

Dancing, Dramatic-44 Out State- 87C Private Wanted Instruction Instruction- 46 E. Holyoke Northampton field -LIVESTOCK Westfield Wilbrahom--Palmer and Vicinity- Cogs, Cats, Pets-47 Massachusetts-87H Horses, Cattle, Vehicles Real Estate For Exchange Poultry and Supplies-49 Wanted--Real Estate-69 ANNOUNCEMENTS Personals 9 CARE OF children in my home days working mothers, RE4-1011. MRS. ANTHONY'S NURSERY Children yrs. RE 9-5260, SHARE driving expenses to Phoenix, Ariz.

on July 13. Call ST 3-6137. WILL CARE for child in my home days. Trans. ST 3-3613.

A VA VACANCY COmE now at Gustafson's HillConvalescent Homes top Nursing llome RE 9-6377. Elderly people cared for. private home, HM 4-6877. NURSE will take convalescent or elderly lady into lovely home. Good care, 7-1617.

ST 3-5003. WOMAN to care for semi-invalid in her home. ST 8-8308. Lost and Found 10 HOTS ENGLISH bike, C. Higgins model.

Black. Vic. 5 Mile Pond. If ret no questions asked ST 3-1525. LOST female Beagle, liver white, black.

T'ville RI: 5-6061 After 6 n. m. LOST bloodhound. Vic. W.

S. Ang. to Buttons, reward ST 8-9845. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 AT SPRINGFIELD BUICK CO. BUICK Super Hardtop, Fower Steering.

Tower Brakes $1995 '36 BUICK Special Station Wagon, Dynaflow 169.3 '56 BUICK Special 2 a Door Sedan 1493 BUICK Super 2 Door, Hardtop. PS. PB 1303 '56 BUICK Roadmaster: 2 Door, Hardtop, Full Power 1593 '53 BUICK Special 2 Door Sedan, Standard 1005 '53 BUICK Special 2 Door, Hardtop, PS. PB 1095 '55 BUICK Century 2 Door, Harttop. PS, PB 1195 '53 BUICK Roadmaster.

3 Door Sedan, PS. PE 1293 BUICK Super 2 Door Hardtop 845 BUICK Super 4 Door Sedan 895 BUICK Special 4 Door Sedan 493 BUICK Special 2 Door Sedan 405 BUICK Super 4 Door Sedan 497 '58 OLDSMOBILE 4 Door FORD Door 1405 FORD Fairlane 1795 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 Hardtop, Power 199.7 '57 DODGE Coronet 4 Door Sedan 1595 CHEVROLET Bel Air Hardtop 1695 MERCURY 3 Door Hardtop 139.7 '56 P'ONTIAC Convertible 1495 '56 FORD Convertible Fairlane 1407 '36 FORD 4 Door 1197 '56 CHEVROLET 4 Door 495 CHEVROLET 2 Door FORD 2 Door 905 FORD Coupe 995 OLDSMOBILE 88 1295 OLDSMORILE 98. 4 Door 1395 PLYMOUTH White Sidewalls 997 CADILLAC Convertible 2395 DODGE 2 Door 095 FORD Convertible. Fordomatic FORD do Door Sedan 095 DESOTO 4 Door Sedan 593 CHEVROLET 1 Door sedan: 995 MERCURY MONTEREY 4 Door Sedan 195 '54 OLDSMOBILE 88 4 Door Sedan 595 '54 PONTIAC Starchiet 4 Door Sedan, PS. PR 895 PACKARD Clipper CHEVROLET Door 745 P'ONTIAC 4 Door 887 FORD 2 Door 793 CHEVROLET 4.

Door CHEVROLET 2 Door CHRYSLER 2 Door CHRYSLER Door 205 DODGE 4 Door 445 PONTIAC Catalina '52 OLDSMORILE 98 195 PACKARD Sedan CHEVROLET 295 '51 PONTIAC. 2 Door 145 PLUS OTHERS 1 SPRINGFIELD BUICK. CO. 43 YEARS IN BUSINESS Used Car the Corner Boston Rd. Berkahire Ave.

RE 2-1357. ST 8-7001 RE 2-4126 630 MAIN ST. AT THE ORIGINAL LEO'S 1939 Conv. Loaded 1939 CADILLAC Sedan De Ville 1957 CADILLAC Fleet wood 13,000 miles 1937 CADILLAC conv. Very Clean 1956 CADILLAC Sed.

De Ville, all pow 2695 1955 CADILLAC Ope, Full power 2195 1935 CADILLAC: 62 sed. air cond. 1995 1935 -Eldorado Conv. Loaded 21931 1934 CADILLAC 62 4 PS, PB 1695 1934 CADILLAC Spe. All power 1895 1954 CADILLAC Eldorado Conv.

