Moving into the World of Streamers - Chapter 28 - TD23 (2024)

Chapter Text

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*


“you know… I never liked visiting you at the hospital…” you hear a familiar male voice alongside the steady, electronic beeping as you blink a few times in quick succession. Slowly, the light returns to your eyes. The white hospital lights are blinding you. You cough a bit.

“Buddy? Are you awake?” The voice gets excited, and you can feel someone gripping onto your right arm with both hands.


“Yeah! It’s me buddy! Can you hear me?”

“y..yeah.. umm.. w—w why? w-wha---”
You are still a bit disoriented, but then, like a flash of lightning, your fears and worries all come crashing back in.

TINA! AND THE OTHERS!! Are they okay?!?!” You jump to sit up in the bouncy bed.

“Yeah yeah calm down buddy calm down! They’re all fine! There was nothing there, no bombs, no gas, no nothing. Vileheart was bluffing. The detonator he used was just some radio parts and blinky lights put together, nothing that could even transmit a long-range signal” Mike calms you down by placing his hand on your shoulder and gently pushes you back down into the soft hospital bed.

You let out a relieved sigh as you sink back into your comfortable pillow.

As you relax, your attention is turned to a sudden commotion outside your rectangular room. Listening closely, you can make out some muffled voices. Angry. Desperate.

Suddenly, the door is shoved open and slams loudly against the wall, leaving a mark in the concrete. It was opened so forcefully that intruder has to stop it from ricocheting back into their face. Within the next four seconds your ears are filled with shrill voices. Your head starts to ring again, just like it did at your apartment.






“ARE YOU?!?!”



You see Rae, Leslie, Aria, Poki, Jodi, Tina, Syd, Miyoung, Jaime, Kyedae, Emi and Emma all flooding into your hospital room, with other girls trying to squeeze through the narrow door behind them. Their shouting completely overwhelms your barely awake senses, making you feel dizzy again.

“Oh my god what’s going on!! Why are you looking at the ceiling like that?!??!” Leslie shouts in a panic.

“Girls, girls! Girls please!” Mike makes a calming gesture with his hand, hoping to take the wind out of your girlfriends’ sails.

“That is why we told you to stay outside! He’s been through a lot and needs a calm environment to wake up!” an annoyed female voice comes from outside the room. You don’t recognize it. But everything is a bit distorted right now.

The spoken chaos returns as many women speak over each other, arguing with— or rather, screaming at— the uniformed guard positioned outside your door.

Mike sighs again, somehow managing to shut it all down.
In a soothing voice, he speaks: “Let whoever is closest to him stay in - or as many as can reasonably fit, and the rest will sadly have to wait outside.” He takes a breath, smiling warmly at your weak face as your eyes meet. “They love him” he states into the room. Then, quieter, he adds something with a sly grin, his words only intended for you. He chuckles friendlily as he whispers, adding a playful wink at the end of his tease: “I told you to live it up, but I didn’t think you’d get a whole Harem”

After a bit more rumbling, the girls already in the room get to stay, and the other party guests, including the guys, reluctantly have to stay outside. You noticed the heavy weaponry on the guard outside, and it looked like she wasn’t the only one. Mike really brought the cavalry…

Ok now what is going on?!?!?!?” Rae asks agitated.

Yeah tell us!!

“What happened?!? Who beat you up so badly??!?!”

“And why?!?!?!”

You raise your palms. “girls… please… I can’t speak if you’re all shouting at me…”

“sorry…” they all utter in unison. Yet they only say the phrase without actually stopping their nervous interrogation.

“Okay, so Vileheart came to my place to---” you start to explain.

“WHO IS VILEHEART?!” Jodi interrupts.

“The guy who tortured me”

“And why?!?!?” Miyoung and Tina both ask with a shriek so loud that anyone could hear it.

“because he wanted to get the prototype I---"

“What prototype?!??!?!?” Rae and Leslie shout, leaning their whole bodies into the scream.

You place your hand on your forehead as you shake your head, trying to focus despite their shrill volume.
“It’s the cure I developed for my disease”

“WHAT DISEASE?!?!?!?!?!?” everyone but Kyedae panicky screams in your direction. The girls are standing in a half-moon around the foot of your bed.

Kyedae lets out in confused agitation: “I thought you were misdiagnosed?!?!?”


Even Kyedae flinches now at the loud outburst coming from the other women.


You sigh defeated, not being able to sink any deeper into your pillow.
You look over at Mike, trying to get clarity on the situation: “…is it over? Are we sure? How long have I been out?”

He reassuringly places his hand on your right shoulder and smiles encouragingly: “yeah. It’s over. Interpol has all the evidence they need and as far as I know they are currently cleaning out their operation” “The secrecy is over. You can tell them”

You let out a relieved breath.
The room has become quiet.
Everyone is staring at you. Confused. And worried.

Once more, you sigh, sitting up in your bed, trying to find the courage to share the story.

“Is this the big secret you told us about? Back in the sex gym? The one you couldn’t share with us?” Poki asks with a surreal calmness. You don’t notice Mike’s questioning glance upon hearing this hottie so casually mentioning a sex gym in front of everyone.

“yeah…” you mutter. “I’ve wanted to tell you guys the truth about my past for so long… but I didn’t have the courage… I didn’t want to risk your lives…” you ramble on, looking at your bare feet hidden beneath the slightly greenish hospital blanket.

There is a deafening silence in the room.
The girls are all looking at you.

You sit there motionlessly in your hospital bed with a tingling pain racing through your entire body. A panic slowly rises within you as you picture how they will react. It’s a lot to take in after all. You’ve had the best of reasons to keep this secret, but does it matter? Will it matter?

You shut down these thoughts and focus.
You can see it all flashing before your eyes, like through an old-school camera lens.
You try to order your thoughts and get ready to finally tell them the story.

Your story.

You look back up and meet the eyes of your first girlfriend.
Reading your hesitation, Sydney warmly smiles at you. She lovingly says: “Take your time. Start when you’re ready :)”

Her loving voice fills you with strength.

You take a deep breath.

“…So, let me tell you My Story”

You make a brief pause.

“It all started when I got my final diagnosis”


“Good morning”

“Good morning” you reply to the pretty, brunette receptionist.

“Do you have an appointment today, Mister?”

“Yes, 11 o’clock with Doctor Whitman”

As the young woman checks her computer you take a moment to look around in the office. You did all the other examinations and tests at a different doctor and some at the hospital, so you’ve never been at this particular specialist.

It’s a pretty bland looking white room. The only visible wood is the bright oak on the receptionist table, and there is one large plant beside it, standing in a flowerpot on the ground. The plant is almost as tall as you and its large green leaves emit a somewhat quieting, calming presence. You look at them for a while.
There is a miniature version of it standing behind the receptionist as well, although this one is clearly made from felt by a child.

“Is all your data still correct?” the woman wakes you up from your trance.

“uh, ye—no, actually, I’m insured privately now”

“Okay… ah we got that already, you’re insured with Futu’R’us? As CEO?”

“Yes, that’s correct”

She smiles up at you. “Securing our future with BioTech Solutions” she repeats your slogan. “I can see your company building from my house” she sounds friendly, apparently wanting to make some conversation.

You give her a half-hearted chuckle. Well, I hope I’ll be securing my future…
“Yeah, Toys'R'Us was my favorite store as a child. I thought it would be a clever pun” you say with a sympathetic smile.

Before you can continue your conversation, you are interrupted by a *bing* and your name pops up on one of the blue screens.

“Door 4, alright” you say under your breath. “Nice meeting you!” you wave goodbye as you look for the right number on the doors.


“Good morning” you politely nod after knocking and coming in.

“Good morning! Please, sit down Sir.” The doctor greets you and stretches his hand out to point with a flat hand to a chair opposite of him. He is an older gentleman with glasses and a white beard, wearing a typical doctor’s outfit. His white coat is slightly wrinkled. He has a certain grandpa charm, despite probably being in his late fifties.

“Impressive Start-Up you have created here in town” the doctor praises you after you sit down opposite of him in a comfortable dark wine-red chair, one of those that you would expect to see in a pub in England, not necessarily at a doctor’s office.

“Thank you” you nod, keeping your answers short. Given everything you’ve heard from nurses or other health professionals so far, you aren’t looking forward to this discussion.

The doctor wants to start with some Smalltalk, however, noticing your demeanor, he stops himself and cuts to the chase.

With a deep sigh he begins: “There’s no easy way to say this, but…”

“…you have an immune disease. You “ f*ck

The doctor keeps talking, yet you blank out, your internal monologue going wild with two sides of your personality arguing with one another.

f*ck ff*ckk f*ck

Oh come on

sh*t… what the f*ck


What do you mean why are you reacting like this?! You knew!

YEAH f*ck I knew… but… I still had hope…

Bro you founded a whole company already to save you, you had no hope!

Yeah but I kept everything super vague! I always wanted to start my own company at some point, so it had nothing to do with that!

Yeah right… you kept everything vague because you knew something was wrong, but you had no idea what’s going on! You’re not a medical student! You watched some YouTube videos!

Come on! I had the doctors explain it to me!

Yeah right, and you understood that about as well as you’re listening right now

Come on, get it together, this is serious! You knew this was coming, now pay attention!



“… sadly, at this point we don’t know of any treatment that would work nor do we have access to any sort of cure.” “…” “The good news is that for the most part, you shouldn’t notice any major impacts in your day-to-day life… you may find yourself falling ill more frequently than usual, with flu and other infections becoming more common over time. Eventually, your weakened immune system will lead to health complications that could be fatal.”
“I recommend staying inside, not exposing yourself to---”

“How much time do I have left?” you bluntly cut him off. Your voice is cold, empty, and your body barely moves. Your eyes are glued to his face.

He looks at you sympathetically and sighs.
“…Based on these tests I suspect about eight years before your immune system reaches a critical weakness, but that does not mean you will die then. As I explained, your condition won’t kill you itself - at least not quickly. You are much more at risk dying of a secondary disease before that, although if you isolate yourself, you may live much longer.”

He hesitates for a moment, mulling over whether he should add this next part.

“Yet in any case, I doubt you will make it past 35.”

You fall back into your comfortable chair from your previous forward crouched position, letting out a deep breath, trying to accept his words.

“I know.. I’m sorry…” the doctor continues, avoiding your eye contact for a moment, looking at his pencil holder. It is a slightly transparent yellowish cup, with most pens being yellow or red themselves. Some green. Two of them are children’s pencils. One has a rubber elephant on top of a tiny metal spring, and the other sports a giraffe.

After some silence, you start speaking again.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t pay… I didn’t understand all of that. Could you summarize what’s wrong with me, in simple terms, please?”

He weakly smiles at you. “Of course, something like this is always a shock. In simple terms, despite your young age, …” he pauses for a moment, thinking up a good metaphor. “Despite your young age, you have the immune system of a fifty-year-old, and on top of that it seems that your body does not properly remember previous infections, meaning that it fails to create antibodies with which it can fend off diseases that you have already encountered more easily. This means that no matter how often you catch a cold for example, it will always be as bad, and if this development trend continues, it will actually get worse, and… eventually, you will die.”

“.. of a cold?”

“Of something. Side effects maybe. Your airways might get so irritated that they start bleeding due to excessive coughing. In the worst case that may lead to suffocation, or…” he stops and gestures with his hands that he doesn’t have a specific answer for you.
“This is a very rare case, you will probably become a case study… but I don—” he stops himself, realizing his inappropriate attempt to deflect from the somber mood.

“you don’t have a lot of hope?” you quietly finish his sentence.

