Hit,) 17 WifttM. CIH BOYS. OVBR il for eonctttion work' lf pay, bantdtl. JOJ7 Jouth MALI iAjil drivtri, il yaan and ovtr. Full and part Lightning Cab, Hi Farwell.
Phoni Help earners ntmna for mornino routri 19 or 13 Aid Call B33-MB? Aflanfi 20 Ouf buslnesa is growing MECHANICS NEEDED Experience necessary; Ideal working conditions; excellent salary and benefits. Apply in person Cadillac Oldsmobile Pontlac, Inc. 1111 West Claire wATFflb suppor club. Cxparianca unnecessary Will train. Wrlie P.O.
Box tor Interview. Eau Claire County Hospital CALL M4-3111 JANITOR Apply In person to Kon MENARD CASHWAY LUMBER Eau Clalra WANTEB: EXPERIENCED mechanic" Preferably tork lilt, but will train Good worklno conditions. Good salary Apply in person at MacKenzla Equipment Company, 3405 White Avenua, Eau Claire. Can Kan, eoriaet 713 S7X-55M, Manifd'i, Eau cialrt, wii. SALESMAN FOR Immadlata area.
Limited travel calling on butlhMi pro- tenslonal paopla aurlnfl biulnau hours. Retirement prooram which becomas 100 per cent vested attar 10 yeari ot continuous practice. Guaranteed a minimum income ol J400.M a month (not a draw)-. Sales representallvet prat- antly average to $350 weak. II you are an exceptional talesman, you can expect to earn up to a month.
For Information send rasuma to Box B-585 Leader-Telegram. 22 -CHAIR BARBERSHOP for sale Modern. Equipment less than 12 months old. Established clientele )8 E. Madison Eau Claire For details call 835-9778.
Qualified Service Man for TV'S and Radios Must be qualified to work under Factory Warranty. Write Box L-4, Eau Claire Leader and Telegram. Work Wanted AMBITIOUS COLLEGE Junior desires well-paying, full tima summer Available Immediately. Call 834-14J1 WORK WANTED by ambitious Lawn work, painting, and odd jobs References available. Call (32-0223.
Exterior Interior Painting Free estimates 832-1559 SALESMAN Opportunity for permanent position as automobile salesman for 40 year old firm. Sales experience of some nature desired but not mandatory. Sell new or used. We offer Excellent Pay Plan Demonstrator to use Hospital plan Life Insurance furnished Paid vacation good hours A. E.
Rogers Inc. Bulck Dodge Opel 707 So. Barstow Eau Claire LOOKING FOR WORK? Wisconsin's Fair Employment Law prohibits discrimination In employment because ot sex, except where the naluro of the work provides valid reasons for hiring only men or women. Questions should be directed to Ihe Wisconsin Equal Rights Division, Dox 2209, Madison, WIs. S3702, Help wanted advertisem*nts are arranged for Ihe convenience of readers.
Read both the MALE and FEMALE classifications for requiring your qualifications. Help-Male Female 18 Dressmaking Alterations Or. ladies' apparel. 832-7071 EXPERIENCED COOK, part-time or full time. Write Box R-178, Eau Claire Leader Telegram.
WANTED: MATURE couple, no chll drcn to operate motel close to Eau Claire. Living quarters furnished, please call 834-7334 for Interview. LAWN GARDEN WORK, PAINTING JANITORIAL WORK. PHONE B34-68U TEAM TEEN" will mow lawns (Hav power mower and car). Clean garages allies, and any other handy man lobs Call Pete Tom, 835-4053, 5413 Blake ley Avenue.
INSTRUCTION-School 45 TNBIWFCAPI, out ififlon bldroom hduil At Blk Mound for if ear P. m. 60 4omes for BY OWNER. Small vary lot, Prlea cut HMD. At lOli ForMt OR N6uR "B6 for lala by owrtar, Lower Urtis.
Excellent condition. Laroa lot. or Two FBDROOM house In Titden. Oil (urnacs, carpeted livlna room) also an axfra lot can be bousht Call alter 5 p.m. Clarence dowe, Route 1, Coifax, Wisconsin.
hona Business Opportunity Man or Woman parton from (hit la tar- vice and collect from automatic dit- tenters. No experience needed We establish for you. car, references and to cash cap. Ital nectssary. 4 lo 12 hours weekly nets excellent monthly Income.
Full tlmt more. For local Interview, write, Include telephone number to EAGLE. INDUSTRIES, 4735 Ex cellslor St. Louis Park, Minna sola SHU. 3 BEDROOM ratich, excellent North Side location 832-2115 HOUSE, garage, irTTfaw Auburn i cabin, one acre on Write Ben Louis, Lewis, WIs.
TWO BEDROOM HOME, full I I room, finished basem*nt. Near Unl varsity. 1370 Rust SI. 934-WII. NEW THR6E bedroom rambler.
Car Rated. Dream kitchen, bullt-lnv Hot we tar heating, walkout basem*nt, double garage. Nelson 5-50W, 4-41M 60 tor Sali THIRD Two-itory nome. Thraa Easinesses MIDWEST REALTY CO. Robert Backus, Realtor Osseo 5W-3459 Residence: Strum 475-3157 RANCtl.