Pow. 1995 1953 CADILLAC 62 All pow. 1095 1902 CADILLAC sed. All pow. 793 1956 RUICK Rdm.

4 PS, PB 1395 1954 BUICK Cent. 4 cr. sedan 835 1974 BUICK Skylark Conv. 1093 1954 BUICK Cent. Hdtp.

PS, PB 895 1938 OLDS. 588 Fiesta Hard top Station PS, PR Elec. wind. 2945 1956 OLDS. 4 dr.

hdtp. Fow 1693 1935 OLDS. 88 dr sedan 1095 1957 IMPERIAL Le Baron. All power, air cond. 14.000 miles 2995 1957 CHEV.

Bel Air 4 dr. hdtp 1895 1955 CHIEV. Bel Air Hdtp. Very Clean 1956 CHEW. station wagon rs 1495 1958 EDSEL hardtop PS 1695 1957 FORD Country Sedan 1793 1934 MERCURY HAtop MOM.

PR 895 1957 FORD 500- Vic. rpe, PS 1795 1957 FORD 500 Vic. 4 HT, FS. PR 1893 1954 FORD Victoria PS, PB elec. windows elec seat 895 1955 FORD ton pickup 895 1957 PLYMOUTH 4 dr.

1195 A hove Cara Equipped Guaranteed 1174 STATE ST. OPEN EVENING TEL. RE 2-9453 or ST 8-0601 AT BRIAN LINCOLN MERCURY FORD F'lane 500 Hardtop $2087 '57 LINCOLN Frem. Conv. Like New 2787 STUDE dr.

Sedan 1287 FORD F'lane 500 Hardtop 1787 '37 LINCOLN Hardtop Cne. 2687 MERCURY 2 dr. MOM 1387 '56 MERCURY 4 Hdtp MOM PS. PR 1581 MERCURY StA. WAR.

8 1GST FORD Country Sedan 8 DABS. 1487 BUICK Cent. 4 dr. Hd. Top 1687 FORD 2 dr.

Sed. FOM 1187 MERCURY coupe PS 1787 '35 MERCURY 4 dr. Sed. MOM BUICK Spec. 2 dr.

Sedan 1087 '55 NASH Amb. Sed. Hyd Beds 1081 '54 OLDS 888 4 dr. Sod. Hyd.

987 '53 RUICK 1 dr. Sed. PA 587 '52 MERCURY 2 dr-. Hdtop. 387 BRIAN LINCOLN-MERCURT 1566 STATE ST.

ST 5-5347 At A. V. REOPELL There You're Always Satisfied We Know Our Reputation Depends On Your Pleasure CHEVROLET 1957 Sport godan. India ivory and Biscayne blue, with matching interior. Chevy's famous powerglide for automatic driving coupled with 6 cyl.

engine for CAR economy. Many other extras. Low price of $1691 PLYMOUTH. 1956 Savoy 4 door sedan. Forest green color with contrasting interior.

Thrifty 6 cyl. engine And standard transmiasion to deliver the most in mileage. An excellent car for budget minded family $1097 CITEVROLET 1954 2 door sedan. Delivers satisfaction to thrifty minded driver. 6 cyl, engine, Grecian Gray with matching Interior.

Daluxe radio and heater. Standard tranamiasion, An excel. lent second car At $797 FORD 1957 Fairlane Club sedan. Gray and white exterior. with matching vinyl Interior.

Fordo matic transmission with VA engine for PARA and comfort while riding Radio And heater. plus many other useful accessories $1597 CHEVROLET 1956 210. door sedan. Ivory and Green finish. V8 engine and powerglide transmission.

Radio and heater. Here's luxury without extravagance for the family who wants the beat In comfort. for a low price ..1297 FORD 1936 Ranch Wagon. 2 door 6 passenger station WAgON. V8, Fordomatic.

Here's room for the car and a half of space and comfort $1397 DE SOTO 1957 Firedome 4 door sport sedan. Radio. heater, automatic transmission. V8 engine. A Deluxe luxury sedan for soft easy travel.

An executive car--or for one who appreciates the finer sla things $1797 v. FORD 1956 Country Sedan tion wagon. 9 passengers lit with ease, V8. Fordomatic, power brakes, radio, heater. 2 tone blue exterior with leather interlor.

Perfect tor the family who desires elbow room and maximum safety while on. the open road. Priced for your budget at $1497 80 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM REOPELL'S ANNEX 583 STATE ST. ST 5-5451 OPEN EVES. P.

M. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles For Hale AT BETTER USED CAR EXCHANGE 37 power 83450 '57 Cadillac, Eldorado Seville 3350 '59 T' Bird Full power 3803 '50 Ford Conv. FOM P. 2995 '39 Pontiac Bonneville Cpe, Pwr. 3193 '58 Ford Entry Sedan 9-vass '58 Chryaler Htop Full pwr.