“…” “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”

“..” “That’s okay.” you respond.
“Could you… could you walk me through everything, how it all works, with my immune system and all that, in detail, please?”

He hesitates for a moment, looking at his computer screen.
He seems to be guiltily debating something in his head, yet then calls his receptionist to move his follow-up appointment to the afternoon and then looks at you again. Clearly, your discussion will take some time.

“Alright, so, from the beginning” he weakly smiles at you, showing you your file which contains all the tests, hospital records and what not since you were first admitted at age fourteen.


Leaning back in your chair, taking a deep breath and rubbing your eyes from exhaustion, you say: “so.. if I found some way to jump start… maybe boost my immune system, then… then I could live a normal life?”

Clearly not used to having a patient like yourself and seemingly getting desperate with his answers, the doctor replies: “If you did that, then yes, but as I said, there is nothing on the market capable of doing anything like that”

With your hands on your head, you stare at the ceiling.


not yet…


“but… you were misdiagnosed, right?” Kyedae repeats her earlier question when you pause for a moment.

“Misdiagnosed? What do you know?” Jaime looks at Kyedae.

“What?” multiple girls let out.

“How could you keep this from us?”

“That doctor sure wasn’t subtle…”

“That’s insane!!”

The room breaks out in chaos.

“What does Kyedae know?” Jodi points at the young girl with her thumb while looking at you.

You stutter: “I… at a weak moment I shared that I was sick once with her, she was telling me about how it feels to think you’ll die before 25, and I felt like I could relate”

“But you didn’t share this with us?!?!” Sydney accusingly speaks out.

“I’m sorry I…”

“So were you misdiagnosed or not?!” Kyedae interrupts you, restating her earlier question, stomping on the ground with her right foot to show her adamance on getting an answer this time.


Panic fills the room again, and you as well.

You try to speak, but get cut off once more.

“So are you dying right now?!” Tina, Rae and Leslie all worriedly ask the exact same question. You chuckle quietly and smile for a moment at their identical intonation, stance, and tone. However, your smile quickly fades when you notice Miyoung nervously biting her fingernails in the corner. You feel saddened by her obvious concern. You are her first ever love, the first one to ever love her, and even just the thought of losing you must be hell for her.

Speaking as clearly as you can, you state, for everyone in the room to hear: “I am not dying right now” unless the internal bleeding gets me

Mike nods at you, signaling that he thinks you are handling this situation well. He remains mostly quiet, judging that it is best for the girls to hear all of this from someone they know and love deeply.

“But how?” “So what happened? Why—why did that guy beat you up??? Why did you keep this secret???” Tina worriedly asks, looking at you with big eyes, almost crying. Emi stands beside her and looks similarly distraught, unable to even speak. You can see her lips tremble as she tries to hold back her tears.

“Please girls…” it pains you to speak and see them like this. “The story isn’t over…”

The room gets quiet, and you continue telling your tale.

“So pretty soon after that, I specified in the papers what I wanted to do with my company and got a proper staff together. My father left me a pretty large inheritance which my mother smartly invested, so I was able to start off big”

“I hired Mike, a guy I knew from university, yet didn’t consider a great friend back then. Still, he was qualified and nice enough to manage the logistics and all that so it made sense to keep him around, plus, he seemed to really like me and… well, I enjoyed his company… since I didn’t have anyone else, I confided in him”

You hesitate briefly, bad memories surfacing as you relive these starting days. “But progress wasn’t as quick as I would’ve hoped, - surprise surprise - curing an incurable condition is difficult – and pretty soon I found myself running out of money


“Really Mike? In a Strip Club?” you breathe out exhaustedly in a judgmental tone as you take a seat next to him at the bar.

“Heyyy man! Good to see you!” he overenthusiastically pats you on the back. “Here, let me order you something!” he prepares to wave down the bartender.

“Mike…” you tiredly groan, looking at him in a way that takes the wind right out of his sails.
Your eyebags are dark, showing your sleep deprivation after spending another thirty-hour shift in the lab or at the hospital to undergo some experimental treatment.
All in all your face just looks… sad and… lifeless.

Trying not to ignore your physical state, Mike continues: “Buddy, trust me! Having the meeting here will be great! It’ll get the investors in a good mood and it wouldn’t hurt you to lay eyes on some pretty ladies!” he nudges you, his tone filled with suggestive enthusiasm. “When is the last time you’ve had sex? Since you broke up with---”

Mike…” you sigh, tiredly.

“Come on man, live a little!” he adamantly tries to remain cheerful. “Everyone needs to let loose sometime, especially you with your….” Mike stops himself by clearing his throat. Looking visibly uncomfortable, he puts his shallowly filled glass of scotch on the dark wood table and avoids your gaze.

You shoot him an accusative look and let out another judgmental sigh.

“Mike..” you begin with audible annoyance in your voice.

“I know I know man.. it’s just, with your condition and all” he pleads, waving his hands through the air in an attempt to convey his helplessness, fear and desperation. “we don’t know how much…”

He is cut off by a sharp movement of your flat hand whistling through the air.
You aren’t hitting anything. Your gesture is more like as if you were cutting through a thin thread with a blade attached to your fingernails.

“I’m gonna find a cure Mike.
I’m gonna find a cure.”

“Yeah… I believe you man” he takes a sip of his drink, audibly swallowing and biting his lower lip. “I believe you.”

Silence fills the space between you two, before he eventually gets back to his earlier suggestion.

“So.. are you gonna… y’know… get busy with any of these ladies?” “How about her?”

Frustrated and exhausted you collapse onto the table and bury your face in your arms just as the bartender arrives to take Mike’s order. “umm, make it a double for him please” Mike and the bartender exchange a look once the young gentleman wearing a light-grey vest raises an eyebrow about your physical condition, yet due to his friendly relationship with Mike he agrees to bring you the drink.

“There you go” the bartender says as he pushes the glass against your forearm.

“I’ll pay for him” Mike reaches out and once the bartender leaves with a grateful nod, Mike pats you on the shoulder again.

“Come on buddy, the investors won’t be here for another hour, something about delays. You have some time to wind down, just.. please… try to have some fun... I mean. I get it, you’re an optimistic dude, but..” he lets out a desperate chuckle “you want to try your hardest… and you don’t have to do it here of course but like… please, please enjoy life a little bit… just in case…

Without smiling, you slowly look up at him: “so… what kind of people did you order here anyway?”

Mike gulps.


Sooo?” “Did you get it on with any hot strippers???”

“POKII!!!” the whole room snaps at her, making her flinch. “That is what you’re focusing on?!”

“Whaaat?!” “This is some heavy stuff, and I feel like we could all use some hot lusty action to listen to while we process this whole thing! Personally, I’m mentally not even out of the doctor’s office yet! And how close are we to Mike at this point? He seems to know everything, yet you don’t seem pleased to hang out with him!”

You don’t catch Mike’s reaction to that, and after a brief period of rumbling most of the girls seem to agree that a little break wouldn’t hurt, and they all look at you questioningly.

“Um… should we take five?” you inquire, confused about what they want from you.

Emi sighs gigglingly, now in a much more relaxed mood than before, even though you can see the dark trails the tears have left in her makeup: “Nooo. Did you f*ck a stripper?”

“n…no?” you hesitantly reply, still confused about the nature of this interruption.

“What? Not even a lap dance??” Leslie asks with way more energy that you have.

“I… d.. during the meeting… I did have…”

“great! Tell us about that!” Poki eagerly suggests, getting Aria to sit in her own lap.

Mike shoots you a questioning glance. You mouth: “Emi’s a nymphomaniac, I can’t defend the rest” and shrug utterly confused. He suppresses a laugh, hiding his smile behind his fist as he acts as if he were coughing.

“Go on!” Emi urges you to continue.

“I was gonna skip that part but…” you sheepishly begin.

It was so quiet… so serious.. and now they wanna…?

I guess it would give them some time to process, something they may not have to pay too much attention too…

Something to relax a little… lighten up the mood…

I guess it’s not too bad of an idea

“i could describe it, i guess”

“In detail, please!” Emi requests, taking a seat on the hospital bed and letting her hand travel up and down your leg. Her gentle fingers feel comfortable as she taps them playfully.

This is so f*cking surreal…. I thought they’d be in much worse of a mood…

…maybe they just haven’t processed it yet…

..i hope they have… and that they just… that they’re just… okay with it…

oh please…
let them be okay…

with me…


“So you got some guys from --you don’t know where-- and hope they’ll invest in my firm?”


“And they are willing to meet you at a strip club?” you continue summarizing what Mike told you, ticking all the dubious circ*mstances off with only your voice as if you were holding an imaginary checklist.

“They suggested it, actually”

“They suggested it” you repeat after him in a tone that clearly questions his decision making.

“Yeah” Mike plays over it, looking away from you while your pounding head still rests on the table.

“And you think…”

“Okay buddy” clearly annoyed, Mike turns back to you and lightly places his hand on your neck. It’s surprisingly cold.
“You need a lot of money to fund your research and by going public with your company, even if it was just to get more funding, you are now responsible to create profits, at least on paper” Mike explains.
“If you want to see the investors happy, and get more investments, you need to report a net gain” “If you want to pump all that money into your research though, without going bankrupt or having to sell even more independence, then you can’t be picky about whose money you’re taking!

You sigh.
“…i guess you’re right” you defeatedly admit. “I’m sorry Mike, I’m…”

“just tired, yeah, I know” he scratches your neck before patting your back. “Like always. You overwork yourself so much, I’m telling you… you won’t die of any immune disease, you’ll die of exhaustion”

You release another deep sigh. “Mike, I’m a f*cking programmer, a robotics engineer, and I have to rush through years of medical research to find some sort of way to cure something which real professionals haven’t managed to do!”

Under his breath, he murmurs: “yeah, because your condition is so rare that no one is looking for a cure, it’s not worth it financially…”

“what did you say?”



“In this sleep deprived state I made a decision that would turn out to be one of my best ones, although it didn’t seem well thought out at the time at all”


“y’know Mike, you’re right. If this meeting goes well, I’ll make you Vice President as a reward for your creative problem solving!” you let out half asleep, your voice muffled as you speak into your elbow.

Mike just looks at you.
Not knowing how to feel, he simply lets you sleep.


“Hey man, wake up! They’re here!” Mike shakes you roughly and quickly gets your shirt presentable before leading you to four people in black suits. One is a very round gentleman, white, probably of European origin, while another is an Asian man with black hair and a slim figure. The third man has blond hair yet is oddly wearing a black mask, and the fourth is a woman with stunning red hair and eyes that give you serial killer vibes.


“Thinking back to it, I really should’ve ran, but that week I think I had gotten fifteen hours of sleep in total”

“yeah yeah get to the good part!” Poki interrupts, playing with Aria’s dark sweatpants. Her comment earns her some sharp looks from Miyoung and some of the other girls, however Jaime and Emma seem very much on board.


Mike leads the five of you into a somewhat secluded, round area, covered by a red oriental curtain. There is a circular, red couch surrounding a round wooden table with some drinks on it, and pretty soon five stunning ladies in varying degrees of clothing enter the sphere as well. You barely notice it, yet they are all given yellow earplugs by the red-haired lady, presumably so they wouldn’t hear anything of the meeting.

Pretty soon, you feel the blue, soft silk fabric of a blond stripper’s bra squish against your skin as she rubs her perfectly round boobs across your face, and when her slender hand suddenly grabs your slowly growing erection it sure is a wakeup call for you.

Y’know! Maybe Mike was right holding it here!… even if it wasn’t his idea… it’s sure good to make me pay attention!

