Splendorous Tools Stage Four (2024)


Carrying on from your last upgrade, accept a new quest by speaking to Chora-Zoi in theCrystarium (X: 10.5, Y: 7.7) and begin the quest "A Tool without Compare".

As with the previous stages, by speaking to Quinnana in The Crystarium(X: 10.4, Y: 7.8) you willbe able to exchange your collectables for components(now called Brilliant Components in this stage).Gathering classes also continue to have the ability to use aetherial reduction on theircollectables to gain more items than by simply exchanging them.


Brilliant upgrades for Crafters

Crafting classes are required to craft collectables to exchange for Brilliant components.With a rating of 780-1299 you will obtain 1 component, whereas for 1300+ collectability youwill obtain 3. These crafts will require some degree of HQ materialsno matter your melds.90 Brilliant Components are needed meaning at the highest collectabilitytier you need 30 crafts per class. This is the same as the previous step.

Each craft uses a material purchased with White Scrips which can befound in the Other tab on the Scrip Exchange while speaking to Quinnana. Itwill cost you 60 scrips for every craft meaning 1800 white scripsfor 30 crafts. I advised in the previous stage to grab 60 of each item, if soyou will already have 30 of each available.

Click here for a crafting list i created for these tools.


Crafting Macros for Brilliant Tools

Below are some recommended rotations depending on if you areusing melded indagators or scrip gear. Your stats will differ from yourgearset due to using these tool, because of this everyone needs to usesome HQ materials. Scrip gear will generally need 2-3 while melded indagatorsneeds 1.

The first macro is for higher stats at 4005/X/594 + HQ Splendorous Tools Stage Four (1) Jhinga Biryani.I have written the control with an X because your exact control depends onyour chosen class and the HQ materials available as they have different contributions.3730 is a good breakpoint to consider to only need 1 HQ material and if your stats are high enough for thisrotation but my advice would be to test in trial synthesis and see what qualityyou have remaining at the end to see how many materials you need.

/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>/ac Manipulation <wait.2>/ac Veneration <wait.2>/ac "Waste Not" <wait.2>/ac Groundwork <wait.3>/ac Groundwork <wait.3>/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>/ac Innovation <wait.2>/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>/ac Manipulation <wait.2>/echo Macro #1 finished <se.0>/ac Innovation <wait.2>/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Basic Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Standard Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Advanced Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>/ac Innovation <wait.2>/ac Observe <wait.3>/ac "Focused Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>/ac "Basic Synthesis" <wait.3>/echo Craft finished <se.1>

This is our lower stat macro for players using scrip gear orcheaper melds with a stat requirement of 3907/3498/524 + HQ Splendorous Tools Stage Four (2) Tsai tou Vounouas well as a starting quality requirement of 3746. This means 2-4 HQ materialswill be required depending on your class. Other control stat points willwork fine, you will just need more or less HQ materials.

/ac "Muscle Memory" <wait.3>/ac Manipulation <wait.2>/ac Veneration <wait.2>/ac "Waste Not II" <wait.2>/ac Groundwork <wait.3>/ac Groundwork <wait.3>/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>/ac Innovation <wait.2>/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Preparatory Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>/echo Macro #1 finished <se.1>/ac Innovation <wait.2>/ac "Prudent Touch" <wait.3>/ac "Trained Finesse" <wait.3>/ac "Great Strides" <wait.2>/ac "Byregot's Blessing" <wait.3>/ac "Careful Synthesis" <wait.3>/echo Craft finished <se.2>


Brilliant Relics for Miner/Botanist

Gathering classes will need to gather two materials, collectables that you reduceor exchange for Brilliant components as well as Brilliant Crystals to be handed inat the end of the quest. The Crystals like previous stages continue to behidden so make sure to focus them when possible.

You will again need 210 of both of these items, with collectables giving one or threedepending on the collectability rating of 580 for 1 and 1000 for 3. With thisstep the minimum has increased to 580 while all previous steps had a minimum of 570. Thismay be something to keep in mind if you do not have high stats and barely cut iton the previous upgrade at times.