4590 '58 Olds S88. Sta. Won. FI Pwr 3190 AR Edsel. Corenir Hdtp, Pwr.

9100 '58 Chev. Impala Conv. FI Pwr. 2595 .58 58 Olds 98 Holiday Sed all pwr. 2295 300 Ford Cntry 9-pass '58 Lincoln premier Hdtop 4-dr.

3693 Ford Hdtp Fordo 1993 '57 Chev. Bel-Air Wag. P. G. P.

S. 1995 '57 Ford Thunderbird Conv. 2993 '67 Olds S88. Hol Wayn pwr. 4490 '57 DeSoto 4-dr, New Look 1545 '57 Olds 98 4-dr Pwr.

air cond. 2195 Chev. Hdton V8. PG. PS 177 57 Rambler sed 6 Hydra 1525 Olds 98 Sedan all pow.

1575 06 Chev. Bel- Air 4 Dr. V8 P. G. 1495 Rambler Sta Wag 6 cyl.

1395 '56 DeSoto Sed. All pow. '56 Ford V8 FOM 2 Door 1075 '56 Ford Country Sed. FOM 1495 55 Olds S88 Conv. Coupe 1095 '35 Merceury H.

Top 2 Dr. Merco 89. 54 Buick Century Sed. Dynt. 605 Lincoln Capri Sed.

All pow. 945 '64 Olds S88 Sed. All pow. 945 '54 Pontiac H. top Cat.

P. S. 843 .54 Chev 2 door sedan Buick Spec. Hdtop 2-dr. 129.

'55 Ford 4-br Fordo 990 34 Olds Hol. Cpe PR 993 ANI MANY OTHERS 1567 STATE STREET A good running 1930 Studehaker, Champion. 2 dr. R- $100. RE 9-7936.

AT RICHARDS AUTO SALES '58 Lincoln Continental Dr. Hard Top Loaded $1497 Lincoln Prem. Conv. 2795 57 Cadillac Red. De Ville 3393 50 Cadillac Eldorado Conv.

2697, 53 Cadillac 62 4 dr. Sedan 89.0 54 Cadillac Conv. 1845 Cadillac Fleetwood Sedan 14:97 '57 Olds. Super 88 conv. 2393 '38 Olds.

98 Holiday Coupe 1693 Olds 88 ITolida Cpe. 2193 '56 Olds. 98 4 dr. Hardtop 1693 37 Buick Cent. dr.

hdtop 1893 07 Buick Cent. Riviera Cpe, 1993 '57 Buick Special 2105 '36 Buick Spec. Conv. 1695 51 Buick Hd.

top 993 '57 Fairlane dr. Sed. 1495 '67 Ford 500 hardtop 179.1 '56 Ford Country Sedan 1597 '57 DeSoto hardtop 1995 '55 Pontiac Star Chief 4 dr. $295 57 Pontiac Star Chief 4 dr. Hdtp.

2193 '56 Ford Conv. 1495 '57 Ford 500 Conv. 1905 57 Imperial Crown Hardtop': 0895 035 Imperial Hardtop 1693 Chrysler N. Y. 2 dr.

Hdtp. 2395 '583 Firedome 4 dr. Sed 1495 58 'Chev. Brookwood 9 pass. wag.

2:07 57 Chev. Bel Air 4 dr. Hdtop. 189.1 '58 Chev, Impala Hardtop 2595 058 Chev. Impala Conv.

279.1 '58 Chev. Bel Arr coupe 2195 '37 Chev. 210 4 Ar. P. G.

169.3 58 Mercury 'Colony Park 9 pass. 3150 Plymouth Beiv. Conv. 1893 '56 Plymouth Belv. 4 dr sed 129.1 '50 Plymouth Fury Hardtop 2595 '57 Plymouth Cust.

4 dr. Sta, Wag. 1895 '57 Metropolitan Conv. 1295 Most of these dars are equipped with PS. PR and Auto Trans, RICHARDS AUTO SALES 1168 STATE ST.

RE 2-5642 AT KELLEHER MIXER A Safe Place to' BUT 158 Chrysler N. Y. 2 dr. Hdtp. SAVE '58 Imperial Conv.

SAVE '57 Imperial 4 dr. Hard top 3195 Plymouth 4 dr sedan 1695 '56 Ford Station Wagon .1443 '36 Imperial 2 dr. Southampton 2195 '56 Chrysler Windsor dr. Sed 1795 '56 Buick Cent. 4 dr.

Hdtop 1495 '55 DeSoto 4 dr. Sedan 1295. '55 Packard 4 dr. sedan '35 Ford 9 nasa. 4 dr.

Sta. Wag 1195 35 Chrysler Windsor 4 dr. sed. 1395 '55 Dodge Coronet 4 dr. sed.