…although one could think their intention might be something different… a thought creeps into your mind as your eyes attentively follow the most perfect pair of titt*es you have ever seen up to that point. And Mike was right. You haven’t had any female attention in ages.

Be it because of sleep deprivation or pent-up horniness, Mike’s voice soon drifts into the background as he establishes himself as the one handling the financial matters while your sleepy face gets massaged by somewhat firm yet comfortably soft boobs. The strippers hand glides down to your crotch as she gracefully moves to sit on your leg, straddling your left thigh, and she releases a happily surprised “Ouh!” when she finds your growing co*ck. You don’t really register it though, being enamored by her chest.

In the background you hear the voices discussing the important matters you should be paying attention to instead of the stripper’s breasts: “So, what kind of research is it that you want us to invest in?” the heavier gentleman inquires with a dark tone.

“Our focus certainly lies in the medical field; however, we are currently branching out and funding smaller companies to diversify our holdings and thereby increase our worth” Mike explains, trying to be as vague as possible.


“At this point I just knew he was working on a cure, I didn’t really understand the specifics of it yet” Mike interrupts your story. Some of the girls are listening attentively, appearing deeply invested in the plot, while others seem more interested in learning about your past in general than in caring about specific parts of the story.

He turns to look at you sitting in the bed, joking: “Heck, I may have not really understood it to this day”

You endearingly smile at him, and then continue retelling the events.


The stripper moves to straddle your hips, rubbing her tiny blue triangle panties against your crotch as she lifts your chin to make eye contact with you. For a moment there, when she scans your exhausted eyes, it feels like she experiences genuine sadness – not pity - for you, sensing that something was wrong. Yet it may have just been a trick of your tired mind.
After rubbing her wettening puss* along your twitching shaft for a while, she turns around to proceed with her lapdance while giving you a nice view of her plump ass. She makes slow, sensual circles above your long member, and when you look up from her butt for a moment you meet her eyes as she looks back, and she smiles at you. It feels genuine. Like she likes you.

Well, I mean it’s her job to make desperate fools like me fall in love with her… didn’t think sex workers would actually get turned on tho… or is it just water down there? Ugh… who knows… I just wanna sleep… but I can’t… I wish… You yawn.

“Your buddy here doesn’t really seem to be paying attention” the Asian man lets out. It seems as if Mike has managed to establish a less formal tone between you all while you were… distracted.

“Well, his duties as CEO and head researcher can be very demanding” Mike explains. “I assure you, his current state is only an example of how hard he is pushing himself to provide maximum value to investors like yourselves”

Your guests nod and grin at each other, either agreeing with Mike’s statement or agreeing that he is a good advocate.

Your co*ck is throbbing beneath this woman’s touch, and she is definitely aware of how close you are to creaming your own pants. Her hips are moving faster once she turned back around and her arms are wrapped around your neck, pulling you in closer. As her lips approach, you feel like she is coming in for a kiss, yet your face stays blank as you know it’s just a tactic to tease you and probably against club rules. Your face is too exhausted to move regardless.
Also, it wouldn’t make a good impression to these people to start making out with a stripper. …f*cks sake I’m not making a good impression getting this distracted in the first place… but I… I just can’t focus… You suddenly break out in a cough attack, quickly turning your face away from the woman as you cough into your elbow for more than thirty seconds, barely being able to breathe.
Everyone in the room looks at you concerned, having stopped their discussions after your coughing didn’t stop.

Hm” one of the potential investors lets out, possibly catching on and weaving through Mike’s more or less carefully constructed web of half-truths.
“Is he going to be okay?” the round man points at you, yet you are too focused on catching your breath to respond with more than a quick nod, which makes your head hurt from the fast motion.

“Yeah…” Mike lets out worriedly, momentarily dropping his guard. The stripper in your lap also seems concerned while the girls not facing you haven’t stopped their dance, their earplugs preventing them from hearing you struggle.

“Well” the large gentleman stands up, and the others follow his lead. The killer-eyed lady never sat down in the first place, she just guarded the entrance. “I think we’re certainly interested in working with you. You two seem like… individuals that know how to strike a good deal” he shakes Mike’s hand.

You don’t see his sly facial expression as he says this, so you just think while wiping your mouth clean of the blood: good job mike… i.. i’m so grateful to have you here with me… what would i do without you… *cough* *cough*

“We’ll discuss the details in a more private setting. We will be in touch. Pleasure talking to you here”

“Goodbye, thank you for your time” you manage to weakly let out and make eye contact. They all nod at you respectfully, although not quite sure what to make of you.


“What is your impression of him?” The masked man asks outside as the four of them get into their black limousine.

“I think he’s a mad genius. The coughing guy, I mean”

“Really?” the woman lets out surprised, clearly not having a high opinion of you.

“Yeah” the round man doubles down. “I mean obviously the other guy did all the talking, pretty sure they’re really good friends, but he gives me determined vibes that one.” “Judging by his physical state, I bet he’s willing to do anything to achieve whatever his goal is, even kill himself from the looks of it. Probably was only there cause he’s the CEO, if we’re honest, he probably should have slept, but I bet he would have just worked in a lab instead”

Agreement comes from the two other guys as they nod at each other.

“If we can get him on our side, keep him happy… or better yet, just control him! then I’d wager he will make us a lot of money, gentlemen… and I bet he won’t care how we fund his projects either”

“The boss will be happy to hear that” the masked man replies, scribbling something down on paper.


Once they’re gone and the strippers have left, Mike helps you up. “Buddy, are you ok?”

“Yeah” you pant, hiding away the blood covered cloth you wiped your mouth with.

“These cough attacks are getting bad…”

“I feel like my whole body is betraying me” you let out, not really in response to him.

“You need some rest”

“I need a cure” you snap back with a certain finality, shutting down this discussion that you’ve had with him countless times before it even begins. He just sighs.

“Can you walk alone?”

“..yeah, thanks” you let out remorseful, feeling guilty about your harshness.

He takes a deep breath and opens the curtains, ready to walk out of the private, circular chamber.


“yeah?” he turns around, looking at you with pitiful eyes.

“..Thank you. I couldn’t do this without you” you say in the most genuine tone he’s ever heard you speak in.

He smiles warmly.
“Your welcome”

When you both walk outside, the woman that previously danced on you comes up and exchanges a few friendly words with you, giving you some compliments on your looks and handing you a yellow sticky note with her number on it. It’s clearly improvised, the digits hastily scribbled down.

You are plenty confused by the interaction, yet Mike seems exceptionally pleased by it.

“Look at you, a real ladies man even when you’re half asleep!” he hypes you up, friendlily shoving your shoulder. He’s back to his usual energetic self. “So, are you gonna call her?” he asks you after she left.

You give him a look, think about it, then sigh.

He opens his mouth, breathing in. Getting ready to make a point.
You can tell he wants to convince you to do it, yet he stops himself before the words even leave his mouth. Instead, he just exhaustedly sighs before he drives you back to your lab.


“As requested… I didn’t go into too many of the business details” you start speaking again after giving them all a brief moment to process the told events. During this break you give a heartfelt apology to Mike for your behavior back then.

Miyoung, and surprisingly Emi, also scold the other girls for their behavior. “Pay attention! This is serious!” the usually introverted girl forcefully stomps on the ground.

Mike seems genuinely touched by hearing about how thankful you were of him already back then. That meeting was the moment after which you truly became friends, although one has to admit that you never really said it, and you weren’t the greatest friend. In fact, at times, you were so distant that he wasn't even sure if you considered him a friend.

“In the end, as you can imagine, nothing too major was discussed in the club anyway. It was just a first meeting, that seemingly went very well”
“Mike didn’t tell them too much about my work, yet in a subsequent meeting they still agreed to invest a large sum of money, which should have been suspicious, yet we didn’t question it since it was what we wanted. Over time, the company value skyrocketed.”
“They also provided some more employees to work under me, which I found very generous at the time, yet in hindsight I realize that they were mainly there to keep an eye on me…”
"But it wasn’t until two of them came into my lab one night while I was on the brink of a breakthrough that they revealed how they were truly funding my research. That's also when they found out what I was doing."






You double check the results.


I mean it’s not exactly what I wanted but this is SO CLOSE!!!
“HOLY f*ck if this works I’ll be able to completely control my immune system via app!!” you let out loudly in your excitement, celebratorily throwing up the stack of papers in your hand on which some test graphs were printed.

“That sounds promising”

“huh?” You turn around, spotting two men who have entered the lab through the light grey double doors.

“Uhhh oh, what time is it?”

“About four in the morning”


“Why are you here?”

“You needed money. You requested us.”

“ four o’clock?”

You talk to one of the men while the other picks up the sheets of paper, reading them interestedly.

"Umm, those are…" you begin to speak, but you don't know what to say that would make sense. After all, according to your agreement, they get full insights into your research, even though you have limited most of it until now.

“So, you are experimenting on yourself?” the man not reading the test results points at an IV line still sticking out of your arm. You used it to get some blood samples; it seems like you forgot to detach it.

“uum… yes..”

“So what was it about this immune system you said?” he steps closer, his voice sounding somewhat threatening.

The other man responds: “I think he’s trying to control it with some sort of nanobot. Seems like it’s supposed to boost its functionality”

“Interesting” the first man slyly replies.

You only now notice that you recognize neither of them. That isn’t really unusual though, you barely spend time with your employees, especially those sent by your biggest investors. It’s just something about the fact that you barely know anything about them. But in the end, you didn’t care what they did. You just needed the cash.

You gulp. “Can I please have those back? I need to double check some things”

“Of course” he casually hands you the stack of paper, not seeming interested in keeping them. He got what he wanted to know and didn’t even have to try.

“Y’know” the first one begins with a hint of superiority. “Would you say that if something can, in simple terms, turn something on, it would then also be able to.. turn it off?”

Not immediately catching on to his metaphor due to your sleep deprivation, you reply as if you were talking to a fellow scientist: “I… I suppose so? In the end, in most cases, especially with machines, the methods to turn something on or off are fairly similar, so it would make sense that one implies the other, even if not specifically intended”

He smirks maliciously, yet you are too lost in your thoughts to notice since you haven’t really considered this possible use case before. How…. How did I not think of that?

…what is happening to me?

You briefly stumble as you stand there motionlessly, quickly catching yourself on the edge of a table and then sitting down. The room has been spinning for some weeks now. It feels like your time is running out, so you’ve pushed yourself even more than during the last few years. The lack of sleep is certainly starting to affect you more and more. But I’m gonna pull through… I’m so close… then I can rest… sleep… relax…

maybe get a life… what would that be like? A wife?

*snap* *snap* *snap* *snap*
“yeah I think he’s out of it” the first man says, turning around to his partner who just shrugs.

“Nono I’m paying attention” you quickly let out, remembering that you need something from them.
“So about the funding…”

“Yeah yeah you’ll get it. We’ll bump up your sales, inflate your shares, it’ll look like you’re the richest man alive” he laughs with a hint of malice.

“…w-what?” you let out confused. Your headache forces you to face down at the dark grey floor, rubbing your eyes with your fingers. You hear someone release a chuckle as they observe your struggle.

You suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder as one of the men in suits kneels in front of you. You stare at him, looking pretty out of it.

“You just keep doing you, and we’ll worry about the money. If you do a good job and head in the direction I think you are heading, this can be very profitable for you. Remember why you’re doing this. You still own a lot of the shares, and once you’re done, you can sell them. And hell, for that thing, I’m pretty sure we’ll pay you a good penny on top of all the ‘funding’ as well” he laughs again as he makes air quotes around that word.