Large kitchen with bulll-lns, dining area. Extra large carpeted living room. Full basem*nt, attached 2-car garage. CALL 834.5841 AFTER 4 P.M. balhi, formal room, kitchen with family coam.
Carpatino ana drapsriei. Full oil heat with automatic hu- midlfiar. 1503 Frederic. CALL 634-3576. Far PUTNAM HEIGHTS 811 TAFT Four bedroom ranch homei Vft baths; three fireplaces; family sunken living room i formal dining room; fully carpeted; large klchen with dining area.
Over size double garage; lull basem*nt; lot. By appointment only. 832-4764. 300. BY OWNER.
Three bedroom ing room, (or 4)h bedroom), eirpeted living room with flreplece, dining room, bath), attacMd oa- rage, finished basem*nt, eerpet in two East Side, near Lew 20'S. CHI D34.4743. OPEN DATLY for your inspocTion New 24x40 PREBUILT HOME LYNE HOMES, INC. On Clalremont Ava. Dial COUNTRY LIVING 35 minutes from Music Lessons 34 Piano Tuning, Repair, Service Joseph Trappa 832-2456 LESSONS RENTALS PIANO-ORGAN-GUITAR-DRUMS MORGAN MUSIC Across from K-Mart WE DARE YOU- To check us out, at our expense.
If you are looking for a tremendous return en your Investment, we want you to check our hundreds of distributors and references. Service the liquor trade part-time and develop to full If you lo desire. $3,750 Investment. Not vending. No selling.
Company-established accounts. Men or Women, 3-4 per week guarantee buy-back on Inventory at all times. For furlher Information, call collect to Mr. Russella at (313) 722-4(30 or write Romara, 3740 W. Fullerton Chicago 4M47, giving your phone number.
St. Paul or Claire. Early American hom*o on outstandingly beautifully wooded two acres. Just mile oft Interstate 94 on County Attached garage, electric eye, 2 fireplaces, 2 bedrooms (third In finished basem*nt), excellent wall, sewer system, oil hot water heat, hardwood floors. In eludes all appliances.
Immediate occupancy. Leonard Hauseland, d- vllle, WIs. Days M8-2426; evenings 698 2548. Seeking A Better Job? Call us for assistance NO REGISTRATION FEE EXECUTIVE PLACEMENT OF EAU CLAIRE 409 S. Barstow 832-3421 (Ljconsod) Salespeople, Agents 20 LESSONS on GUITAR, ACCORDION, STEEL GUITAR, DRUMS Instruments furnished.
NORTH SIDE Music Studio 832-40M. FINANCIAL GUARDS Top Pay Immedfata Openings Full time. Prefer men yean of age. No experience necessary-will train you. POSITION IN EAU CLAIRE Uniforms and equipment furnished-Paid vacations Deferred profit sharing plan Year around work No lay-offs.
REQUIRE: Mentally alert honest dependable and mature men. Must have good health and no handicaps tall, or over, with proportional weight. Clean past employment records good reputation. NO POLICE RECORD. Will Investigate background, See Our Representative At HOLIDAY INN, Eau Claire Ask for "PINKERTON'S" room WEDNESDAY JULY 9 P.M.
P.M. Or Write To: PINKERTON'S, INC. Ill E. Franklin Ave. Minneapolis.
Minnesota 55404 Business Opportunities 45 Automotive Fasteners SALESMAN Complete line bolts, screws, terminals, hose and body shop material used in miainteniance, transportation construction equipment. Retirement program and hospital insurance. We provide technical help, field sales and classroom training. Effective visrual selling aids are used. For interview with state sales manager, Call Frank Row, 414-499-2963, Fasteners, Inc.
or write General Office, P.O. Box 305, Michigan City, Indiana. CONFECTION ROUTE for sale. Local territory. Call 832-3700 for appointment, CAFE FOR SALE.
REASONABLE. Well-equipped. Doing good business. Ideal family operation. For Information cat 834-3381.
LOCAL, WELL established SPORTING GOODS 8, HARDWARE store Excel lent location. Terms can be arranged ROY NEWBURG Real Estate, Realtor, Dial 834-5242. LAUNDROMAT" Wonderful opportunity to get to business for yourself! As a second job! Or for the retired man! Well established and in an excellent East Side location. Fully equipped and operating. Call for further details today.
Only $11,500. nderson Realty, Inc. Realtors MLS Dial 832-3418 Lorraine Morse, sales, evenings SOMETHING BETTER 4 bedrooms, carpeted llvlno room and dining room, remodeled kitchen on East Side, for only $14,0001 Close to schools, playground and bus: Ideal lor those who have something better to do than run a family taxi service. Built-in air conditioning (not central) and oil heat, tool CURTIS REAL ESTATE REALTOR MLS Dial 832-2011 John Curtis, sales, 835-8034 LOOKING FOR A 1 or 2 BEDROOM home! Then call us for information on these: 4,300 In Seymour area on 50x150 lot. 6,500 On beautiful wooded lot with 60 ft.
of lake 12,800 2 Bedroom on West with full basem*nt, built-in oven and range, gas heat, and garage. 37,000 15 acres and immac ulate almost new 2 BUY TRADE REALTOR Bedroom home com pletely air condition ed. CALL US ABOUT THESE 3 BEDROOM HOMES! 7,100 North Side location in nice quiet neigh borhood. 11,900 West Side looatio with beautiful bac FIRECRACKERS Celebrate the Fourth by driving past your new home at 3145 Venus Ave. Admire this attractive 3 bedroom ramb- FOR SALE In Black River Falls, Wis.
