Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (2024)

Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (1)

If you were hoping for smooth sailing this August, you might want to take a deep breath. Unfortunately, some choppy waters could be ahead, because August is a month with “a lot of twists and turns” for the whole zodiac, says Donna Page, an Atlanta-based astrologer with a graduate degree in counseling psychology. But don’t panic just yet.

Mercury, the planet of communication, will move retrograde on August 4. And while the words “Mercury retrograde” might send you into a spiral, there’s some good news: You’re in control here. While this astrological movement can bring up communication or scheduling issues, if you stay open to these changes and speak your mind clearly, you'll be fine, Page says.

This period of retrograde, which will last until August 28, is a good time to reflect on any projects and contracts. Even if you don't necessarily make any changes, “this month is about rethinking what you want in your career,” says Page. “It’s about [identifying your] dream and ideal situation, especially with your relationship to health and work.” You'll also want to balance all your career considerations with a healthy dose of self-care.

As usual, there are some important astrological dates to note. On August 4, there will be a new moon in Leo, marking a time of new beginnings, especially when it comes to creativity and self-expression. On August 19, the full moon illuminates in quirky Aquarius, bringing even more creative energy to the month and encouraging an unconventional approach to tasks and life. On August 22, the sun moves from fiery Leo into Virgo, which is big, practical, organized, and “back to school” energy, making this a great time to check in on your personal routine, as well as your health and wellness goals.

What does all of this mean for your sign? Keep reading for Page’s full analysis.


Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (3)

The heat is turned all the way up this month, Aries. The sun is gallivanting in fellow fire sign Leo, bringing you a fresh surge of confidence. It’s time to just focus on your wants and have some fun! Consider diving into a new hobby–not as a way to make money, but just to enjoy yourself. If you were really into ceramics, soccer, or writing poetry as a kid, perhaps it’s time to get back to the kiln, field, or notebook. Whatever it is, returning to an old passion will bring about some inner child healing (plus, fun), which you need.

On the career front, you can expect some good news–maybe positive feedback, a raise, or even a new job opportunity. Stay open! When Mercury, the planet of communication, goes retrograde on the 5th, pay extra attention to work. Double check your emails, and make sure you're clear in your communication to avoid any misunderstandings. If you balance hard work with joyful downtime, this will be a great month for you, with lots of forward momentum.


Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (4)

Taurus, you’ve been booked and busy all summer long! It seems everyone wants you at their pool party, networking event, or co*cktail hour. While it’s been a fun run, make sure to get back to your routine this month. Venus, the planet that rules all things love and pleasure, is in detail-oriented earth sign Virgo this month. This is astrology’s way of kicking you into gear: While it’s good to let loose and have fun, this month is about reigning it in and getting back to business. Book those morning pilates classes, meal prep your lunches, and make sure you’re getting some solid REM.

You’ll need the extra Zs toward the end of the month because Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Mars, the planet of action, are both in your sign, in your house of money. This means big things are in store for both you and your bank account. Be prepared for plenty of financial opportunities ahead! Stay grounded and practical in your decision-making, and you can’t lose this month, Taurus.


Gemini, this month is all about yapping, which should be music to your ears because you love to talk. This August, it'll be more important than ever to express yourself and communicate your true desires to those you love. Mars, the planet of action, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, are both in your sign, supercharging you with energy and new ideas. The Leo new moon on the 4th also boosts your communication skills, making it easier than ever to ask for and get what you want, too.

Use your astrological powers carefully, and you can make moves in your career this month. But be sure to hold off on any major changes, like signing contracts or accepting a new position, until the end of August, when Mercury retrograde has officially ended. Lean into your creativity as you get through the next few weeks, and enjoy the ride!

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Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (6)

Money is on your mind this month, Cancer. Which, given the state of the world, makes sense! The Leo new moon on the 4th brings this home though, as you start to take a real look at whether your job is meeting your financial needs. If you’re barely making enough to pay the bills and you have no money left over for savings... it could be time to reexamine things. Take time to review your budget this month, and see if it’s the job that’s the problem, or perhaps your spending habits.

By the time the Aquarius full moon arrives on the 19th, your next (professional) steps will be clear. Listen to your intuition, and you'll find the answers. In the meantime, though, zhuzh up your resume and look into any courses that could help align your skill set with your financial desires. While this can all be a bit stressful, be sure you tend to yourself, too, Cancer. Meditation and sleep will be important for your emotional regulation.


Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (7)

It’s your birthday month, Leo, and you’re going to party it up accordingly! During the Leo new moon on the 4th, you feel even more in love with yourself than usual. Celebrate the good vibes and your birthday by indulging in something special: Perhaps there’s an outfit you’ve been eyeing, or you’ve been debating booking that deep tissue massage from the new spa in town. Whatever it is, you deserve a treat this month.