“huh…?” you’re simply too confused to respond, and they both just laugh, preparing to leave.
“what do you… what do you mean??” you stand up, sounding quite worried. “I.. I wanna know what you…” you grab the edge of the table as you begin to cough once more.

While you still struggle, going down on your knees for balance, you hear their voices, as if they were cutting through a thunderstorm, yet it all feels so surreal.

“You can’t do this alone. We know it, and you know it.”

“There is no room for negotiation here. Don’t question it. You have no choice.”

“You have to work with us anyway, or… well” he scoffs. “A man of your intellect, I’m sure you can imagine it” he mocks you with a sly smirk as both men clothed in their grey knock off suits walk out the dimly lit room.

what… what…? what’s going on? what just happened?... mike?


A deafening silence lingers in the air as everyone processes that heavy scene.

Mike takes over covering the financial reveal for now: “It turns out that those men funded his research by creating fake purchases through subsidiary companies. These companies repeatedly bought our products from one another at increasingly higher prices. As a result, this inflated the market price and boosted our share value.” He snaps his fingers for a moment while he searches for a simple metaphor the girls may understand better. “It-- It’s like how people scam others through NFTs! Like they trade with their friends to make it look like the NFT is selling a lot, but really no money is lost for them, and then they make a profit when some idiot falls into the trap and buys it – but none of them buy it back” “They not only did this with physical products, but with the shares themselves too”
“Still, it was barely enough. This guy here was quite the black hole for money” he jokes as he nudges your shoulder, trying to lighten the mood yet failing.

You look into the room full of girls, trying to gauge their reactions.

“So… your money… it’s all fake?” Sydney asks, looking equally worried and confused. In her eyes you can see that her brain must be hurting right now.

“No! The money I now have is real” you quickly reply, trying to calm her down. “I made that through legitimate sales, although of course the value of the shares was way higher than it probably would’ve been” you admit.
“I also sold some smaller businesses, for example, one produced household decorations like artificial plants and another notable one sold flavor packages for drinks. These were not the only ones, but some of them were sold separately before this all went down, so their profits remained mostly unaffected”

Ignoring the money issue, Miyoung finally speaks up, clearly a little scared: “So, why did you run away? What did they want??”

Seeing her in this nervous state, your first instinct is to hug her, but your arms won’t lift to invite her in.
Instead, you offer her a warm, calming smile. At first you just fake it, but when you see how it positively affects her you actually feel a warmth growing inside of your chest. Miyoung, I love you so much
“I’ll get to that in a moment” you promise, before continuing where you left off.

“Over time it was getting more and more clear that they wanted to abuse my invention - and pretty soon they didn’t even try to hide it anymore. They were trying to convince me to join them permanently, saying I could gain riches beyond belief with their support – I think for some reason they thought I was in it for the money. Maybe they couldn’t fathom the idea that I just wanted to live, or maybe they didn’t figure out why I was really doing this. Maybe they thought all my symptoms were from sleep deprivation - or maybe they just didn’t think about it… I really don’t know.” “Sometimes I feel like they thought this whole scam was my idea, by the way the spoke, how they tried to convince me…”

You pause briefly.

“We had some pretty big arguments once I had completed the final version of the prototype, but as the name indicates, it wasn’t a completely finished product nor properly tested. However, on paper, it was functional. They wanted access to the blueprints so to speak, yet I had moved the important documents onto a private network sometime in the past, having a hunch about their intentions. This meant that they couldn’t access the blueprints and other information on their own. They were pretty pissed, although not in a position to use any violence… yet.” “After one informal meeting with their, or technically my staff, and a subsequent visit from one particular employee, it became pretty clear their patience was running thin. Consequently, Mike and I decided to flee.”


“You need to give us the blueprints to we can start mass production. This is going to take years, we need to start early if we wanna see profits by our forties” he explains his point with visible annoyance.

“I’m not giving them to you! Are you insane?! That’s not why I’m doing any of this! How could you even suggest that?!?? I mean you’re SICK!!” you walk up and down the room before falling into your chair.

“Why?” He just laughs. “Why not?!”

You slam your hands on your mahogany desk, getting up again from your black CEO chair. “BECAUSE I HAVE MORALS FOR f*ckS SAKE!” you scream at an Asian man with black hair, dressed in a business suit.

“Morals don’t make money!” he retorts equally annoyed. “What were you thinking when you started dealing with him? That it was just going to be some family friendly science experiments? ARE YOU THAT NAIVE?

“f*ck YOU! AND GET THE f*ck OUT OF MY OFFICE!” you say in a threatening tone, clearly intimidating your opponent, although he tries to hide his fear.

Attempting to show his steadfastness he tightens the buttons on his suit and says: “You will come around. You knew what you were doing when you signed that contract, and you are willing to go through with it. You just need to convince yourself!” with that he turns around and leaves the office slightly too fast to convey a well-composed employee.

You punch the air and fall back into your chair. “f*ck!

The room falls silent for a few minutes.

With a much calmer voice, you ask your trusted Vice President: “What are we going to do about this?”

Mike sits down in a chair across your desk, visibly defeated, resting his head in his palm while rubbing his forehead.


“I don’t know man..”


“We can’t let this happen.” You say with a shiver running down your spine. Your suit is getting awfully hot, so you loosen your tie to get some air.

“I agree. What were you thinking when you met with them? He’s not wrong y’know, are you that naive?”

“Apparently I am… I thought we could increase our profits… the investors have been on my ass the last two quarters..”

“But we’re doing fine! We’re up 20%!”

You bang your fist on the desk again. An empty dark blue coffee cup with the company logo falls off and shatters on the ground.

“IT’S NOT ENOUGH!” “It’s never enough with these people… you know that.”

Mike sighs. “I know… but this? Come on.. you’re a smart guy you could’ve---”

“I could’ve could’ve could’ve – I f*cking know ok! I messed up, that’s on me!” you say with an annoyed anger.

Mike just looks at you.

You take a deep breath. “I’m sorry. It is not your fault.”

“It’s fine. We worked together for a long time, and I hope you consider me a friend too, because I do. Whatever you decide, I’m with you.”

A sliver of hope returns to you.

“Thank you, Mike. I think I might have an idea….”


Seeing the need to explain you continue: “We had some real investors, that is who I was referring to during my annoyed outrage. Sometime earlier they wanted more financial growth, so I went to those who seemed to have the biggest effect on that and asked them for more money. While before they kept their schemes somewhat subtle, I think they took that as me having figured out their doing and encouraging them to do more. I think that’s where their belief came from that I simply wanted more money”

Mike adds: “And I was out of line scolding him… you. I’m sorry, I was pretty scared being involved in something like this, even if I didn’t let it show… plus I was projecting my own guilt onto you that I harbored for bringing them on…” he looks at you rather than the girls. You just give him an understanding nod, signaling that you forgive him.

“oohhh” you hear the room let out.

“Sorry, I don’t quite get it… what were they trying to achieve?” Leslie asks curiously, sitting leaned forward with her elbows on her knees.

“Yeah, you didn’t answer Miyoung before, but I think it’s getting really relevant!” Jodi supports her friend.

You gulp, taking some time to respond.

“You remember how it was said before that the prototype could boost the immune system, but probably could shut it off too?”


You pause again, and then decide to just bite the bullet.

“With the obvious health benefits that the testing suggested, they were going to advertise it to the world as a ‘cure-all-solution’ kind of deal, and then basically give it to everyone at a fairly cheap price.”

“but that sound really good?” Tina naively interrupts.

“You didn’t let me finish” you say with a serious yet sad tone. “Once everyone had it in their system, which according to their projections would have taken between ten and fifteen years, they would have implemented an exorbitant yearly fee for their services – and since the nanobots couldn’t be removed – failure to pay would result in a complete shutdown of one’s immunological system, essentially meaning a death sentence.”

Several girls release a gasp while others are too shocked to even do that.

Your instincts tell you to play over it and quickly continue, yet your conscious tells you that you’ve kept secrets for long enough, so you stay silent, awaiting any questions.

It was probably foolish of you to expect that they could process it all that quickly, so after a few minutes of silence Emma gestures you to move on, and Emi and a few other girls agree. I guess they’ll ask more at the end of the story.. I hope I am not overwhelming them here…

Clearing your throat, you continue: “As I said, Mike and I decided afterward that I would destroy all evidence of the prototype and we would run away. Go into hiding until we could figure out a way to deal with it all.” “Getting the police involved was obviously brought up, but it is pretty tough to sell the idea of ‘hey, these people want to blackmail the whole world with this completely new thing that I cooked up in a lab’ and also, legally speaking, it was much more likely that we were going to go to prison due to their financial shenanigans. Even if we had nothing to do with them, as CEO and Vice President we were still the main profiteers, so any jury would probably assume that we orchestrated the whole thing somehow, and perhaps were trying to frame them to get away scot-free. Especially if the CEO, me, was smart enough to cook up a cure for an uncurable disease all by himself. Combined with the reasonable desperation I presumably would have had once it came up that I needed the money to save my life – yeah, looking guilty as heck there” you drift off a bit from the story, not having intended to go into so many details.

“Anyway, as you can tell, there were a lot of aspects to be considered, including our own culpability”

“So we ran” Mike bluntly adds.

“The plan was for this all to go down quite smoothly. We would claim that we simply wanted to retire with the money and that they could have the prototype once it was finished. However, they clearly noticed that something was going on”


“They wanna meet with us? Why?”

“Well we’re in the final phase of development and they clearly want the blueprints. I’ve been denying them for a month, clearly their patience has run out…” you worriedly let out as you and Mike ride the elevator to the top.

He sighs, knowing the answer yet still asking the question: “Remind me again why we are even going to this meeting? We are ready. We have all the documents, you got the prototype in the car, right? So why don’t we just run?”

You shake your head sympathetically, knowing well how nervous he must be. “First of all, my documents are not ready. I don’t have a fake passport or anything, if we ran now, I’d have to use my real name. And secondly, if we don’t show up, they are sure to look for us. I’m hoping this way they won’t notice our disappearance for another week or so, giving us some more time”

Mike lets out a deep sigh again. “Hey but..”

“Cut it out, game face now” you assertively cut him off a mere second before the elevator *ding* signals your arrival at the top.

“Step in gentlemen” two armed guards open the door to what used to be your office.

“Welcome” the boss turns around in your former chair, sitting behind your mahogany desk. He has grey hair and looks quite old, despite him only being in his late forties.
He is clad in a greyish silver suit, his face creased with numerous wrinkles that give him the air of a movie villain. Sitting behind the desk, his signature smile seems even more dangerous, lifting only the left corner of his lips, while his hands form a menacing pyramid, adding to his unfriendly demeanor. You only met him two other times: once when you asked for more money and once when he attempted to bring you into a permanent partnership.

"I see you sold your shares" he gets straight to the point. He tries to conceal his obvious frustration with you and attempts to maintain a friendly facade, yet fails.

Quickly justifying your actions, you respond: “Well, you and your men said once we were done with our work, we could retire with the money”

“I did say that.” he states with no emotion.
“Well then, I’m sad to see you go. You are a valuable asset as you know.” he stands up but doesn’t move toward you.
“Now. You have hidden the booster from us and locked us out of the network. Given that we now own the most shares in the company, I think it is only right you return access to all of your research. After all, it is company property” he continues in as neutral of a tone as he can manage.

You can see Mike slightly shiver next to you. The men with guns behind you are not adding to either of your confidence.

Ok… I can’t make this too easy. They know already I’m strongly opposed… I need to sell that I’m giving up and just want out…

“I’m gonna need some guarantees” you state.