Splendorous Tools Stage Four (3)

However, when you use aetherial reduction on a collectable at 1000 rating, you havea roughly 10% chance to obtain a bonus of 6 instead. This means it isalways better to reduce your collectables both to save inventoryand to get additional items.

ClassCollectable 210(When Reduced)Hidden Item 210
MiningSplendorous Tools Stage Four (4) Connoisseur's Aurum Regis OreSplendorous Tools Stage Four (5) Brilliant Lightning Cluster
BotanySplendorous Tools Stage Four (6) Connoisseur's ClovesSplendorous Tools Stage Four (7) Brilliant Earth Cluster

Mining materials can be found in Kholusia (X:34.2, Y:28.5).

Splendorous Tools Stage Four (8)

Botany materials can be found in Amh Araeng (X:17.9, Y:18.7).

Splendorous Tools Stage Four (9)


Breakpoints for Gathering Nodes

These nodes introduce a more node bonuses and skill breakpointsyou may want to consider when planning your food. Do not forget you need toconsider these numbers after you have your relic equipped. These are:

  • 30-50% Boon Bonus - 3650-3900 Perception
  • +1 Integrity - 920GP
  • Collectable Skills Cap - 3919 Gathering.(Same as last stage)
  • Collectable Skill Proc Chance Cap - 4125 Gathering and Perception.(Same as last stage)
  • Scrutiny Cap - 3919 Gathering and Perception.(Same as last stage)


Advice for Gathering Nodes

Because reduction is always better for materials, inventory is nolonger a concern while gathering. When you don't have a usable amount of GP, three Splendorous Tools Stage Four (10) Scour willallow you to hit above 580 collectability (unless you have lower stats), and nettingyou additional collectables as your GP regenerates.

The most important thing is Cordial use. Splendorous Tools Stage Four (11) Hi-Cordial is themost efficient Cordial, and using it on cooldown will increase your yielddrastically.

Aim for the crystals when possible, because they are not always guaranteed toappear, but do not spend your GP on them. Skills that increase Crystal/Clusteryield do not work on these items.

Check out our gathering collectables guide for collectable rotations.

Gathering Collectables Guide


Brilliant Crystalline Relics for Fishers

Fishing classes will be tasked with obtaining two separate fish ascollectables, one for Rod components and one for Reel components. Quinnanarequires 80 of each Brilliant Component with different amounts of componentsbeing given based on your collectability.

This stage again gives you the ability to use Aetherial Reduction to breakthe fish down, rather than exchanging them. Much like with Mining and Botany,this has a roughly 10% chance to give you four components instead of two, improvingefficiency with no downside.

FishComponent OfferedRating for 1 ComponentRating for 2/4 ComponentsLocation
Splendorous Tools Stage Four (12) Oil SlickSplendorous Tools Stage Four (13) Brilliant Fishing Rod Component94 - 219220+Kholusia (X:29, Y:21)
Splendorous Tools Stage Four (14) Gonzalo's GraceSplendorous Tools Stage Four (15) Brilliant Fishing Reel Component47 - 109110+The Tempest (X:6, Y:13)

The bait for these fish is Splendorous Tools Stage Four (16) Select Bait Ball which can bepurchased from Quinnana.


Fishing Advice for Oil Slick

You want to use Splendorous Tools Stage Four (17) Patience II with Splendorous Tools Stage Four (18) Precision Hookseton Every '!' bite within the first 8 seconds of your cast.

If you have spare GP or Anglers Art stacks to use on Splendorous Tools Stage Four (19) Thaliak's Favor,you can use Splendorous Tools Stage Four (20) Identical Cast to catch another Splendorous Tools Stage Four (21) Oil Slick.

Up to the 8 second mark there are no other fish available. This makesit really easy to catch a large amount of this fish.