While you’re celebrating, make sure you keep your eyes open for any networking opportunities. This is an important time for you to shine within your professional circle; your natural charm and confidence will draw everyone into your orbit, allowing you to flex your skills. If you play your cards right, you could end this month more successful professionally and more connected to your friends than ever. Just make sure to take time for yourself among all of the exciting celebrations.


Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (8)

Virgo, you are feeling reflective this month. Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde (or moving backward) in your sign, causing some potentially funky feelings to arise. While it might be tempting to busy yourself and ignore your internal world, August is the perfect month to dive deep with journaling, therapy, or whatever you need to turn inward and get to the heart of how you’re feeling. Let it all out, Virgo, and you’ll feel lighter.

Around the 4th, the new moon in Leo has you wanting to plan an escape—and you should. If you can, book some time away by yourself to re-focus on your goals, health, and mental well-being so you can enter your birthday month calm, cool, and collected. You, as much as anyone else, deserve your own love and attention.

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Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (9)

Libra, life is all about balance for you. And this month, your focus is on balancing work and play. The Leo new moon on the 4th will bring with it a lot of fun plans with your besties. So, indulge in some late nights and giggles, but make sure you don’t lose sight of your goals. Venus moves into Virgo this month, prompting you to slow down and plan some serious downtime. This will be a crucial time of relaxation, but while you’re recharging, try to reflect on your goals. What do you want to accomplish this month? How about before 2025? Make a vision board or a plain and simple to-do list so you can make sure to tick off your goals as you crush them.

An important piece to success here will be your network, so after you’ve enjoyed your downtime, make sure to send out those check-in emails and grab co*cktails with your mentors. If you want to achieve all you have on your list, you have to take action, Libra! Now, go get 'em.


Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (10)

August is your time to shine, Scorpio. While you may have felt under-appreciated and undervalued in the last few months, August will bring a ton of opportunities to showcase your talents in bigger ways than you could’ve imagined. Shoot your shot, however that looks for you: Ask for that big promotion, or slide into someone's DMs. Take yourself and your goals seriously, and you’ll be shocked by how quickly things change this month.

Just make sure to be organized in your approach to this new era of success, Scorpio. Set realistic goals, and make time to plot out your schedule in a way that will allow you to accomplish all you're meant to. Your determination and resourcefulness will come in handy here as you set yourself up for the future.


Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (11)

It’s summery Leo season, and you are ready to play this month in all your fire sign glory, Sag. Scour the internet for some cheap flights and get away for a bit, either on your own or with your friends or partner. The Leo new moon on the 4th will highlight your itch for travel and adventure, so allow yourself to lean into your spontaneous side. This will help you be more creative through the rest of the year, too.

Then, the Aquarius full moon on the 19th emphasizes networking in your professional life. Get out there with friends in your industry and be your charming self, Sag! Opportunities are bound to flow your way. Focus on expanding your knowledge through experiences and connections this month, and you'll be golden.

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Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (12)

Think before making big moves this month, Capricorn. The Leo new moon on the 4th highlights your financial obligations. While it might be fun for you to scroll through LinkedIn and check out new job postings (you are a Capricorn, after all), make sure any potential opportunities align with your future goals... including your money-related ones. If you want to save for a down payment on a house, a car, or even rent, it’s important to have a solid financial plan that works for your lifestyle. Take a look at your spending habits over the last few months and see where you might be able to save a few bucks.

Once you have a budget in place, you’ll feel more relaxed and able to focus on your professional future. If you’re not looking for a new position, astrology still points to opportunities for growth (and perhaps more pay) in your current role. Stay focused, and use your grounded earth sign energy to help yourself get there!


Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (13)

You’re having a true "Brat Summer," and August might be your best month of 2024 yet. You are feeling more confident than ever, Aquarius, and it seems like new opportunities for friendship, work, and parties just keep flowing your way. Enjoy some deserved playtime this month, especially around the new moon in Leo on the 4th. Not only will you be enjoying yourself, but it’s likely you’ll make new connections who could bring even more opportunity into your life.

Then, the full moon is in your sign on the 19th, bringing with it unexpected and exciting surprises. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities, both personally and professionally. And with Mercury, the planet of communication, going retrograde this month, make sure you stay flexible and adaptable to changes. There will be plenty of them.


Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (14)

It’s possible that you are feeling a bit disillusioned this month, Pisces. This is only natural. You are an empathetic and deeply intuitive sign, and given all that is going on in your world (and in the world in general), it’s natural to feel overwhelmed or even disappointed. Luckily, August brings a new wave of energy to your sign, and with it, a new job opportunity. You will be recognized for all of your hard work, and people will notice your knack for creative solutions and big-picture thinking.