“Which?” he instantly drops his facade and just looks at you like he wishes to strangle you with his bare, weathered hands. His desire to hurt you is surpassed only by his greed. He needs to keep you functioning so that you can make him even more money. Even now, he is still convinced that he can use you. Nevertheless, a part of him would feel relieved if you just vanished, at least temporarily, so that you couldn’t interfere with his plans any longer.

First, don’t mention either of us in this. It is not how we want to be remembered”

He shakes his head dismissively. “Whatever, we’ll scrap you from the files, not like I care about that”

“Second one is pretty obvious, don’t kill us with that app. Mike didn’t take it, but you know I experimented on myself”

He suppresses a smile and theatrically, yet unconvincingly throws his hands up into the air, almost playfully feigning his innocence. “Of course not, we’re not murderers!”

You don’t comment on that.

“Also, you will make a lot of money from my invention. Give us a cut.” You boldly demand.

He raises his eyebrows questioningly. “After all the money we gave you, you want more?”

Sticking to your guns, you counter: “You know very well all that you did was run some trading schemes. You barely suffered a significant loss”

“Selling those shares wasn’t enough for you, huh?” “greedy f*cker” he mutters despite secretly smiling.


Finally you show your true colors… I knew you were just in it for the money… wanted to rise the price, eh? Sleek bastard…

But I respect it. Wouldn’t have done it any other way.

He reaches out to grab a checkbook.

With this you can buy yourself a f*cking private island and we’ll never see each other again. The world thanks you for your service. He slyly grins to himself as he fills it out. He then hands it to one of his guys who hands it to you.


Mike’s eyes go wide once he sees the number. You keep a blank face.

“Split it between you two, I don’t care” he shrugs nonchalantly.

“No. Put it straight into my bank account” you say. “We both know how.. trustworthy you are with money. What’s to stop you from cancelling this right after you got what you want?”

He grimaces. He doesn’t seem to have the energy nor the desire to argue with you though. Clearly, he just wants this to be over. You’ve vexed him enough. “Fine..” he lets out and sits down in front of his PC.

“what are you doing…” Mike whispers to you.

“trust me”

By this point, both you and Mike have already transferred your funds to a Swiss bank account to avoid traceability. Knowing your fake IDs wouldn't be ready, you gave Mike a large portion of what you had, keeping rather little for yourself, confident that when this moment inevitably arrived, you would get it back. I just hope I can transfer it within the next week before we leave

After an excruciating long silence, the boss turns back toward you. “So, all done. I even sped up the process, the money should be in your account already.” He speaks, clearly displeased with you. Gritting his teeth, he adds: “And it’s impossible to undo the transaction, I informed the bank. Look.”

You check and nod, ready to turn around. “Pleasure doing business with you”

“Hold on”


“Time to release the blueprints, and hand over the protype.”

You hesitate. “Well, I don’t have it on me, clearly” you show him your empty pockets.

“Unlock the servers with your phone”

You grin, knowing that him accessing them will open up a permanent backdoor for you. Just in case you need it sometime.

“Of course, I’ll do it on my way down” Mike and you turn back around, eager to get out. Hoping he will just let you leave, you add “I have the prototype in my car. I’ll bring it up immediately”

“Jacobs, go with them. Help them carry it” the older man says, clearly suspicious, and you curse beneath your breath.

“Yes Sir”

Mike and you exchange a glance and walk quite speedily to the elevator, managing to have the door close behind you before this Jacobs guy could enter. “HEY! HEY!” he bangs his gloved hand against the door, certainly drawing attention.

“He’s just gonna get into the other elevator!” Mike shouts at you.

"Yeah? Well, we better run when we’re downstairs then!" you inadvertently mock him, caught up in the adrenaline of this rapidly escalating situation.

“This wasn’t the plan! We’re supposed to have another week!!”

“Well we don’t, clearly! Unless you wanna give them the prototype?!”

You both snicker at one another, clearly distressed.

After a brief back and forth the two of you take a slow, calming deep breath and stand there in silence for the remaining twenty seconds of the elevator ride, letting your situation sink in. Contemplating your options.

this might go very badly… we didn’t test the emergency route…

at least I have my bed close to the airport already… i can hide the prototype in there…

…f*ck, Mike…

we might never see each other again….

"Time for plan B" you let out coolly, your voice devoid of emotion. Beside you, Mike, equally focused, nods while facing forward as the elevator doors finally part with a sharp *ding*. Without hesitation, you both sprint toward the waiting car.


“Take a right here!” Mike practically screams from the passenger’s seat while holding a map in his hand. While the emergency route was planned out in principle, most of that went out the window when the guys behind you started opening fire and hit your car’s GPS. After that, you decided it would be best to lose your pursuers first instead of making an obvious beeline to the airport. Now, with only one car left behind you, Mike navigates you back from who knows where you ended up to a spot you scoped out two weeks ago.

You make a hard turn. The tires are screeching across the asphalt, yet your car doesn’t lose its grip. You turn in between two narrow buildings into a long alleyway.

“STEP ON IT!” he shouts, and you do, quickly accelerating to over 70 miles per hour. You know this part of town and the entrance to a highway is just on the other side, but it requires a jump from a ledge to make it.
You know it’s possible, you planned it, mathed it out, this was your emergency strategy after all.
You just never actually tested it.

Are they still behind us?!?!?!” you anxiously scream. The rear-view mirror is broken and Mike turns around to look at the shot-through rear window. “Yeah!” he responds.



You know he’s right.




You both take some deep breaths, standing in front of a window, looking out at Mike’s plane.

“that was intense” he lets out, panting with his hands on his knees.

“yeah…” you agree.

Pretty soon you both break out in laughter. You don’t know why. Perhaps the adrenaline is leaving your bodies or some kind of defensive mechanism is kicking in when you realize that this is most likely your last goodbye.

And then you stop laughing.

You bite your lip before you speak. “So… this is it, huh?”

“yeah…” Mike lets out, equally unbelieving.

“Good luck, you have enough money, right?” you ask nervously, ready to give him some more.

“Yeah yeah man.. more than enough… but I’m not about to buy a big ass mansion in Singapore right now” he jokes, trying to lift the mood, yet not even convincing himself.

“Yeah.. maybe not the best idea…” you jest.

“but you should totally do that” he replies.


“Dude, you’ve been living in a tiny lab for your entire twenties, give yourself something! Honestly. I know we need to hide and all, but you might only have a few years left.” “Did you even take the prototype yet?” he quickly adds.

“No…” you admit, taking a green vial and a syringe out of your jacket pocket. “I was gonna take it after you left..”

“Do it now” Mike insists, gripping your forearm. “Just in case you collapse or something. I don’t want you to d---… be alone”

You stare into each other’s eyes for a moment and then noddingly agree.

“Okay… you’re right..” you make some preparations and pull up your sleeve to inject yourself. You wince slightly as the needle pierces your skin. There’s a reason you didn’t go into medical school. Your hands are shaking. Hopefully I hit a vein…

“So?” Mike looks at you questioningly, still holding onto you.

“Nothing. It’ll probably take some time. The app isn’t online yet either…”

Since Mike is clearly getting nervous, walking in a circle with his hand on his forehead, you grab his shoulders to calm him down. “Mike, the tests were fine. I’m gonna be fine. Don’t stress yourself out too much or once you’re in Singapore and have a calm moment you are barely gonna remember any of this”

Mike laughs. “Bro, I’m so stressed out I’ll be happy if I remember my new name!”

You both share a laugh and then embrace each other in a heartfelt hug.

An airport announcement interrupts your goodbye.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a final boarding announcement for passengers traveling on flight SG202 to Singapore. The aircraft is now ready for departure, and we kindly ask all passengers to make their way to the boarding gate. Please ensure you have all your belongings with you, including passports and boarding passes. Once again, flight SG202 to Singapore is now boarding. Thank you for choosing to fly with us, and we wish you a pleasant journey."

“…” you take a deep breath.

“I guess this is it”

“Yeah” he looks intensely into your eyes.

Lacking better words, you simply say, with obvious sadness and a tear almost running down your cheek: “Have a good life”

“dude… don’t say that” Mike tries not to cry. You are no longer hugging, yet still holding each other’s shoulders.
“I’m sorry I brought those people into your life…” he stammers, but you cut him off.

“Without you I might be dead by now. Thanks to you I have a chance to live. I’ll take your advice, I’ll live it up, I promise… just in case


“I promise” you nod at him.

“Okay man..” he takes another deep breath. “Goodbye”

He grabs his bag and quickly turns around, ready to walk away.

“Oh, Mike!”

“Yes?” even faster than he spun away, he turns back around.

“Here, don’t forget the burner phone. In case of emergency, call it.” “Only in an emergency” you emphasize that phrase again.

“yeah…” he pants, nervously taking the black phone from your hand.

You both swallow and look at each other.
And then instinctively hug again.

A few minutes pass before you open your eyes and look out the window. “Mike, don’t miss your plane”


You look after your sprinting best friend and just smile, a tear running down your cheek.

I hope you have a good life… and I’m sorry for all of this…


“And… six weeks ago… I called” Mike says, wiping a tear from his eye.

“I was caught by some Norwegian guy called ‘Lars Eriksen Halden’, but luckily my fiancé saved me. Apparently, he stopped by her shop some time ago, looking for me. So we both prepared for this event once she told me. Most likely he got suspicious when a local shop keeper said that she didn’t recognize an obvious foreigner that frequents her small shop, yet that didn’t make him any more cautious it seems.”

The room is completely silent. All the girls just stare at you two.

Knowing they are either waiting for more information or that they are too stunned to speak, Mike continues: “She works for Interpol, and even though we both swore not to involve anyone else in this,” Mike moves his thumb between the two of you as she speaks, clarifying who he means. “she, well… she figured out that something was up with me and threatened to leave me if I didn’t share. She was much better than me at hiding her own secret. Until after I confessed everything I had no idea she was an undercover agent. Once I shared the story, she revealed her occupation to me. She called her boss and switched her assignment. We stayed in Singapore while they collected data using the backdoor your boyfriend placed all that time ago, and with my insider information they slowly built a case. That case got much stronger once Halden came to our hose to capture me with force, and after some interrogation, he sang like a bird.”

Mike pauses for a moment to give everyone time to process and ask questions, but the girls remain motionless. Feeling a bit uncomfortable with the silence, he continues.

“Turns out that Volkov was indeed trying to kill Sydney, not you, like you thought” he turns to you, having revealed this information earlier to you but simply restating it for everyone.

“He wanted to scare you. To show you he was serious by killing someone right next to you and then capture you in the chaos, yet as you all know, he failed.”
“The plan was to torture and force you to recreate the prototype. If that didn’t work, they intended to simply kill you for revenge and to keep you silent. Same with me. Apparently, someone tried to run you over with a car and grab you off the street in broad daylight, but when that failed too they reconsidered their methods.”

Yours and Aria’s eyes snap to each other when Mike mentions the incident from your first run together.

“Since you destroyed all evidence of the prototype and broke some vials in your lab for them to find, they assumed it was destroyed – until apparently you slipped up at a trial” Mike throws you a glance. You shrug guiltily.

“Then, after the trial, their plan changed. Suspecting that you still had it somewhere, they came up with a less violent option, although, clearly it wasn’t without violence” he points at your injuries. “They had Volkov and Bennett killed by Vileheart, to make your boyfriend feel safe. They wanted him to feel like the immediate threat was over.” Mike continues addressing your girls. “Vileheart is the one that did all of this” he restates this fact as he moves his index finger up and down your beat-up body.
“They wanted to use his connection to all of you to blackmail him, which almost worked, since he gave up the prototype” a grin grows on his lips.

