Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (2024)

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (1)

James Patterson es un autor estadounidense en activo desde 1976 y uno de los autores más prolíficos de la historia, tanto en calidad como en cantidad. El brillante autor ostenta el récord del New York Times (y del Guinness World) por la mayor cantidad de novelas vendidas en el puesto número uno del New York Times escritas por un solo autor en la historia, con 67.

Con más de 300 libros propios, numerosas novelas cortas y colaboraciones con otros autores, es casi inimaginable dar cuenta de todo lo que esta brillante mente literaria ha producido durante las últimas cuatro o cinco décadas.

Sin más preámbulos, aquí está la guía definitiva de todos los libros de James Patterson en orden (el genio que vendió más que Stephen King, Dan Brown y John Grisham) combinados .

¿Cuántos libros de James Patterson hay?

Como mencioné, es increíblemente difícil dar cuenta de cada uno de los trabajos producidos por James Patterson a lo largo de los años. Es un autor tan prolífico que escribió cientos de libros y cientos de novelas cortas y cuentos más incluidos en colecciones con otros autores.

Cuando sumas todo, después de que salgan todos los libros anunciados en 2023, habrá 368 libros de James Patterson disponibles. Eso incluye su propia serie de libros, libros independientes, novelas cortas, cómics, series de manga, colecciones, etc. Solo en cuanto a novelas, hay más de 200 piezas escritas por James Patterson, muchas de ellas en colaboración con otros escritores.

Libros de James Patterson en orden.

A continuación, encontrará todos los libros de James Patterson en orden, agrupados en series de libros creadas por el autor. Hay una breve descripción de cada serie y de qué se trata, junto con la lista completa de los libros que pertenecen a dicha serie. De esa manera, podrás encontrar lo que buscas con facilidad, ya sea un libro para adultos, un libro para niños o incluso un cómic. ¡Disfrutar!

Serie Alex Cruz

La serie Alex Cross de James Patterson es probablemente su obra más notable y conocida. Es un thriller de crimen y misterio que gira en torno a Alex Cross, un detective de la policía metropolitana y padre devoto que hace todo lo posible para resolver crímenes y proteger a su familia al mismo tiempo en la ciudad de Washington, DC.

  1. Llegó una araña (1993)
  2. Besar a las chicas (1995)
  3. Jack y Jill (1996)
  4. Gato y ratón (1997)
  5. El pop se vuelve comadreja (1999)
  6. Las rosas son rojas (2000)
  7. Las violetas son azules (2001)
  8. Cuatro ratones ciegos (2002)
  9. El lobo feroz (2003)
  10. Puentes de Londres (2004)
  11. María, María (2005)
  12. Alex Cruz (2006)
  13. Doble cruz (2007)
  14. A campo traviesa (2008)
  15. El juicio de Alex Cross (2009)
  16. Yo, Alex Cross (2009)
  17. Fuego cruzado (2010)
  18. Mata a Alex Cross (2011)
  19. Feliz Navidad, Alex Cross (2012)
  20. Alex Cross, Corre (2013)
  21. Cruza mi corazón (2013)
  22. Esperanza de morir (2014)
  23. Justicia cruzada (2015)
  24. Cruzar la línea (2016)
  25. El pueblo contra Alex Cross (2017)
  26. Objetivo: Alex Cross (2018)
  27. Cris Cross (2019)
  28. Cruz mortal (2020)
  29. Fear No Evil (2021)
  30. Cruzar (2022)
  31. Cross Down (Publicación prevista para el 5 de junio de 2023 con Brendan DuBois)

Otras piezas de Alex Cross incluyen:

  • Acción (2014), cuento con Brent Gargan
  • Cross Kill (2016), novela corta
  • Detective Cross (2017), novela corta

Serie derivada de Ali Cross

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (2)

La serie Ali Cross es una especie de spin-off de la serie Alex Cross, que gira en torno a Ali, su hijo, que también se esfuerza por ser un detective de renombre. La serie está creada para ser mucho más apropiada para los niños, pero hasta ahora no tiene tantas entradas.