1205 '34 Mercury Monterey Hardtop 795 Buick 2 dr Hardton 100.3 Plymouth 4 dr. sedan 893. .54 Ford V8 2 dr sedan 69.3 54 DeSoto 4 dr. sedan 1093 '53 Plymouth 4dr. Sedan 395 Dodge 2 dr.

Sedan 273 '53 Buick 2 dr. Sedan 495 dr Hdtop 597 '52 DeSoto 4 dr. sedan 295. '51 Chevrolet 4 dr. Sedan 395 Pontiac 4 dr.

Sedan 125 '51 Buick dr. Sedan 105 '50 Plymouth Club Coupe 145 '50 Packard 4 dr sedan 95 KELLEHER MIXER. INC. 164 St. James Ava RE 3-3116 AT LEE MOTOR SALES $88 Main West RE 6-5239 1936 Ford Fairlane hardtop FOM.

Sharp $1395 1054 Merc. hardtop A nuff 695 1233 Chev. Rel Air hardtop PG. Like new 505 Cher. dr.

Nice CAr 1953 Chev. 4 dr. Nice car 493 1952 Chev. hardtop A one owner puff 405 1932 Ford hardtop FOM original 405 Chev. 4 dr.

sedan 205 1951 Mercury 4 dr. MOM 195 1051 Chev. 4 dr. PG Nice 275 1948 Dodge coupe good runner 95 WE BUY USED CARS ATWATS BEST RUTS AT MUTUAL OLDSMOBILA '59 Ruick 4 dr. sedan, Invicta, power $2995 Simca 4 dr.

Sed. Black 1893 '50 Buick conv. :.3293 Olds 88 4 dr. Power 9705 38 Olds. 98 dr Holiday, power $3105 058 Olds 08 2 dr.

Hdtp. Power 2005 Olds 88, 2 dr. H.T. Tower $2095 '37 Ruick Cent. Riv.

dr. Power 1997 '47 Buick super Riv. 4 dr. Power 2195 Buick R.M. Riv.

dr. F. Power 2195 '57 Buick super Riv. 4 dr air cond. 2395 '57 Olds S88 4 dr.

Holl. Power 2395 '57 Olds 98 Holi, Coupe Power 2493 Olds 888 Conv. Power 2393 '57 Olds 88. Holl Coupe Power 2195 Old: 4 dr. Power 1995 DeSoto 4 dr.

Power 1603 Olds 88 4 dr. Sedan 1693 37 Cadillac Coune De Villa '56 Cadillac 62 4 dr. All Powr. 2195 '56 Mercury Mntelr. Hdtp.

Pwr. 1695 Olds 98 dr. Holi Power 1695 '56 Olds 88 Holi. CoupA 1645 Old a 4 dr. Std.

ahlt. 1393 OLDS 68 4 dr. power $1593 '56 Ford dr. FOM V8 1193 Buick Super Riv. 4 dr.

Power 1505 '35 Buick Spec. 4 dr. 1005 '35 Ruick Spec. 3 dr. Don.

995 '55 Packard 4 Ar. Super 1095 35 Ford V8 2 dr. FOM 895 '55 Olds Choice of 12 From 1 29,1 Ply Conv. Like New 895 '54 Buick Super 4 dr. 995 ABOVE CARS ALL RECONDITIONED 10 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Oldsmobile or Studebaker Tube Job REG.

$1.50 NOT 750 1615 STATE ST. AT LOUIS MOTORS. INC. '53 Ford 9 WAgON FOM 795 '57 Ford F'lana med. loaded 1795 Raribler conv.

293 Ford 2 dr. clean 119.1 '54 Pontiac Catalina 843 Metropolitan hardtop Dodge hardtop loaded 1097 '56 Rambler Cross Cty. air cond. 1793 53 Pontiac dr. A.T.

1193 Rambler conv. auto. 45 Other Good Buys From $50 Up RAMBLER MART LOUIS MOTORS, INC. 595 Main St. RE 4-88041 AT RALPH D.

JONES 1950 BUICK 2 dr. Sedan 95 1972 RUICK Coupe 195 1931 BUICK dr. Sedan 30 1919 CADILLAC Dr. Sedan 1938 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Sedan 2195 1954 CHEVROLET dr.

Sedan 19.4 CHEV. Bel Air 2 Dr. 795 1953 CHEV Station Wagon 205 19.5 CHEV Bal Alr Fidtp. 993 1051 CHEV. Station Wagon 505 1938 DESOTO Firesweep 0695 1917 DESOTO 4 Dr.

Sedan 30 1918 DESOTO 4 Dr. Sedan 95 1933 FORD 2 dr. Sedan 295 1955 FORD 3 Dr. Sedan 19.34 FORD Dr. Sedan 495 1973 HUDSON 4 Dr.