“Luckily, Halden is a pretty high rank in their organization, so he knew all of this, and he’s a super selfish man. It took way less convincing than expected for him to agree to testify, although, that’s just what I am told. I wasn’t there during the interrogation.”

The silence in the room somehow becomes even quieter.

“Anyway… as you might know, your boyfriend destroyed everything except those five vials he hid under his bed, meaning there is no way to recreate the prototype except by maybe reverse engineering it”

“I’m afraid that is no longer possible” you join in the explanation. “To be honest, I might have destroyed the prototype anyway. I don’t want to risk it falling into the wrong hands, and even though they’ve done a lot for us.. I don’t know if Interpol can be trusted with the safekeeping of that type of power…”

Mike nods slowly yet understandingly. You aren’t finished though.

Suppressing a chuckle, you continue: “I might have destroyed the vials, if someone else didn’t do it first”


With a slight grin, you look at Leslie. “Do you remember when Emily said ‘Make me scream, and shout, and let it all out, and then do the same thing to Leslie until we’re all blablabla and all your glass items are broken’”?

“…nooo? Sorry.. you kind of f*cked my brains out that night, I don’t remember mu--- oh.” Leslie looks around the room. While you censored the naughtiest part, she feels comfortable enough to share – until she realizes it might not be the best setting.

“Regardless” you rescue her by talking again. “Let’s just say countless high octave sound waves over the last couple months have finally taken a toll on the -not so sound isolating- vault in my bed. The remaining vials were all shattered when I did a routine check the day after that threesome.” “There is no way to remake the immune booster”

This is a half-lie though. Even though the vials are gone, all this time you still had a copy of the complete blueprints, including the code. On paper. Untraceable. Hidden away. You destroyed these shortly after Mike called you – afraid that Vileheart may somehow find them – yet obviously you learned them by heart. They hold the cure to your life-threatening condition, obviously you couldn’t let this vital information get lost.

Additionally, despite it being impossible to know without further testing whether your creation really cured Kyedae’s cancer, helped, or did anything at all, you know it can do a lot of good. Throwing it all away just felt wrong. It is your life’s work, after all.

If you ever discover how to make it a temporary treatment, you want to help heal the world. However, as long as you can't remove the nanobots once injected, there's no way to safeguard against potential malicious hackers or other criminals.

Nevermind all that though, you’ve kept secrets long enough. Once you are out of the hospital you are determined to inform the girls about all this. You want them to know. You trust them with this.

Changing the topic, Mike continues: “Anyway, with Halden’s confession, Vileheart’s attack and some of the data, Interpol is confident they can take down the whole organization. My fiancé will pull some strings to have mine and your boyfriend’s name pretty much removed from the whole ordeal, since in the eyes of the law neither of us are really innocent. But given the circ*mstances, she’s assured me we’ll get off as clean as possible.” “Also, buddy,” he turns to you. “The hospital found some.. interesting things in your blood. Interpol will be making those disappear as well. Don’t worry.”

You nod at him gratefully. There’s no way they can reverse engineer it with just that, right? The bots would be damaged…
“Can you make sure they are destroyed? All the records of it too?”

“I’ll try.”

He’s clearly not happy about your mistrust, but he understands it.

You look at the girl’s expressions, trying to decipher their faces. You spot Tina, clearly trying to formulate a question, yet no words dance across her beautiful lips.

“Tina? Are you alright?” you worriedly ask her.

“w-w-.. what?.. what?” is all she can say, but a lot of the girls simply nod in agreement of her flustered state.

You understand that this is heavy. You emphasize with them.

“Okay, first, I love you.” Despite the circ*mstances, you can observe your words having a calming effect on your girlfriends. Even those who you have a more casual relationship with seem soothed by your tone.
“Let me summarize the most important points for you all” you offer, and the girl’s gratefully nod.

“All my life, I have gotten sick very easily. After many tests spanning multiple years, I was diagnosed with an immune disease and given roughly eight years to live.” You pause, watching the girls nod, signaling that they understand.

“I had suspected something like this, so I preemptively founded a company which would later help me finance research for a cure. I was working day and night on this and pushing my body to its already fragile limits. Without Mike, a guy I knew from university, I wouldn’t have managed any of this. And over the course of that adventure, he became my best friend.” You nod at him appreciatively, and he warmly smiles back.

“Since I was a black hole for money” you joke, using Mike’s phrase from the earlier explanation “he searched for investors from all over the world, and made an unlucky pick”

“Sorry” he apologizes, but you make it clear that you don’t hold it against him anymore and also emphasize that he should know this by now.

“As I said, I worked day in and day out until I eventually developed a cure, however, I then found out that those investors Mike had me meet at the Strip Club were inflating the company shares through some illegal trading, and that is how they were funding my research. That is also why we both have so much money now. So we got the money through selling shares, and I received money for technically selling the prototype, although there was no formal contract for that.”
“They wanted the prototype because they intended to blackmail the whole world into paying a ludicrous subscription fee after they had tricked them into injecting the booster into their system. You might think that with a product like that one could make a lot of money through legal means, and you’d be right! However, greed is an illogical monster, and so they decided to abandon their moral compass in pursuit of more.” “Plus, while it obviously is pretty sure, if you have something like that on the market for long enough, it is going to get hacked eventually. So they decided to weaponize it themselves”

“Once I figured that all out and told Mike about it, we decided to run away.” “The escape strategy didn’t go as planned due to an impromptu meeting with the head of their organization, yet in the end we got away with our lives.”
“We didn’t get the police involved because we were afraid that they wouldn’t believe us, and on top of that they might have falsely arrested us for the financial scam.”

“We said our goodbye at the airport - and two days after Mike I also managed to escape the city, but I had to fudge the prototype through customs and also deal with the money now in my normal bank account instead of the untraceable Swiss one.”

“There was an article written that covered the whole shooting and car chase incident, and somehow that bastard of an investigative journalist figured out I came to LA. I shut down the article using some connections and bribes, but apparently too late.”

“Through a combination of that and me not having any fake passports or other travel documents, they found me pretty quickly. I just needed a break, and living up to the promise I made Mike I went to your Meet&Greet, after all, I was a pretty big fan” you smile at Sydney, and she weakly smiles back.

“There, the assassin tried to kill you.” You frown. “I am sorry I put you in danger” Sydney just nods, but sensing your genuine guilt, she smiles and speaks, before you move on: “You still saved me. Even if you were the reason he was there. I’m still grateful. And I love you” “You’re still my hero” she lovingly smiles, cutely tilting her head.

You gulp, holding back some tears. “Thank you. I needed to hear that” you warmly smile back at her, and you stare into each other’s eyes for a moment.

You clear your throat before continuing: “After that, you pretty much know the story. Not much happened that I was aware of, although Mike could tell you more about their plans.” “Aria, you know the car that almost hit you back when we had our first run together?” you move to address that situation.


“You heard Mike’s comment earlier, that was apparently trying to grab me. I’m sorry you got caught up in that.”

Mimicking Sydney, although clearly still a bit afraid, she says: “It’s okay. I still love you too”

“I love you too” you smile at her, hoping that her statement is genuine.

“The ring I have on my finger” you lift your hand, showing it to the whole room. “Was so I could separate the prototype from my phone, making it more difficult to hack or control for someone else. Really, the main security comes from it not being obvious. While anyone can figure it out when seeing the app, barely anyone will think the controls are hidden within the ring” you shrug, a bit embarrassed that it isn’t a more genius solution, although the engineering is quite impressive nonetheless.

“During my whole stay here in LA I never really had a chance to run further tests on the prototype, until one party I had with Andrea and Alex, I told you all about that night, and I’m sure they did too” some giggling and rumbling is created in the room as the girls relive that memory. You are glad they can still smile.

“And after that… when I met you, Kyedae…” you pause, your face and voice giving away how guilty you feel.

“What?” she asks, taking a step back, obviously scared. It pains you to see her like that.

“After everything you told me… that night… I injected you, in hopes it would cure you.” You pause.

“I don’t know if it did… but----”

“OH MY GOD YOU SAVED ME!!!” Kyedae’s eyes and face light up as she makes a celebratory jump on the spot and then pounces onto your bed, excitedly crawling up your body to envelop you in a tight hug.

aaagghhh” you groan as she puts the weight of her body on your broken bones, but Kyedae just cuddles you, placing sweet kisses on your cheek. “YOU SAVED ME!! THANK YOU!! I WAS SO AFRAID OF DYING!”

“Woah woah you’re gonna kill him” Mike tries to pull her off, but you push his hands away. That little pain is nothing in comparison to the relief you feel about her not being mad. Still, despite it taking a few attempts due to her euphoric state, you make sure that she hears and understands you when you explain that you don’t know whether the prototype did anything for her, and that you were and are just hoping. She assures you that that doesn’t change her feelings, and to her, it helped. It all happens very fast, but you try to accept her reaction as genuine and attempt to believe that to her, it really doesn’t matter whether the prototype actually did anything. She’s just happy that you tried to cure her. Regardless of whether you actually did.

Reluctantly, Kyedae gets off you, giving the other girls space to stare at you while they process your entire story and contemplate their reactions.

After a long pause, Poki is the first one to speak.

“I forgive you”




“so quickly?”

Poki makes a gesture calming down the other girls. Then she looks at you.

“You love me, right?”

“Yes” you reply with absolute certainty.

“And I love you.” she continues. “Obviously, this was a breach of our trust. But from what I’ve heard, hell, from what I’ve seen! you had some good reasons for keeping this secret. I don’t believe it was malicious at all.” She shakes her head, emphasizing her point. “I mean you did kind of warn us, even if very late.. I can imagine those who weren’t there might have a harder time with this revelation…” she talks about the rest of the Harem who aren’t your official girlfriends. “but in the end, if we’re honest with ourselves… I don’t see how it really affects us… except Kyedae of course, but she’s clearly fine with it" Poki shrugs nonchalantly.

“Very fine!” Kyedae happily interjects, jumping excitedly and clearly wanting to jump right back into the bed to snuggle with you, or perhaps more.

“Yeah, your birthday party being ruined is kind of a letdown, I was hoping for some good dick, and the whole bomb threat was very scary, but I think you paid for that with your broken bones” Poki jokes, actually eliciting some soft giggles from the crowd.

She pauses for another moment.

“In the end it all boils down to that I don’t think secrets are inherently bad. It matters why they were kept secret - and how it affects people, and more importantly, if I can still trust you”

“And I can. I think-- I know I can still trust and love you. I can imagine how hard all this must have been on you, and while a part of me feels betrayed, I… I just don’t think that’s what you intended. Did you?” she earnestly asks you.

“No… no of course not” you shake your head.

“I know” she smiles, walking up to innocently kiss your cheek. Staring into your eyes, she says: “I love you. And I always will”

With your heart pounding quicker than ever, you reply: “I love you too”

You lose track of time staring into Poki’s magical brown eyes, but suddenly you hear Rae’s voice shout out: “I agree with Poki!”

“Yeah, me too!” Miyoung adds.

“Same!” Leslie confidently speaks up.

“I guess so…” Jodi lets out.

“What do you mean you guess? I know I forgive him!” Jaime enthusiastically joins in. “It’s not like he intended to hurt us, and he didn’t! ..I mean, I guess it hurts that you didn’t trust us enough, but I believe you when you say that it was for our own protection! If this Vileheart guy was willing to blow us all up, I don’t doubt he would’ve tortured each and every one of us if he thought we knew anything!