  1. Alí Cruz (2019)
  2. Ali Cross: De tal padre, tal hijo (2021)
  3. Ali Cross: El detective secreto (2022)

Serie Club de asesinatos de mujeres

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (3)

La serie Women’s Murder Club también es una serie increíblemente popular de novelas de misterio de James Patterson que sucede en San Francisco. Un grupo de mujeres de diferentes profesiones y orígenes se unen para resolver misterios, asesinatos y otros crímenes, mientras nosotros también seguimos sus vidas y problemas personales.

Some believe the series is set in San Francisco to gain more readers on the West Coast, where Patterson’s competitor, John Grisham, was leading in sales. The series is as follows:

  1. 1st to Die (2001)
  2. 2nd Chance (2002)
  3. 3rd Degree (2004)
  4. 4th of July (2005)
  5. The 5th Horseman (2006)
  6. The 6th Target (2007)
  7. 7th Heaven (2008)
  8. The 8th Confession (2009)
  9. The 9th Judgement (2009)
  10. 10th Anniversary (2011)
  11. 11th Hour (2012)
  12. 12th of Never (2013)
  13. Unlucky 13 (2014)
  14. 14th Deadly Sin (2015)
  15. 15th Affair (2016)
  16. 16th Seduction (2017)
  17. 17th Suspect (2018)
  18. 18th Abduction (2019)
  19. 19th Christmas (2019)
  20. 20th Victim (2020)
  21. 21st Birthday (2021)
  22. 22 Seconds (2022)
  23. 23rd Midnight (Expected publication on May 1, 2023)

Michael Bennet Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (4)

Michael Bennet is another brilliant detective from the mind of James Patterson, and this series of thrillers follow his adventures. Bennet is an Irish American living and working as a detective in New York City. Not only is he a great detective, but he is also a devoted, caring father, taking care of ten adopted children. The entire series is as listed below:

  1. Step on a Crack (2007)
  2. Run for Your Life (2009)
  3. Worst Case (2009)
  4. Tick Tock (2010)
  5. I, Michael Bennett (2012)
  6. Gone (2013)
  7. Burn (2014)
  8. Alert (2015)
  9. Bullseye (2016)
  10. Haunted (2017)
  11. Ambush (2018)
  12. Blindside (2019)
  13. The Russian (2021)
  14. Shattered (2022)
  15. Obsessed (Expected publication on July 10, 2023)

Travis McKinley Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (5)

Believe it or not, murder and detective mysteries aren’t the only genre James Patterson is prolific in. The Travis McKinley series, also known as the ‘Miracle at’ series, is a three-book sports series based on a golfer, Travis McKinley. Although golf is at the heart of all three books, it really talks about Travis McKinley’s growth as a person. The books are as follows:

  1. Miracle on the 17th Green (1996)
  2. Miracle at Augusta (2015)
  3. Miracle at St. Andrews (2019)

When the Wind Blows Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (6)

While there are only two books in When the Wind Blows series, it’s just as phenomenal as any other James Patterson series ever written. It starts as a murder mystery, where a widowed veterinarian tries to solve the murder of her husband. Still, it evolves into a government experiment conspiracy with children who lived as lab rats in captivity their entire lives. The books are:

  1. When the Wind Blows (1998)
  2. The Lake House (2003)

Zoo Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (7)

The Zoo series is comprised of one novel and one spinoff novella. It’s a science fiction thriller where an outcast academic biologist, Jackson Oz, isn’t taken seriously when he claims he had collected data showing a big increase in mammal attacks on humans. Suddenly, packs of animals start infiltrating cities and killing people in huge numbers…

  1. Zoo (2012)
  2. Zoo 2 (2016), novella

Honeymoon Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (8)

The two books in the Honeymoon series aren’t necessarily connected but follow the same pattern and theme. They revolve around a serial killer who hunts down happily married couples on their honeymoons and an FBI agent trying to solve the case(s), not realizing it might be much closer than he expected. The books are:

  1. Honeymoon (2005)
  2. Second Honeymoon (2013)

The NYPD Red Series

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As the title suggests, the NYPD Red series revolves around the detectives working in the NYPD Red department. The series was co-written by Marshall Karp, and it’s a highly popular suspense thriller series, giving you exactly what you’d expect from such a genre. The books are as follows:

  1. NYPD Red (2012)
  2. NYPD Red 2 (2014)
  3. NYPD Red 3 (2015)
  4. NYPD Red 4 (2016)
  5. Red Alert: An NYPD Red Mystery (2018)
  6. NYPD Red 6 (2020)

The Invisible Series

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This particular series was co-written with David Ellis, and although it consists of only two books, it’s a highly suspenseful and popular series. It follows Emmy Dockery, an FBI researcher who becomes obsessed with trying to find a link between hundreds of unsolved cases of murders, rapes, kidnappings, etc. The scary part is she might turn out to be right…

  1. Invisible (2014)
  2. Unsolved (2019)

Private Series

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Private, also known as the Jack Morgan series, revolves around Jack Morgan, a former Marine pilot who now owns a prestigious private investigation company, simply named Private. The series follows Morgan’s cases as they get more complicated – and more connected with the elite of the elites of society. The books are as follows below:

Main series:

  1. Private (2010)
  2. Private #1 Suspect (2012)
  3. Private L.A. (2014)
  4. Private Vegas (2015)
  5. Private Paris (2016)
  6. The Games: A Private Novel (2016)

Other books in the series:

  1. Private London (2011)
  2. Private Games (2012)
  3. Private Berlin (2013)
  4. Private Down Under (2014)
  5. Private India (2014)
  6. Private Sydney / Missing (2015)
  7. Count to Ten: A Private Novel (2017)
  8. Princess: A Private Novel (2018)
  9. Private Moscow (2020)
  10. Private Rogue (2021)

Harriet Blue Series

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The Harriet Blue series, also known as the Detective Harriet Blue series, follows the detective/investigator Harriet Blue and her business in Sydney, Australia, where she solves sex crimes. The entire series was co-written by Candice Fox and is as follows:

0.5. Black & Blue (2016), novella

  1. Never Never (2016)
  2. Fifty Fifty (2018)
  3. Liar Liar (2018)
  4. Hush (2019)

David Shelley Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (13)

The David Shelley series was co-written by Andrew Holmes and included only one novel and one novella, serving as sort of a prequel to the novel. It follows David Shelley, a former Special Forces officer who now goes undercover to save his life and shut down a high-stakes game in the English countryside. The series goes as follows:

  1. Hunted (2016), novella
  2. Revenge (2018)
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The Chef Books Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (14)

Another series of a similar format (novella + novel) is The Chef Books series, aka Caleb Rooney series. The story follows a detective who works part-time in a food truck in New Orleans to make some extra cash. Things turn complicated when somebody starts to poison people at one of the finest restaurants in the city. The series is as follows:

  1. Killer Chef (2016), novella
  2. The Chef (2019)

The Black Book Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (15)

This series is also known as the Billy Harney series and was co-written by David Ellis. It follows Harney as the story jumps back and forward in time around the events concerning Billy and a triple homicide where he, his partner Detective Kate Fenton, and Assistant D.A. are found dead in Billy’s apartment. The series is as follows:

  1. The Black Book (2017)
  2. The Red Book (2021)
  3. Escape (2022)

Instinct Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (16)

This series was co-written by Howard Roughan and revolved around an NYPD detective and a criminal behavior expert who teamed up to solve a murder, where the expert’s book was found lying on the floor, along with threatening messages from the killer. The series goes as follows:

  1. Instinct, originally published as ‘Murder Games’ (2017)
  2. Killer Instinct (2019)
  3. Steal (2022)

Crazy House Series

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This series is, as James Patterson’s website suggests, perfect for the fans of The Hunger Games. It follows two twins who face a world of Death Row and dystopia in a phenomenal thriller that will leave you speechless. The books are as follows:

  1. Crazy House (2017)
  2. Fall of Crazy House (2018)

Discovery’s Murder is Forever Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (18)

This is the only non-fiction series that James Patterson had ever written (he’s written standalone non-fiction books, but no series). It revolves around true crimes that have happened, and James Patterson describes every detail perfectly. The series is as follows:

  1. Murder, Interrupted (2018)
  2. Home Sweet Murder (2018)
  3. Murder Beyond the Grave (2018)
  4. Murder Thy Neighbor (2020)
  5. Murder of Innocence (2020)
  6. Till Murder Do Us Part (2021)

Rory Yates Series

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The Rory Yates series consists of two books co-written by Andre Bourelle. The story follows Rory Yates, a Texas Ranger whose ex-wife, Anne, starts receiving death threats. The story unravels in a brutal fashion of twists and turns that end up with several murders in this western-fashioned two-books series. Those books are as follows:

  1. Texas Ranger (2018)
  2. Texas Outlaw (2020)

Amy Cornwall Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (20)

This two-book story follows Captain Amy Cornwall, whose family goes missing, and she tries to do whatever it takes to get them back. The story is full of twists that you’ll certainly enjoy. That is if you can get the name of the book right, as the first book of the series was published under three different names. The series is as follows:

  1. The Cornwalls Vanish, previously published as The Cornwalls Are Gone and Out of Sight (2019)
  2. Countdown (expected publication on March 20, 2023)

Doc Savage Series

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This series is not actually a series yet but will become one after the second book gets published, likely by the end of 2023. The series follows Brandt Savage, the grandson of the legendary action hero who is forced into a top-secret training program and finds his true calling – being a professional, perfect assassin. The story goes as follows:

  1. The Perfect Assassin: A Doc Savage Thriller (2022)
  2. Doc Savage #2 (expected publication in 2023)

Maximum Ride Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (22)

Maximum Ride is a book series written by James Patterson and his first young adult science fantasy series ever. It revolves around Max Ride, a young girl, and her family called the Flock, who are actually human-avian hybrids with winds created at a lab known as The School.

The series is actually a reboot of the When the Wind Blows series but modified to be more YA-appropriate. The series is as follows:

  1. The Angel Experiment (2005)
  2. School’s Out Forever (2006)
  3. Saving the World & Other Extreme Sports (2007)
  4. The Final Warning (2008)
  5. Max (2009)
  6. Fang (2010)
  7. Angel (2011)
  8. Nevermore (2012)
  9. Maximum Ride Forever (2015)

Maximum Ride: Hawk Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (23)

This two-part series is a continuation of the Maximum Ride story after Max had already been missing for ten years. The story follows Hawk, a young 17-year-old girl who’s growing up in a post-apocalyptic New York City, where she was told to wait for her parents to return. The two-part series is as follows:

  1. Hawk (2020)
  2. City of the Dead (2021)

Daniel X Series

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Daniel X is another science fantasy series for young adults, revolving around Daniel X, a boy whose parents were killed. He took over their job as the Defender of Earth, trying to defend it from alien invasions and creatures. The series is very popular and goes as follows:

  1. The Dangerous Days of Daniel X (2008)

1.5. Daniel X: Alien Hunter (2008), comic

  1. Watch the Skies (2009)
  2. Demons and Druids (2010)
  3. Game Over (2011)
  4. Armageddon (2012)
  5. Lights Out (2015)

Wicked & Wizard Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (25)

This series, also known as the Witch & Wizard series, named after the first book of the series, is based on a dystopian fantasy world where people are tried for witchcraft, and gifted kids can travel through alternate dimensions, specifically to the Shadowland, and a haven for persecuted children called the Freeland. The series is as follows:

  1. Witch & Wizard (2009)
  2. The Gift (2010)
  3. The Fire (2011)
  4. The Kiss (2013)
  5. The Lost (2014)

Confessions Series

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The Confessions series is also meant for young adults. Only this time, Patterson returned to the murder mystery genre. The story follows a young teenage detective and the mysterious Angel family, along with all the dark, twisted secrets they hold from one another. The series is as follows:

  1. Confessions of a Murder Suspect (2012)
  2. The Private School Murders (2013)
  3. The Paris Mysteries (2014)
  4. The Murder of an Angel (2015)

Middle School Series

Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (27)

After we covered the adult and young adult series, it’s time to dive into James Patterson’s children-oriented books. Middle School is probably his most well-known children’s book series, based on realistic fiction that follows the sixth-grader Rafe Khatchadorian and his life as an adolescent. The series goes:

  1. Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life (2011)
  2. Get Me Out of Here! (2012)
  3. Big Fat Liar (2013)
  4. How I Survived Bullies, Broccoli, and Snake Hill (2013)
  5. Ultimate Showdown (2014)
  6. Save Rafe! (2014)
  7. Just My Rotten Luck! (2015)
  8. Dog’s Best Friend (2016)
  9. Escape to Australia (2017)
  10. From Hero to Zero (2017)
  11. Born to Rock (2019)
  12. Master of Disaster (2020)
  13. Field Trip Fiasco (2021)
  14. It’s a Zoo in Here (2022)
  15. Winter Blunderland (2022)

I Funny Series

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I Funny is another children’s book series by James Patterson, and although the main character, Jamie Grimm, is a natural-born comedian, his story starts off quite tragically. His entire family dies in an accident that leaves Jamie disabled from the waist down. He moves in with his aunt and starts attending a new school, and the series progresses from there. The books are as follows:

  1. I Funny (2012)
  2. I Even Funnier (2013)
  3. I Totally Funniest (2015)
  4. I Funny TV (2015)
  5. I Funny School of Laughs (2017)
  6. The Nerdiest Wimpiest Dorkiest I Funny Ever (2018)

Treasure Hunters Series

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This is an awesome adventure-based children’s book series with outstanding humor, educational value, and adventures all over the world, from the Nile to the Down Under. The series is as follows:

  1. Treasure Hunters (2013)
  2. Danger Down the Nile (2014)
  3. Secret of the Forbidden City (2015)
  4. Peril at the Top of the World (2016)
  5. Quest for the City of Gold (2017)
  6. All-American Adventure (2019)
  7. The Plunder Down Under (2020)
  8. The Ultimate Quest (2022)
  9. The Greatest Treasure Hunt (expected publication on May 22, 2023)

House of Robots Series

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House of Robots is a James Patterson-led series for kids that is filled with illustrations, technology, and a cute, smart robot that signs up to attend an ordinary fifth-grade class. The three-book series is:

  1. House of Robots (2014)
  2. Robots Go Wild! (2015)
  3. Robot Revolution (2017)

Jacky Ha-Ha Series

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The Jacky Ha-Ha series follows a middle-schooler named Jacky, who is known as a class clown, and everything she does makes people laugh – even when her own life is anything but funny. The series explores how humor can help you cope with tough situations while still taking problems seriously and not trying to sweep them under the rug. The series is as follows:

  1. Jacky Ha-Ha (2016)
  2. My Life is a Joke (2017)
  3. Jacky Ha-Ha Gets the Last Laugh (expected publication on March 6, 2023)

Little Geniuses Series

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This is a series of picture books for very young children that can help them learn new words and become, well, little geniuses! They are as follows:

  1. Big Words for Little Geniuses (2017)
  2. Cuddly Critters for Little Geniuses (2018)
  3. Bigger Words for Little Geniuses (2019)
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The Dog Diaries Series

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Remember Rafe from the Middle School series? Well, this series revolves around his mischievous dog and his adventures, ranging from going to obedience school to fetching dinosaur bones. The series is as follows:

  1. Dog Diaries (2018)
  2. Dog Diaries: Happy Howlidays (2018)
  3. Dog Diaries: Mission Impawsible (2019)
  4. Dog Diaries: Curse of the Mystery Mutt (2019)
  5. Dog Diaries: Ruffing It (2020)
  6. Dog Diaries: Dinosaur Disaster (2022)
  7. Dog Diaries: Big Top Bonanza (expected publication on April 3, 2023)

Max Einstein Series

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Max Einstein is a brilliant young girl who uses her brains for mischief, but that mischief is always used for good purposes. Like, for instance, hacking into NYU computers to learn and attend classes or building inventions to help the homeless. The series follows Max and her group of genius friends. The books are as follows:

  1. Max Einstein: The Genius Experiment (2018)
  2. Max Einstein: Rebels with a Cause (2019)
  3. Max Einstein: Saves the Future (2020)
  4. Max Einstein: World Champions (2021)

Katt vs. Dogg Series

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Katt vs. Dogg series is a two-part series that’s actually a classic tale of the fight between a cat and a dog, who eventually grow fond of each other and settle their differences in an insanely cute, loveable way. The series is as follows:

  1. Katt vs. Dogg (2019)
  2. Katt Loves Dogg (2021)

James Patterson’s standalone work

With all the series covered, it’s important to note that James Patterson wrote numerous other standalone books and novellas. You can find them all listed below.

James Patterson’s standalone adult fiction books:

  • The Thomas Berryman Number (1976)
  • Season of the Machete (1977)
  • See How They Run (1979)
  • Cradle and All (1980)
  • Black Friday (1986)
  • The Midnight Club (1988)
  • Hide & Seek (1995)
  • Suzanne’s Diary for Nicholas (2001)
  • The Beach House (2002)
  • The Jester (2003)
  • Sam’s Letters to Jennifer (2004)
  • Lifeguard (2005)
  • Beach Road (2006)
  • Judge & Jury (2006)
  • The Quickie (2007)
  • You’ve Been Warned (2007)
  • Sundays at Tiffany’s (2008)
  • Sail (2008)
  • Swimsuit (2009)
  • The Postcard Killers (2010)
  • Don’t Blink (2010)
  • Toys (2011)
  • Now You See Her (2011)
  • Kill Me If You Can (2011)
  • Boys Will Be Boys (2011) (Short Story)
  • The Christmas Wedding (2011)
  • Guilty Wives (2012)
  • Mistress (2013)
  • Truth or Die (2015)
  • The Murder House (2015)
  • Woman of God (2016)
  • Two From the Heart (2017)
  • The Store (2017)
  • The President is Missing (2018)
  • Juror #3 (2018)
  • The First Lady (2018)
  • The Inn (2019)
  • The Warning (2019)
  • The Summer House (2020)
  • Cajun Justice (2020)
  • 1st Case (2020)
  • The Midwife Murders (2020)
  • The Coast-to-Coast Murders (2020)
  • Three Women Disappear (2020)
  • The Palm Beach Murders (2021)
  • The President’s Daughter (2021)
  • The Shadow (2021)
  • The Noise (2021)
  • The Jailhouse Lawyer (2021)
  • 2 Sisters Detective Agency (2021)
  • The Horsewoman (2022)
  • Steal (2022)
  • Run, Rose, Run (2022)
  • Death of the Black Widow (2022) (with J.D. Barker)
  • The Ninth Month (2022)
  • Blowback (2022) (with Brendan DuBois)
  • The Twelve Long, Hard, Topsy-Turvy, Very Messy Days of Christmas (2022)
  • The House of Wolves (2023) (with Mike Lupica)
  • 3 Days to Live (Expected: February 14, 2023)
  • Countdown (March 20, 2023) (with Brendan DuBois)
  • Circle of Death (expected publication on July 3, 2023) (with Brian Sitts)
Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (36)

James Patterson’s standalone young adult fiction books:

  • First Love (2013)
  • Homeroom Diaries (2014)
  • Humans, Bow Down (2017)
  • The Injustice / Expelled (2017)
  • Sophia, Princess Among Beasts (2019)
  • The Runaway’s Diary (2022)
  • The Girl in the Castle (2022)