Sedan 201 1973 PLYMOUTI! 4 Dr. Sedan 205 1951 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. Sedan 95 1935 PLYMOUTH 2 Dr. Sedan 797 1958 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. Sta.

Wag. 2195 1935 PLTMOUTH Station Wagon 895 1937 WILLYS Station Wagon 1895 Moat care warranty insured throughout the United States for one year from date of purchase. RALPH D. JONES, INC. Authorized Volkswagen, Borgward Dealer 721 Wortrington Tel.

RE 6-6301- AT GENDEN INC. SALES SERVICE Dollar for Dollar You Can't Heat GENDEN BROS, USED On Price Quality or Time T'aymenti PAYMENT AS LOW AS 88 PER WEEK 19R FORD Cnty. Sedan St. $2195 1937 BUIOK Century St. Wagon 2193 1977 OLDS 88 4 dr Hardtop 195A PONTIAC Convertibla 1 495 1916 CADILLAC 62 Sedan 2196 6 BUICK hiviera Coupe 15951 1955 MERCURY Convertible 1105 1953 CHRYSLER Convertible 805 1953 RAMBLER Station Wagon 595 1951 CADILLAC Hardtop Coure 593 50 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM FINANCE HERE IMMEDIATE CREDIT APPROVAL GENDEN BROS, 12387 Main St.

Tel. RE 6-5481 AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale AT AUTO BALES 321 ALLEN ST. TEL RE 6-9364 '57 BUICK Cent. 4 dr. hdtp.

papb $1895 CHRYSLER dr hdtp N. '57 DESOTO dr. hdtp pa ph 1950 CHRYS. sdn. DE ph 575 Guarantee -See drive 321 Allen St.


13 '35 STUDE. Itop. Auto. 45 FORD Con. 60 '51 FORD Sta.

Wagon 20 CADILLAC Conv. Continental, DODGE 4 dr. CHEV. Con. 47 FORD 2 dr.

PONTIAC 2 dr. NASH H. T. cpe. 30 LINCOLN Cpe.

Hydra. STUDERAKER Cpe. 27 MERCURY 2 dr. 15 FORD 4 Dr. 40 MERCURY dr.

CHEV T. Cpe. 53 STUDERAKER conv. 43 FORD Hardtop Cpe. '35 FORD Ranch Wagon '53 '53 CHEV.


like new $2105 19.8 CHEVROLET. 1707 1938 THUNDERBIRD, full power 3403 1938 2 Dr. Sed. 1693 1958 FORD Country Squire FOM 2199 1978 EDSEL 1350 1938 FORD Victoria 2195 1958 MERCURY dr. Sedan 1995 1977 DESOTO 4 Dr.

Ilardtop 1945 1977 FORD 2 Door Sedan 1145 PLYMOUTH JIdtop PS. PB 1693 1937 FORD Cntry. Sedan FOM 1190 19.77 FORD Victoria clean 1095 1950 MERCURY 4 dr. MOM Clean 1245 699 1956 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Sedan 19.6 VOLKSWAGEN conv.

1393 1956 FORD 9 Pass. Sta. Wag. 1377 OLDS 4 Dr. Hardtop 1043 1955 FORD Dr.

Sedan 790 1975 BUICK Hardtop Clean 1099 1953 FORD Victoria FOM 1913 FORD 4 Dr. Sedan 095 1952 OLDSMOBILE dr. sed. 199 AUTOMOBILE SALES CO. STATE ST.

ANNEX 1608 State St. at Pine Point RE 4-2251 AT CADILLAC HT. Coupe $3305 CADILLAC Conv. 3697 '57 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. 3590 '56 CADILLAC Eldorado conv.

0803 '56 CADILLAC "'62" Coupe 2193 CADILLAC Sedan 2345 CADILLAC Coupe 2145 2195 55 Sedan '54 CADILLAC Coupe 1793 189. CADILLAC Sedan Canv. '53 CADILLAC 4'62" Sedan 1015 '53 CADILLAC Coupe 903 '52 Sedan, PS 743 51 CADILLAC Sedan 343 '49 CADILLACS. 2 to choose from 1951 ORR'S BUICK BARGAINS 'ST Super Hardtop Coupe 82143 '57 Roadmaster Hardtop 2193 '56 Century 4 litop, nower equip. '36 Super 2 dr.

Htop. all pow. 1190 '55 Century, dr. litop 1295 Special dr. Htop 1095 '33 Roadmaster Conv.

Maroon. power 1195 '55 Rdmstr. Low miles 1195 '51 Special Sedan. A real buy New 693 '54 Century Conv. Cream, black top 805 034 Roadmaster Sedan.