…i… i think i need some time” Tina quietly lets out with audible hurt in her voice, standing up and walking toward the door out to the other girls. Turning around she looks at you: “But I want you to know I still love you. My feelings haven’t changed. Feelings don’t just vanish like that. But, this is just a lot to take in. i… i just need some time to process it all”

It pains you to hear and see her like that, but her words give you hope that everything will be ok. “I love you Tina. I always will. If you need anything, please reach out, I want to be there for you”

“thanks… :)” she replies, and her endearing smile tells you that everything will be okay.

“I’ll come with you Tina” Aria joins her friend.

“Aria? Are we fine?” you ask her, desperate for reassurance.

She turns back to look at you. “I don’t know. But I want to be” with those words she leaves the room, and you feel a stabbing sensation in your chest.

Rae kisses you: “They’ll come around. We’ll talk to them” Following that lingering, loving kiss, her, Leslie and Poki leave the room.

“I love you” Miyoung comes to your bed and kisses your mouth. Your tongue’s dance together in an eternal spiral of love, and you are glad she isn’t too hurt by your actions.

Mike comfortingly pats your shoulder as Miyoung leaves, giving you the strength to face Emi and Sydney.

Emi is the first to speak and verbalizes how she wishes you would have told her sooner, and how this is all a lot. She recounts some of your dates and the great experiences you’ve shared, emphasizing how grateful she is for everything you’ve done for her, “but this is all a lot to take in”.
Like Aria and Tina, she thinks she needs time to process it all. She swallows, making an audible gulp.

“But I still love you. You’re still my calm spot in the middle of the storm” she genuinely smiles at you, making you let out a relieved sigh.

“I love you Emi, if you need to talk…”

“I know” she warmly smiles and leaves the room arm in arm with Emma. The dominant girl hasn’t said anything yet, but before you can reach out to ask her, she turns her head around and reassuringly nods at you with a warm, slightly conflicted smile. It tells you that the two of you will be alright, but she doesn’t want to alienate Emi in such a critical time. She'll take care of Emi for you until you are healthy enough to talk to her privately yourself.

“I think I’ll leave you two to it” Mike says once he sees Sydney at the edge of your bed. The remaining girls decide the same. Mike practically has to drag Kyedae out the room, but in the end only the two of you remain.

“Sydney… I’m so sorry.. I---”

Her smile cuts you off as she walks up to you and kisses you deeply. Intimately.

You kiss for a long time before she speaks, her hands still cupping your face as she remains in close proximity to your lips. You can feel them tingling in anticipation of another kiss: “I know you meant well, and that’s all that matters to me. No matter what the circ*mstances. You’re still my hero. My savior, and the love of my life” she rests her forehead against yours, and both of you just rest there with your eyes closed, embracing each other.

In the most assuring tone you’ve ever heard anyone speak in, she lets out: “Don’t worry about the others, Jodi, Tina, Emi, Aria and Emma… and don’t worry about those who weren’t here right now. We’ll talk to them, fill them in, and then we’ll have them visit you. I’m sure Mike will also say some convincing words, and the fact that you stayed with me… with us, even after your life that you worked so hard for was in danger… it means everything to me” she kisses you again, but briefly.

“I’m so glad you feel this way” you hug her tightly. “I love you so much” you say, and you kiss her again. Longer this time.

You both talk for a while. Even if she’s not mad, it is still a lot to process, and you help her do so. You also set it as a goal to visit each and every one of your girls individually to help them with this process once you’re up on your feet. You are incredibly grateful that this didn’t go more south, but you understand that it all simply is a lot.

Sydney falls asleep in your arms, and even if your healing wounds hurt beneath her warm frame, you don’t mind the pain.


The next day you are both woken up by Kyedae, who is lightly shaking your bed.

“Hey… wakey wakey…” she jokes.

“w..what time is it?” you drowsily reply. Sydney is slowly waking up beside you, tightly snuggled in your arms. Her body exudes a comfortable warmth against your side.

“It’s the next day!” she laughs, clearly surprising your girlfriend.

Without being asked, Kyedae fills you in on how the rest of yesterday went. She tells you that the whole Harem got together in the basem*nt where you held the Harem Olympics. There, Mike explained the story to the rest of the girls and answered any questions. To lighten the blow, and probably out of curiosity too, he apparently started asking questions about some of the devices down there and their… attachments.
This approach worked wonders, and pretty soon the girls had him standing there, stunned, with wide eyes and his jaw dropped to the floor, as he listened to a variety of stories, each one wilder than the last.

“I’m glad you trust him so much” you let out with a genuine smile despite being surprised by the group’s openness.

“Well, it seems like you trusted him a lot a lot, and you mean a lot to everyone, even after all of this” Kyedae smiles - and Sydney nods, agreeing with her sentiment.

“How did it go, like, do they still like me? Do they still want to be with me?” you nervously ask.

Kyedae contemplates her answer for a moment. “There were some mixed reactions, but I am confident that once you talk to all of them personally, they will come around. They love you after all, especially Jodi, Tina, Emi and Aria. That is probably why they are taking it a bit harder than the rest. I know they’re part of your inner circle and all, just like Rae, Leslie, Poki and Miyoung. Even if those four aren’t as openly disappointed, you should still talk to them as well. Especially Miyoung, that girl is so deeply in love with you, she could never be mad at you – or at least show herself to be hurt because of you. But that makes it so much more important for you to be present, and make her as well as the others feel safe, like they can fully trust you again.” Kyedae seriously states. “We’re all comfortable around each other, yet I still recommend taking some personal time to discuss things with them, especially your closest girlfriends. After all, this is serious, and we don’t know whether their public reactions are how they truly feel deep down. But in the end, I promise it will all turn out okay” she warmly smiles at you, sympathetically tilting her head.

“I hope so…” you sigh, at least a little relieved and grateful for her honest advice.

“Oh! And Sydney is part of that circle too, of course” Kyedae cheerily laughs, having forgotten to list her before. “But I imagine you two already had a talk” the young streamer suggestively winks at you two lovebirds lying intertwined in the bed.

You didn’t have sex last night, yet Sydney doesn’t deny that she feels closer to you than ever.

“Now, I wanted to come back here to give you a special thanks, for curing me, y’know” Kyedae seductively winks at you, sexily biting her lip and immediately giving you a boner.

“I told you, I don’t know if..”

“Psht!” she shuts you up. “Let me do this, let me thank you, alright?”

You chuckle, smiling affectionately at her. “Alright”

“Y’know what I’ve never done before?”

“umm.. jum—”

ANAL!” she shouts out excitedly, yanking down her skintight yoga pants before you can name some random thing.

“Oh” you let out surprised, your eyes going wide after she exposes her perfectly shaven crotch to you. It’s so f*cking beautiful. She’s insanely sexy, standing there with only her small shirt on. You can see her hardening nipples through the thin wooly fabric, yet Kyedae quickly turns around, slightly bending forward while her smooth legs stay straight. Like that she takes up the perfect position to show off her cute, flawlessly shaped buttocks to you. Her hand seductively glides over her feminine curves, her fingers enticingly crawling toward her crack.
Sydney just laughs at your stunned reaction, still cuddled at your side.

As Kyedae spreads her cheeks, they reveal a pretty big, red buttpl*g, branded in silver letters with the 100Thieves logo. “Rae and Brooke made these as a joke” Kyedae turns around, spanking her butt for her own pleasure.

“Well babe, are you ready to take Kyedae’s anal virginity? Give her a new, assbreaking experience?” Sydney teases you, grabbing your hardening co*ck and invertedly hypnotizing Kyedae with her wiggling movements of it while Sydney is focused on your face.

“Um… I don’t know… here? With my wounds?”

“Oh come on babe! Some bullet wounds didn’t stop you from f*cking me back then, don’t let a broken rib or so stop you from doing this!” Syd giggles, taking out your naked co*ck from underneath the blanket. Kyedae, as always, gasps at the sight.
did you get thicker…?” she mutters in awe under her breath.

“Well..” you chuckle, a little overwhelmed. “You might have to do most of the work Kyedae, not sure I can f*ck you against a wall like this” you joke.

“That’s fine, I gotta take it slow with your size anyways” she breathlessly speaks, already extremely horny. The petite girl moves to straddle you in reverse cowgirl and prepares to slowly insert your co*ck in her insanely tight virgin asshole. Syd spits in her hand to lube you up and lightly teases Kyedae’s body, but mainly remains comfortably cuddled up against your side. Nevertheless, you can feel her get turned on as well. Her nipples are hardening against your naked chest, and her exposed puss* is already pretty drenched, pressed against your leg.
Seeing that your mind is elsewhere, she whispers in your ear: “Everything is going to be fine. Focus on her. Enjoy this. It means a lot to her - sharing this first experience, thanking you for everything - and it’ll be a good end to a stressful event, even if it was yesterday.”
“I know it’s hard not to blame yourself or feel stressed out about the others, but I promise you, everything is going to be fine. It always is with you. I love you” she intimately places a peck on your cheek.

You smile, gratefully accepting her words. “I love you too” you reply and appreciatively kiss her beautiful, soft lips.

“Oh~ my GOD~!~ I love this dick!” “there’s so MUCh of IT!” Kyedae cries out after taking in your tip, causing Sydney and you to giggle.

“Well girl, you’re almost one eight there!” Syd teases, spanking her butt and leaving a faint mark on the younger girl’s pale skin.

“ONE EIGHT?!?!? FUUUUUCCKKK!!! she deeply, but clearly happily, groans. “MAN, WHO GAVE YOU SUCH A BIG co*ck BABE?! DID THE PROTOYPE INCREASE YOUR SIZE OR WHAT?!” she teasingly moans as she slowly wiggles her ass down on your girthy pole.

You chucklingly laugh: “haha, no, that’s all natural I’m afraid”

“Well thank the GgGoooOoOOOoOOoOODDDdddsss~~~~~ for that co*ck then…” she heavily breathes.

“Halfway!” Sydney cheers, obviously amused by Kyedae’s extremely pleasurable struggle. She still fondly remembers the first time she took your full size back there, and despite her not struggling this much, it still was pure bliss.
For good measure, she gives the younger girl a hearty spank, making her moan loudly as her head yanks back. Syd uses this opportunity to grab onto her long, black hair. Pulling it, she keeps the subby girl in position on top of you, forcing her head to face the ceiling. Kyedae lightly moans in response to the delicate tension on her scalp.

“f*ck me” Kyedae pantingly lets out after barely making any more progress over the last minute.


“just shove it in. Pound me”
You can hear her horniness in her desperate tone, in her breathless voice.
She’s too turned on. Too impatient. Too interested in this experience. She’s simply too horny to take this slow. And she needs you, now.

You hesitate, but when she says the following in the sexiest, most sultry tone imaginable, you start f*cking her without mercy. You start thrusting into her tiny ass as if you didn’t have a single broken bone in your f*cking body. God knows how.

“f*ck me, f*ck my asshole”




Normally, the laws of nature and logic would demand you to pass out after hearing such an ear-shattering eruption barely an arm’s length away from you, yet somehow, for some reason, the way Kyedae said the word “please” completely flipped a switch in you. All that drives you now is lust. Logic, reason, and the gut-wrenching pain you should be feeling have all faded into nothingness. Vanished. All hesitations have evaporated and transformed into a pure, raw desire to utterly destroy Kyedae’s ass. You feel an immense craving, a sexual hunger which urges you to show her no mercy, and in doing so, make her cum over and over and over again.