Then, the Aquarius full moon on the 19th encourages you to escape—plan a getaway or enjoy a solo adventure to recharge. Focus on improving your work-life balance by setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care, like hitting your yoga classes, step, or sleep goals. Use your intuition to guide your decisions and stay open to new possibilities. And finally, engage in activities that inspire and motivate you this month to keep your energy high.

Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (15)

Jacqueline Tempera

Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning writer and reporter living in New Jersey with her many pets. She is a business owner and a double Scorpio who loves all things astrology and reality television. She is passionate about body diversity and representation, mental health, and the fight to end sexual assault and harassment. To learn more about Jackie, follow her on Instagram @jacktemp or visit her website at

Self-Care Is More Important Than Ever This August, Says An Astrologer (2024)


Are astrology charts accurate? ›

In general, astrology is considered to be a pseudoscience by the scientific community. There is little statistical evidence that shows causation between horoscopes and the consequences in a person's life or those that may occur throughout the world.

Why is astrologer needed? ›

Purposes of astrology

The original purpose of astrology, on the other hand, was to inform the individual of the course of his life on the basis of the positions of the planets and of the zodiacal signs (the 12 astrological constellations) at the moment of his birth or conception.

What is astrology in understanding the self? ›

Astrology enables us to better understand ourselves. Our astrological signs help us learn about our personality traits, weaknesses, and strengths. This sense of self-awareness helps us grow and therefore become better individuals.

Why do people care so much about astrology? ›

A belief in astrology is, in some ways, a coping mechanism. Research suggests that it helps people make sense of things during times when life feels complex.

Is there any proof that astrology is real? ›

Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions.

Is astrology in the Bible? ›

The Old Testament is especially full of references to astrology and those who study it. A prime example comes from the book of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had a dream that greatly troubled him.

What does astrologer predict? ›

Astrology can predict potential life events and trends by gaining insights into your birth chart. For instance, upon studying the zodiac signs, planets, their placements, and houses, astrologers can tell about your character, personality, career, growth, potential challenges, and success in your life.

What is the most important thing in astrology? ›

Many see the ascendant as the most important component of the horoscope, because it also determines where you strive to be in life. The ascendant can give clues about your highest path, and it is said that you will be at your happiest when you learn to embody your ascendant sign.

How to identify a fake astrologer? ›

An authentic astrologer will most likely be less interested in taking your money from you. A fake astrologer will often be very interested in your money. Authentic astrologers are wise, humble and admit there is still more to know. Fake astrologers can often have a big ego, and think they 'know it all.

Does astrology tell the truth? ›

But some scientists say it's not real science. Let's see why. Scientists say astrology doesn't have enough proof to show it's true. Even though people have been studying it for a long time, there's no clear evidence that the stars and planets actually affect our behavior or what happens in our lives.

What do psychologists think about astrology? ›

Although many people believe that having astrological information about a person, such as their birth sign, can provide insights into their personality, there is an overwhelming lack of scientific support for this.

Are zodiac signs true to your personality? ›

It is natural to find yourself relating yourself to your specific zodiac sign, but everyone is different. The characteristics that each sign possesses do not correlate to a person's personality.

Why is Gen Z obsessed with astrology? ›

“Maybe it is because we, as a generation, are conscious about ourselves and often insecure about the future. Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot have become a way of validating ourselves. It gives you the feeling of watching a happy movie and maybe even reminds us to be cautious," she said. “Vibe-check is a thing now.

Which country most believes in astrology? ›

Most human civilizations – India, Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Rome, and Persia, among others – based their culture on complex systems of astrology, which provided a link between the cosmos with the conditions and events on earth.

Do people seriously believe in astrology? ›

Although it is well proven that astrology does not get things right, 27% of Americans and 23% of the French believe in it, while 46% of Mexicans feel that their horoscope is something important in their lives.

How true is astrology reading? ›

Astrology purports that astronomical bodies have influence on people's lives beyond basic weather patterns, depending on their birth date. This claim is scientifically false. Numerous scientific studies have disproven that astronomical bodies affect people's lives according to their birth date.

Why are astrology signs so accurate? ›

It all started when some astrologers had a great observation for a very long period; they kept noticing every minor change that occurred in the sky and hence ascertained it in the many astronomical observations, events, and calculations. All of this became easier with the advent of technology.

What is the most accurate astrology system? ›

Here at Mastering the Zodiac, we find true sidereal to be the most accurate zodiac system because it uses the original sky. We find that referencing the essential chart shows the essential self. We still find Tropical accurate in showing physical characteristics - being a seasonal system derived from the sky.

Which astrology is more accurate? ›

Indian Vedic Astrology is the most accurate in predictions. This is because Vedic Astrology consists of birth horoscope and divisional charts or varga charts to go into depth of the birth horoscope. Also Vedic Astrology consists of many dasha systems such as Vimshottari dasha , Yogini dasha etc.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.