All power 793 FORD 2 door 1390 PONTIAC 2 donr 795 PLYMOUTIT Hdtp. Coupe 1815 '57 FORD Station Wagon. 1805 IMPERIAL Htop Sedan 2493 LOW PRICED SPECIALS '53 DODGE door DODGE 4 door STUDERAKER Sedan 195 RUICK Hardtop '33 BUICK Special. Hardtop 495 STERLING A. ORR, INC.

NOVO AT Mill OUR Street NEW RE 7-2664 LOCATION AT CASEY'S CHEV. 2 Ar stan. $1195 '56 FORD Sta. Wag. 2 dr.

'56 FORD 9 pass sta. 1493. '57 CHEV. 4 dr. 6 cyle PG 1805 '56 PLYM.

Belv. 4 dr. Hdtp. 495 '57 CHEV. do edn.

6 stan. 1795 CASEY CHEVROLET "When you say Chevrolet Casey" 505 Memorial Dr Chicopee ALL SPECIALS '57 OLDS. 4 P. 8 P. S85 $1630 '57 FORD V-8.

FOM 1905 '57 CHEW, 4 dr. Power glide 1205 '57 CHEV. 1 dr. P. R.

1695 DESOTO 4 dr. P. R. 1095 VICTOR, AUTO SALES 2530 Main St. Tel RE 2-1270 AT MOTORS CHEY.

dr. Rel Air HT, TG. PS. 31995 '37 PONTIAC 4 dr. sedan.

Hyd. 2 tone. 1503 '57 CHEW. Sta. Wazon, PG.

RAH. 1495 37 CHEN. 210. dr. Heater.

A ryl, 1305 36 OLDS. Supper 88. 1397 hyd. PS PR. '36 PLYMOUTH Relv.

dr. Fdn. PF. V-8. 1790 PONTIAC dr.

893 PLYMOUTH dr. Savoy. RoH. PONTIAC PF. 2 "dr.

Reli 0 045 V-8. 945 055 FORD Fairlane Tic. cpe. V-R, FORD 2 dr. 8 cyl.

795 FOM. 005 '54 MERCURY 2 dr. Ht. MOM. TAT PS.

'54 DODGE Royal ar. PP. CHEV. 210. dr.

A cyl. 4 545 53 WILLYS Wagon, 545 8 rvl. on. FORD conv. cyl, 95 MOTORS INC.

138 Westfield West RE 0-2384 RE AT TOUNG MOTOR CO. 4 of Special Deals '58 Mercury 4 door Demo, Save $500 Edsel Ranger 4 door auto 98 Sedan Hyd, Power 2195 '37 Mercury 2 door H. T. Power 1 '36 '58 Mercury Mercury 2 Sedan. pas Station miles Wagon 1393 16.000 1495 '56 Olds Super 88 Sedan, Power Ford 300 Two door FOM RIM Buick Super Riveria Coupe Blue DeSoto Sedan, Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe.

r. G. Mercury Sedan, Hard Top AR Holiday Coupe, power Chev. 210 Sedan Blue 693 Word V-8 Crestline Green 695 01da 88 Sedan Std. Tran, 89.3 DeSoto Sedan, Blue 500 Cadillac 60 Special Sedan 1093 Cadillac Coupe De Villa Power 707 Buick Hard Top.


Hdtop. Pa PR. PG Air Ride 81493 CHEV. 210, 2. dr.

6 cyl. 159.3 FORD Country Sedan RAIL 2097 1797 '57 OLDS Hdtp. med. PS PR '56 OLDS 68 conv. ps PR 1695 FORD 9 ata FOM 1695 493 '53 PONTIAC dr '53 88 2 dr PR 795 BERSELLI SALES INC.

380 Main Wilbraham LT 6-3655 AT NEPALMA'S RAMBLER American 1635 '57 RAMBLER 4 dr PS FB 1895 RAMBLER Wagon 1893 PLYMOUTH Rely dr. 1605 FORD wagon 9 pass. 1495 $55 HUDSON dr 795 PLYMOUTH dr. 493 CHEV dr. 393 '31 CHEV.

dr. 95 9.3 '30 CHEV. dr. MANY OTHER USED CARS NEPALMA MOTOR SALES 595 Spfld. St.

(Feeding Hills) Agawam ST 8-4889-RE 3-7890 OPEN EVENINGS AT TEAGAN MOTORS Chrysler RF: 2-0002 Plymouth '17 CHRYSLER'Imperial 4 dr. 1. Top, air condition. Fairlane 8000 4 miles dr. FOM 1195 '58 FORD BUICK 4 dr.

Top power 1205 si CHRYSLER Windsor 4 dr. clean 813 DODGE Roval1 power 797 13 CHRYSLER Windsor tion P. 405 '51 CHEV. Deluxe 4 Glide 246 Bank Terms Open ti1 9 501 MEMORIAL AVE. WEST SPRINGFIELD BUICK 1952 door sedan special, standard shift, H.