The following macro makes it easy to catch this fish, it is exactlythe same as other previous stages:

/ac "cast" <wait.5>/e 5 <wait.1>/e 6 <wait.1>/e 7 <wait.1>/e 8/ac "Precision Hookset"/micon "Cast"

It is worth mentioning sometimes that fish can bite slightly before the 5second mark because fish bites are not at exact seconds. If so, use Splendorous Tools Stage Four (22) Precision Hookset immediately.


Fishing Advice for Gonzalos Grace

Splendorous Tools Stage Four (23) Gonzalo's Grace's can be easily caught Splendorous Tools Stage Four (24) Patience IIregularly due to Gonzalo's appearing roughly 40% of the time making the fish quite common.

Splendorous Tools Stage Four (25) Gonzalo's Grace is available between 8 and 13 seconds. Every availablefish in the hole is a '!' so you will sometimes catch other fish. Mostly Splendorous Tools Stage Four (26) Yeti Crab whocan appear starting at 11 seconds.

I would not advise a macro for Splendorous Tools Stage Four (27) Gonzalo's Grace. If the fish bitesearly on it the cast it may get away before your macro hooks it. But you canuse a macro to avoid wasting bait, it will not catch every fishso you still need to pay attention but does guarantee you hookon the 14th second.

/ac "cast" <wait.8>/e 8 <wait.2>/e 10 <wait.1>/e 11 <wait.1>/e 12 <wait.2>/e 14/ac "Precision Hookset"/micon "Cast"



  • 19 Jul. 2023: Guide Added.

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Splendorous Tools Stage Four (2024)


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The final stage of your splendorous tools will end with a Lodestar tool. Through further Expert Crafting you will obtain the materials to upgrade your Vrandtic tool to an i640 crafting tool with better stats and a new glow!

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To Obtain the Relic Tools, we will need to complete a chain of Collectables turn-ins in order to obtain the 60 Resplendent Final Material required to exchange for the Resplendent Tool. Master Recipes VIII tab. Resplendent Material A can be purchased from the Crafters' Scrip Exchange (Master Recipes/Materials/Misc.

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The denouement of the story is the ending. It is the point where all conflicts have been resolved and leave the reader with closure. Denouement directly follows the climax and falling action of a story. Sometimes, it may be combined with the climax, though most often it takes place after an event.

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Inherently, every Hero's Journey is divided into the following 3 stages: Separation, Initiation, and Return.

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Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker now has its relic weapon, legendary tools made by Godbert Manderville and Gerolt, two masters of their crafts. The final forms of these Manderville weapons are the best weapons in the expansion, so it's recommended to make one for the job you main, and maybe more for other jobs you like.

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To get your Zenith Zodiac weapon, do the following:
  1. Buy 3 Thavnairian Mists for 20 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics each (60 Poetics total) from Auriana in Mor Dhona. ...
  2. Interact with the furnace to the left of Gerolt in North Shroud to trade your Zodiac weapon and the 3 mists in for your Zenith Zodiac weapon.
Apr 23, 2024

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Relic Weapons are obtained through the "A Relic Reborn" quest which is accessible to the player upon completion of the main story quest. The beginning quest is The Weaponsmith of Legend, although on completion, obtaining additional Relic Weapons does not require this quest to be completed again.

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According to George Herbert Mead's theory of the formation of the self, the last stage of development takes place when a person is able to take on the attitudes and expectations of the wider social environment, which is referred to as the generalized other.

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The final stage is the autonomous stage. This stage is characterised by few if any errors that are minor. An athlete at this stage of skill acquisition can think about other aspects of competition and not think at all about the skill itself.

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Stage 8: Integrity vs. Despair

The final psychosocial stage occurs during old age and is focused on reflecting back on life.2 At this point in development, people look back on the events of their lives and determine if they are happy with the life that they lived or if they regret the things they did or didn't do.

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The earliest stone toolmaking developed by at least 2.6 million years ago. The Early Stone Age includes the most basic stone toolkits made by early humans. The Early Stone Age in Africa is equivalent to what is called the Lower Paleolithic in Europe and Asia.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.