A logically thinking person would strictly prohibit this type of behavior, this type of rough f*cking, this lusty, filled with desire, passionate love making – knowing full well that your body will punish you for it once the euphoria is over.
Luckily, no reasonable person is present in the room with you as Sydney quickly gets enamored by the ripple effect you create on Kyedae’s flesh.

Of course, every single person in this four-story hospital heard Kyedae’s heartfelt, climactic scream as she immediately came on your co*ck once it fully penetrated her tight virgin hole. There is no doubt that not a small number of nurses and possibly some doctors are rushing toward your room this very moment, fearing the worst. – Yet luckily Kyedae anticipated your gigantic co*ck eliciting a jet engine-like scream, and bribed the Interpol agent currently guarding your door with 2000 dollars not to let anyone in. This would be a problem should an emergency occur, however, the only possible danger at hand would be Kyedae suffocating from lack of air, since you are literally f*cking the air right out of her lungs. The pleasure forcing her to scream your praises for everyone to hear. ****III-IIII--IIIII-IIIL-L-L-LO-OO-OOVVVV-V-VEEEEETT-THHHHEHE-EEEW--WWAAA-AYYYY YOOUUR BIIIIGGGG DIIIICCCCKKKK FEEEEEE—E-E-E-E-E-E-LLLSSSS-S-SSSSSS-S-S****


Maybe some nurses will even slide you their phone numbers. This is certainly great advertising.

Neither you nor Sydney think about the threat of somebody rushing into the room though, despite being unaware of the fact that Kyedae has already dealt with this possibility.

You solely focus on how Kyedae’s very first anal climax feels as she’s wrapped tightly around your pulsating co*ck, and Sydney simply watches in awe as you spread the tiny girl’s cheeks apart with your manly hands, giving her the very best view of your thick pole disappearing in Kyedae’s tiny hole. It shouldn’t fit at all, yet here you are, balls deep inside her climaxing backdoor.

Kyedae’s entire body is vigorously shaking.
She is pretty tall, still the jittering sensation travels with lightning speed from head to toe. Her electric pleasure passes into your body through your rock-hard connection and even visits Kyedae’s drippingly wet vagin*. That’s right. Kyedae’s cl*t has been been shaking so much from your powerful thrusting and her own climactic spasms that she is not only experiencing multiple anal org*sms, but numerous vagin*l ones as well, and all that without a single finger or anything other than your smacking balls ever having touched her vulnerable puss* lips.

Despite you having slept through the entire night, it feels as if yesterday still hasn’t ended. And it has been a long day.

A very, very, very long day.

So much pain. So many bad memories which were both relived and retold.

You experience so much uncertainty. Will the girls forgive me? Were their words genuine when they said they already did?

What about Emi, Tina, Aria and Jodi? Will they break up with me? I’m so afraid…

and Kyedae… it felt like she understood… she also had a night to sleep over it… but… I feel so guilty… as if I am abusing her gratitude… what if I had nothing to do with her being cured? What if----

“Snap out of it” you hear Sydney’s sharp voice speaking directly into your ear. She knows you extremely well and immediately recognizes your worried expression. “Just focus on this, experience this” she places her left hand on your right cheek, turning your head until you face her. Then she passionately kisses you, quickly wrestling your overwhelmed tongue into submission.

Just as she does this, your brain finally processes the true feeling of Kyedae’s very first org*sm, and the euphoric state originating within her practically hits you out of nowhere, having been prevented from reaching your brain by a mental blockade until Sydney’s true love-filled kiss violently tore down that wall, burying all your guilt, worries and fear below the dusty rubble. She pulls you in deeper while you fully submit to the two girls’ incredible sensations.

The very first time you made Kyedae cum, she felt like she was being rejuvenated. It was an experience unlike any other, your newfound connection returning the hope into her mentally already buried body. You shared - and still share - a very similar experience: the fear of dying much too soon. Yet now, she feels as if she has been fully reborn. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, like a vibrant galaxy being reformed at the other side of an all consuming blackhole.

Her hope was gone, lost – yet now it’s returned.
She felt afraid and betrayed by her former fiancé – yet now she feels like you can protect her against anything. And that you will.

Despite Sydney’s best efforts to keep you anchored in the present, upon feeling Kyedae’s pure love and admiration, the guilt over her reasons slowly rises back up from underneath the rubble beneath which it was supposed to be buried for good. While moaning into your mouth, Sydney’s hand reaches out, grabbing onto Kyedae’s ass and clutching it firmly. Connecting the three of you.
When her ebony hand makes contact with Kyedae’s pale skin, all the neurons in your three brains explode, their angelic glow merging into a breathtaking hivemind that radiates pure bliss and peacefulness, allowing you all to transcend. And suddenly, you understand.

You experience the entirety Kyedae’s thoughts and emotions, and you realize that all of your worries are founded in false assumptions.
There was never a question of whether she was only doing this because she felt grateful. She never felt coerced by an imaginary debt into offering you her sacred entrance. She simply wanted to, because she knew it would feel good.
It doesn’t matter to her whether you were the cause of her physical recovery or not, because she knows you are the cure for her troubled soul.

It's like she said the first time you met: she wants to be with you to experience as many things together as possible. And now she is just so incredibly grateful to have even more time with you.

It’s not about something you’ve consciously done or caused, it’s just about you.
About a feeling you invoke deeply inside of her.
One that she is only experiencing when you’re together.

That is why she is grateful to you.
is why she wants to do this and be with you.

With this overwhelming, relieving realization washing over your now guilt free body, you barely manage to breathlessly pant out: “k…k-kyedae… i’m gonna---”


As your limbs lose tension and your body uncontrollably starts twitching below the climaxing woman, - the bright, blissfully glowing hivemind you see before you explodes once more, revealing the brilliantly glowing galaxy from before behind its misty dust, just now with even more vibrant colors.

While your eyes are fluttering all around, your co*ck is intensely throbbing inside Kyedae’s insanely tight butthole. Long, thick and creamy white ropes of sem*n are shot up inside her deepest tunnel, quickly filling her petite body up to the brim with your cum.
The strong and healthy sem*n you're ejacul*ting inside her feels unlike any sensation you've experienced before. Your thick threads of cum feel dense and heavy, yet they are discharged into her butthole with the utmost speed, despite their concentrated composition.
Kyedae is certainly aware of your incredibly powerful climax ravaging her insides, and she can’t help but to release an increasingly louder moan each time another rope gets blasted up inside her. The sensation makes her feel as if your enormous co*ck is thrusting even deeper inside her each time you cum – over and over and over again.

After that incredible physical experience, during which a display of colorful galaxies exploded within your brain, you momentarily black out, limply falling onto the bed with all of your limbs spread out, while Kyedae shivers on top of you. She has lost control over her body ages ago, and she would be collapsing too right now if her body wasn’t still working through the backlog of indescribable pleasure her brain has yet to process.
She is still cumming on your co*ck, so this incredibly amazing pleasure you felt hasn’t stopped as the young girl is shaking on top of your hot body. Sydney has placed her naked puss* against Kyedae’s smooth thigh while she made out with you, yet quickly lost track of her mouth’s activity once this living vibrator overwhelmed her senses. The raw shaking of Kyedae’s naked body feels so much better than any sex toy Sydney has ever experienced, and she can’t stop cumming and moaning directly into your ear either. Her moist, hot breath is incredibly sexy, making you sweat as your co*ck continues to leak into Kyedae’s tightest, most sacred hole.

Eventually, after literal minutes of Kyedae’s body being only held up by the insane amount of pleasure which was violently exploding inside her, she finally collapses. Her sweaty face falls flat between your feet, buried into the soft mattress. Her own legs flop out beneath her, making her now lie more or less flatly on top of you.
Your co*ck, however, is still hard, and it is way too large to have fully moved outside of her petite body despite the sudden change in position. Your tip may be holding onto her f*cked-out hole for dear life, yet it is still strongly pressing against the top part of Kyedae’s anal ring, a feeling too intensely pleasurable for her to fully relax. Since she is unable to move, she simply moans, moans, and moans. Trying to find a way to release her pleasure as another galaxy-birthing climax slowly builds up inside of her.

It's f*cking hot to listen to her noises, and when Sydney begins slightly stroking your co*ck in and outside of her, her moans become even hotter, sexier and louder.

You close your eyes, letting yourself sink deeper into the comfortably soft pillow, following Syndey’s advice and simply experiencing this sensation in the here and now, not worrying about any of the challenges you’ll be facing in the future.

The brilliantly, vividly colored orange, red, green, blue and yellow galaxies reform in front of your mind’s eye, and you grow a huge, happy smile.

As soon as I’m out of here, I’ll gather all the girls in the sex gym like Mike did. I’ll answer any questions they have for me – that way I get a chance to speak to all of them at least in a group setting. They won’t have to wait for a chance to speak with me for too long.

Afterwards, I’ll use the following days, weeks, or however long it takes to speak to each and everyone of them individually. I’ll take as much time as they need. I’ll come back multiple days in a row or spread apart, I don’t care. Whatever they want or need. Whatever it takes. I’ll win them back.

I’ll talk to all of them. I’ll hug them, I’ll… I’ll love them. It doesn’t matter if they want sex or not. I’ll take them out on dates, I’ll love them in any way they need.

I won’t neglect any of them. Even if they say they’re okay. I’ll stop by and spend some time.

I want them

I need them

I love them

and they love me.

You grin, coming to peace with the events of the previous day. Of the previous years.

I can do this. I can show them our relationships are still worth keeping.
And I swear to do everything that I can to try and make them all feel the same.

I love you girls.
I love you all.

You let out a soft moan while your eyes remain closed once you feel Kyedae slowly beginning to move again, descending lower on your pole.

I may have just told them my entire life’s story…

“Babe?... Stay with us, please” you hear Sydney’s sweet voice, and she’s lovingly caressing your face, her fingers playing with your soft hair. “Remember, stay in the moment, experience this with us. It’s a special occasion, and we want you to live it with us” she speaks, and you warmly smile and nod in response, assuring her of your mental presence. She smiles, and you two lovers place a brief kiss on each other’s puckered lips.

“I’m gonna sit on Kyedae now” Sydney grins, her voice sounding innocently soft despite her words being extremely naughty. “Make her shake again for me again” she begs with a sexy smile. “It felt so good the first time, having her warm, pulsating flesh vibrating between my thighs… she’s.. you’re… this is all so hot…” she moans, getting overwhelmed by lust and moving in to passionately kiss you. “I love you so, so insanely much” you reaffirm your feelings for each other in between your kisses, filling both of your chests with warmth.

By now, Kyedae has cum back to life and is already back to eagerly bouncing on your stiff co*ck. It barely takes three jumps before she violently starts cumming again.

“I think this is my cue” Sydney giggles, patting your naked chest before moving her magnificent body in Kyedae’s lap, cupping her face and trapping the Asian girl in a raw, lusty kiss. Yet you can also feel the loving connection radiating from their lips.

Sydney soon starts straddling the younger girl who in turn slightly falls back, yet you catch her by placing your hands on her back and shoulder, stabilizing her frame. You can’t see the resulting smile, yet you can feel her heartbeat reflecting how safe she is feeling with your hands on her, despite it literally racing with your co*ck pistoning inside of her backdoor. Your thickness is still putting enormous stress on her body, but this is exactly the kind of stress she lives for. She f*cks for. She loves you for.

You take a deep breath, resuming your earlier thought before promising yourself to then fully get lost in this present moment, f*cking the two of them until the hospital lights go out.

I may have just told them my entire life’s story…

But our shared story is not yet over!

Moving into the World of Streamers - Chapter 28 - TD23 (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.