This automohile is original, not a repaint In very Lor excellent shape throughout. mileage. will on terms to. private party. $13 down payment, $25 per mo: Full: price 8:95.

Call 2-5097. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 AUSTIN 1951. Tixcellent cond. $150. Call Palmer 753J.

BUICK '57 Convertible. Excellent cond. Original owner. all power, low miles. Munt RE 4-4250.

BUICK 1952 Special two door sedan standard and good tires. Right price at $295, GOOD BUY HERE MERCURY EDSEL DEALER YOUNG MOTOR CO. 510 MAIN ST. 42 YEARS RE 6-1769 BUICK 1955 Conv. clean.

good running. with full power, good tires, only $1095. Call RE 9-8151 anytime. BUICK 1937 2 Riviera Dynaflow. W.

W. $1830. Less than car lot. ST 2-0917 aft. 5 p.

mn. RUICK 1931 exceptionally clean. Al cond. R.H. Original $195.

76 Orange St. after 6 D. m. Buick '49 dr. $95 Ford '53 Victoria very clean, standard trans.

1 owner $395 Foreign Sport Car Broker, Whiting Hill, Rte 5, Holyoke, JE 3-2340, BUICK. '32-Green conv. 3250. JE 6-6377 betw. 9 A.

m. 12 noon. CHEVY 1956-2 dr. hardtop. P.

8., P. G. RE 4-9713. CHEVY 1956 dr. atation wagou engine.

P.G. Excel. cond. RE 9-4274. CHRYSLER 1953 Crown imperial sedan.

Full power. Low orig. mi. Very tine cond, Pyt. party.

67 Elmwood Holyoke. JE 2-8160, JE 4-3035. CHEVY '58, 2 dr. black, Bel Air hardtop. Heater, defroster.

radio. white walla, power glide, RE CADILLAC (4) dr. wed. Model 62. 80.000 oriz.

mi. New car cond. JK 3-1162 p. m. CHEVROLET 1058 Impala black with whitA top.

348 engine with straight atick. Sell in. node come body work. $1693. CAll Nick at Bob Varno Motor Sales, T'ville, 'Conn.

RI 5-3255. CADILLAC '53 CONV. Ivory and green. Power atmoring. Hydramatic, Radio, heater, power equipped.

Ready to roll, big And Amart. Now only $988 at Harold Kent Ford, Front Chicopee Falls. CHEV. '55 ex. 4 brig.

owner or '58 Plym. 1362 Piper W. CHEVROLET. 1935 Rel Air two door HArd Top V-8, Power Glide. red CreAm Radio.

Heater and White tires. Real fanny sport at realistic price. $1295 TE FINANCE RIGHT HERE MERCURY EDSEL DEALER YOUNG MOTOR CO. 510 MAIN ST. 42 YEARS RE CADILLAC '50 Coupe de Ville.

Very very nice cond. Low mileage. $695. JE 4-4539, JE 2-9600. CHEVY 1952.

Gond cond. $225. ST 8-6183. CHEVROLET 1954 2 dr. Bal Air.

auto. drive, good cond. $650 or best offer. RE CHEVROLET 1931 deluxe 2 dr. P.G.

ST 3-6517. CHEVROLET 1955, 210 4 6 standard transmiasion, very. VAry nice. 949 Bradley CADILLAC 49 4 dr. sedan.

Excellent condition. RF. NO 4-0486. 8-7410. after call Windsor Locks CHEVROLET 51, a 2 dr.

RE 4-0486, after 6 call Windsor Locks. NO 8-7410, CHEVY 51 convertible. Radio heater. Gond condition. RE 2-7814.

CHEV. '58 Bel Air, 3 dr. H. T. P.

Turbozlide, H. w. Clean. ST 8-7729. 1033 3 dr.

riv. all p. $495 CHRAPEK PONTIAC INC. 1955 Buick dr. sup.

h. t. all p. 81395 1955 Pontiac 2 dr. Very clean.

81295 $896 1967 Plym. 4 dr. helv. auto, 1975 Merc. dr Mom.

$695 1953 Mere. 2 dr h. t. Mom. $595 Also on hand' Naw Ronnevilles Catalina.

920 Front St. Chic. Falls, Mass. CHEVY 1956 hardtop sporta sedan. older Ex- car on cal.

trade cond. Suffield NO 8-2367. $1250. take CHEVROLET wood 4 Ar. Private owner.

Low mileage. 793 Memorial across from the Will Andy's Trailer Big R. H. Very clean. Int.