James Patterson’s standalone children’s books:

  • Give Please a Chance (2016)
  • Give Thank You a Try (2017)
  • Santakid (2004)
  • Word of Mouse (2016)
  • Penguins of America (2017)
  • Laugh Out Loud (2017)
  • The Candies Save Christmas (2017)
  • Not So Normal Norbert (2018)
  • Unbelievably Boring Bartholomew (2018)
  • Becoming Muhammad Ali (2020)
  • Scaredy Cat (2021)
  • Best Nerds Forever (2021)
  • Minerva Keen’s Detective Club (expected publication on May 1, 2023)

James Patterson’s non-fiction books in publication order:

  • The Day America Told the Truth (1992)
  • The Second American Revolution: The People’s Plan for Fixing America-Before It’s Too Late (1994)
  • Torn Apart (2008)
  • Against Medical Advice (2008)
  • The Murder of King Tut (2009)
  • Med Head: My Knock-down, Drag-out, Drugged-up Battle with My Brain (2010)
  • Filthy Rich (2016)
  • Trump vs. Clinton: In Their Own Words (2016)
  • All-American Murder: The Rise and Fall of Aaron Hernandez, the Superstar Whose Life Ended on Murderers’ Row (2018)
  • The House of Kennedy/The Kennedy Curse (2020)
  • The Last Days of John Lennon (2020)
  • Walk in My Combat Boots (2021)
  • The Defense Lawyer (2021)
  • E.R. Nurses: True Stories from America’s Greatest Unsung Heroes (2021)
  • James Patterson by James Patterson: The Stories of My Life (2022)
  • The Elephant Girl (2022)
  • Diana, William and Harry (2022)
  • Things I Wish I Told My Mother by Susan Patterson (expected publication on April 10, 2023)

All of James Patterson’s novellas & short stories

As mentioned before, James Patterson wrote numerous novellas, mostly with other authors. They are as follows:

In collections:

  • Triple Threat (2016), a collection of 3 novellas: “Cross Kill” (Alex Cross series), “Zoo 2” (Zoo series #1.5), “The Pretender”
  • Kill or Be Killed (2016), a collection of 4 novellas: “The Trial” (Women’s Murder Club series #15.5), “Little Black Dress”, “Heist”, “The Women’s War”
  • The Moores are Missing (2017), a collection of 3 novellas: “The Moores are Missing”, “The Housewife”, “Absolute Zero”
  • The Moores Are Missing (2017), a collection of 3 novellas: “The Moores are Missing”, “Kill and Tell”, “Dead Heat”
  • Two From the Heart (2017), a collection of 2 novellas: “Tell Me Your Best Story”, “The Lifesaver”
  • The Family Lawyer (2017), a collection of 3 novellas: “The Family Lawyer”, “Night Sniper”, “The Good Sister”
  • Triple Homicide (2017), a collection of 3 novellas: “Detective Cross” (Alex Cross series), “The Medical Examiner” (Women’s Murder Club series #16.5), “Manhunt” (Michael Bennett series #10.5)
  • Murder in Paradise (2018), a collection of 3 novellas: “The Lawyer Lifeguard”, “The Doctor’s Plot”, “The Shut-In”
  • The House Next Door (2019), a collection of 3 novellas: “The House Next Door”, “The Killer’s Wife”, “We. Are. Not. Alone”

In series:

Jon Roscoe Thriller series (with Robert Gold):

  • The Hostage (2016)
  • The Verdict (2016)
  • Kidnapped (2016)

Detective Luc Moncrief series (with Richard DiLallo):

  • French Kiss (2016)
  • The Christmas Mystery (2016)
  • French Twist (2017)

Owen Taylor series (with Brendan DuBois):

  • The End (2017)
  • After the End (2017)

Mitchum series (with James O. Born):

  • Hidden (2017)
  • Malicious (2017)
  • Malevolent (2020)
  • Omnibus: The River Murders (2020)
Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (37)

Standalone novellas and short stories:

  • Acción (2014), con Brent Gargan, cuento (serie Alex Cross)
  • Propuesta de matrimonio por 10.000.000 de dólares (2016), con Hilary Liftin
  • 113 minutos” (2016), con Max DiLallo
  • Aeropuerto: Código Rojo (2016), con Michael White, Penguin ISBN 978-1786530370
  • Black & Blue (2016), con Candice Fox (serie Detective Harriet Blue #0.5)
  • Break Point (2016), con Lee Stone, Bookshots ISBN 978-1786530134
  • Chase (2016), con Michael Ledwidge (serie de Michael Bennett n.° 9.5)
  • Ven a buscarnos (2016), con Shan Serafin
  • Cross Kill (2016) (serie Alex Cross)
  • Empate (2016), con Lee Stone
  • Atraco (2016), con Rees Jones
  • Cazado (2016), con Andrew Holmes (serie de David Shelley n.° 0.5)
  • Killer Chef (2016), con Jeffrey J. Keyes (serie Caleb Rooney #0.5)
  • Juguemos a Make-Believe (2016), también conocido como The Palm Beach Murders (2021), con James O. Born
  • Pequeño vestido negro (2016), con Emily Raymond
  • Private Royals (2016), con Rees Jones, Bookshots ISBN 978-1786530172 (Serie privada n.º 12.5)
  • Tomando el Titanic (2016), con Scott Slaven
  • La temporada de apareamiento (2016), con Laurie Horowitz
  • El pretendiente (2016), con Andrew Bourelle
  • The Trial” (2016), con Maxine Paetro, serie Women’s Murder Club #15.5
  • La guerra de las mujeres (2016), con Shan Serafin
  • Zoo 2 (2016), con Max DiLallo, serie Zoo #1.5
  • Cero absoluto (2017), con Ed Chatterton
  • Aquiles (2017)
  • Avalancha (2017), con David English
  • Santuario de Navidad (2017), con Lauren Hawkeye
  • Hombre muerto corriendo (2017), con Christopher Farnsworth
  • Carga mortal (2017), con Will Jordan
  • Detective Cross (2017) (serie Alex Cross)
  • Diario de una súcubo (2017), con Derek Nikitas
  • Matar y contar (2017), con Scott Slaven
  • Ámame tiernamente (2017), con Laurie Horowitz
  • Manhunt (2017), con James O. Born, serie de Michael Bennett #10.5
  • Francotirador nocturno (2017), con Christopher Charles
  • Los mediodías (2017)
  • Private Gold (2017), con Jassy Mackenzie, Serie privada #13.5
  • Scott libre (2017), con Rob Hart
  • Robando Gulfstreams (2017), con Max DiLallo
  • Carrera de obstáculos (2017), con Scott Slaven
  • Rayas (2017)
  • Cuéntame tu mejor historia (2017), con Emily Raymond
  • Las Muñecas (2017), con Kecia Bal
  • El exilio (2017), con Alison Joseph
  • El abogado de familia (2017), con Robert Rotstein
  • La buena hermana (2017), con Rachel Howzell Hall
  • El ama de casa (2017), con Sam Hawken
  • El marido de casa (2017), con Duane Swierczynski
  • El abogado salvavidas (2017), con Doug Allyn
  • El salvavidas (2017), con Frank Constantini y Brian Sitts
  • The Medical Forense (2017), con Maxine Paetro, serie Women’s Murder Club #16.5
  • Los Moore están desaparecidos (2017), con Loren D. Estleman
  • El encierro (2017), con Duane Swierczynski
  • Te han advertido (2017), con Derek Nikitas
  • La trama del doctor (2018), con Connor Hyde
  • La casa de al lado (2019), con Susan DiLallo
  • La esposa del asesino (2019), con Max DiLallo
  • Nosotros. Son. No. Solo (2019), con Tim Arnold

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Los 368 libros de James Patterson en orden (y agrupados por series) (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

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