Ext. 1950 6 4 dr. sedan. New tires. 33.000 orig.

mi. RE 2-0043 CITY RAMBLER '58 RAMBLER Ambassador Push Button Drive, power steering Save $1200 $58 RAMBLER 4 dr. Station wagon owner. etc. Save 8600 syncro-mesh reclining seatS, '57 RAMBLER 4 door, reclining seats.

beds etc. $1395 '57 RAMBLER Station blue reclining seats $1793 '56 4 dr. Adan $1495 RAMBLER dr. sedan '54 RAMBLER Station Wagon $595 RAMBLER station WAGON 0295 CONTACT US FIRST RAMBLER CHOICES FOR SE BEST '55 CADILLAC Fleetwood. 32495 82195 CADILLAC full power 81495 CADILLAC Hardtop 56 CHEW.

4 dr. station wagon .81395 Power Glide '55 CHEV. dr Bel Air $995 '51 CHFV PG Ideal 2d car $295 CHEV. Bel Air Hardtop 8693 FORD conv. white.

full power. $2495 Continantal rear: tire mount '58 FORD Fairlane 500. full pow. $1995 $2195 FORD Ranch wagon, RAH FORD 2 dr. Custom $1795 '56 FORD Ranch Ranch Wagon 81298 $1098 FORD wagon FORD 2 dr.

1495 FORD door Fordomatic 3495 FORD DA AS. wAgOn $795 3895 MERCURY full power $1733 JEEP Station WAgON '58 M.G. door, mahogany interior $2295 trim '67 PLYMOUTH F. 5. 4 dr.

wagon $1595 BROS PLYMOUTH door $495 PLYMOUTHI Station '55 PONTIAC dr. air cond, 81193 '33 ONLY AT SPFLD'S Original RAMBLER Dealer CITY RAMBLER 093 Main St. (Near State) RE 7-5314 08 RE 9-1941 CUSTOMIZED 1955 Buick Roadmaster convert. All power electric. white wall tires, $1000.

LY rear end. ZEPHER gear trans, Best DRAGSTER '34 Ford frame, Locked offer. JE 6-6144. 6-7 p. m.

DODGE 1910, 4 dr. Very good cond. RE 3-1754. FORD 1935. excel.

In out. any Private owner. $775. Call RE 2-0425 tinie. FORD 1954 Club coupe V-6.

twin muf. flora, black, wiV. perfect cond. $595. Easy terma, Li 8-4101, LY 6-3628.

FORD '34 6 cyl, 2 dr, sedan, 2. $495. tone blue white. good cond. Easy terms.

1.1 3-4101, LT 6-3628. maintained this hardtop coupe in CADILLAC, 1951-Constant care cel. cond. Owner RE CHEV. Stat.

wagon 1949. Trice $150. LY 2-3300. CHEVY IMPALA convertible 1358 black. RE 0-3171.

CHEVROLET 1031-Tudor Sedan. An Runs economical out vary good -Weakend special 8 cyl, with Standard trans. Midway Motors Front Opp. High School Chicopee. dr.

cond. -Now only. and MidDESOTO 1933-Powermaster, 8. 6 el WA Motors, Front, St. Opp.

High School Chicopee. DODGE Sports Lancer hd. top tone. P.S., P.B., backup lights Padded dash, wiV'e. A clean family car.

ST DESOTO 4 dr. 8300 or best offer. See at 11 Merwin Apfid DESOTO 1955-4 door sedan, ont owner automohile. Low origina aniles, like brand new. Fully equipped Automatic transmiasion H.

Muni to hellave. Will well on tarma private party. $901 down payment per mo. Full price $1090. Cal RE 2-007.

FORD '58 V8 Power. Country Equire Excel. cond. Going overseas. fire Eves.

ST 8-7251. FORD 4-door sod. stand shift, al original, very clean in exceptiona condition throughnut. low mileage, real family car. will sell to privat party, on terms $10 down payment nor mo.

Full price 8800. Cal RE FORD Station Wagon, door, exceptionally clean one equipped with radio, heater. two-tone paint, ever. bit in out like new. Ready drive anywhere.

Will sell to privat FORD Country San 9 mo. Pull price $11.0, Call RE 7-070 party on terme down. $19 pa station wagon. FOM. JI, P.

R. Nice running cond. fender work. 8305 as in. RE 9-111 FORD '37 conv.

FOM. Low mi. a $1750. Palmer 803. FORD FORDOMATIC 2-DR Thin is a rare one.

Pretty and anar Blue and white, Radio and TVhite walls. Very clean in and nu We're priced it very low at 81898 Bank terms, too, See it at Harold Ken Ford, Front Chicopee Fe'la. FORD 1954 A cyl. Custom. RAH.

Stand trans. Excel. cond. Asking $795, Bee offer takes it. RE 9-0513.

A won title two over two 7-5. golf 137. for with tie of Bob son, to -a E. the be $. 1,.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.