The Cole's "Lloyd's Cafe" Complete new modern equipment. Black River's finest. Inquire: Harold G. Cole, 208 Main St. FRANCHISE His Fish 8, Chips Is now anchising shops in the Eau Claire ea.
Absentee ownership possible 0,000 cash required. Excellent return or complete information about avail- blllty In your area, act now and write call "His Majestty Fish and Chips 16 Mlnnetonka Blvd, Minneapolis Innesola, 55426 or phone 612-933-1202. ss I Me Holiday Week-End fs It's time to do something about making that employment change you have been thinking about. Come in, register, and have a talk with one of our professional counselors. Let us find you RIGHT job.
MEN'S DIVISION Call Pat Patterson or David Boardman Men's Division 8 Systems Analysts: Analyzes develops new systems; performs special projects; very diversified and I Awarding; Accounting or Ind. Mgt. Degree to 10,000 Study: Very attractive position with local area firm; must read prints, set rates incentives; basic experience required -to Security Analyst: Background in corporate bor- 8 rowing, capital financing, and management ot 5 financial assets required; outstanding benefit 8 program; salary commensurate with experience. OPfcIN General Agent: Life insurance or securities 6 will recruit and train agents; excellent poten- tial; local Administrator: Consultant position with mental health facility; supervise trained staff and co- ordinate activities; experience and Masters Degree Social Service field required 12,000 Architectural' Draftsman Engineers: Several openings with reputable companies; immediate need for registered and unregistered applicants with experience; inquire for specific details. OPtN Pre-Management Trainee: Exceptional training program for recent college grad in all phases of management; all fringes DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT ne of Eau Claire's best money makers arge parking lot.
All equipment. loy Newburg REAL ESTATE Realtor Dial 834-5242 or 832-200 1,000 WOMEN'S DIVISION Women's Division several laire. OPEN when fall; down- LOCAL TAVERN One of the best In Eau Claire. With arge parking lot, on and off llquo serving sandwiches an Ight Bunches. This Is a real Mono Maker.
Owner will finance qualifle iuyer. Financial and Profit Statemer ivallable to qualified buyer. CALL US ON THIS MONEY MAKER KLEVEN AGENCY Realtor Dial 4-1501 ler then call me Monday, July 7 GOVIN 405 S. Farwell St. Dial 832-2715 Evenings John Kolstad 2-6772 OWNER LEAVING TOWN Offering large luxurious spli level home, less than 1 year old, located on a beautiful land scaped lot in new subdivision.
Luxury features throughout. .1 bedrooms, lots of closets, 2 baths, fireplace, ultra modern kitchen including garbage disposal, dishwasher, refrigerator with ice maker, etc. This beautifully appointed (home has thermopanes, sliding gjiass door UNIVERSITY SPECIAL! Luxurious living right close to the University with plenty of parking, double garage, separate dining room, large den, fourth bedroom in lower level, three full baths, very attractive recreation room with built-in har, fully air conditioned with electronic filter, screen porch and patio with barbecue pit. $45,000. Farmer-Bugher REALTORS 715 S.
Barstow St. 834-2691 S. L. Hagen, evenings 835-54J1 Dale Carlson, evenings yard and garden. patio, carpeted throughout, 13,500 Excellent family central air-conditioning, 2 car for an appointment to see the spacious Interior.
Immediate occupancy. $19,800. Keaiku C-o. OLD ESTABLISHED business Hh a 4-lane bowling alley and 8-year old bar with complete ood service. Includes all equipment to operate.
$10,900. ARGE BUSINESS BUILDING Truax Boulevard. Good for many types of business. $12,900. HILD-DAY CARE CENTER in ull operation.
Sale includes all and building. W. A. Blngham, Broker Dial 835-3818 NEW 3 BEDROOM Carpeted, ceramic bath with vanity, kilchen with extras, large dining area 2 car garage, roofed patio, black dirt. Mars Ave.
$22,500. EXCEPTIONAL Brick trim, 3 bedrooms Carpeted ceramic bath with vanity, kitchen with cabinets, glassed patio doors, quiet I neighborhood. Oaklawn Drive. NEW DUPLEXES opportunity. Choice location.
home with 2 large lots, air conditioned. Close to schools. 15,900 Suburban home with acres and garage. 19,200 South side location on this Ranch with attached garage. 24,500 Beautiful North side home in quiet setting.
Complete built ins with finished recreation room in basem*nt. Hot water heat. 2-car garage. 29,800 It's what's inside that counts! On this lovely home with complete built-ins, full finished recreation room, fireplace and many other extras. garage with electric opener and too many other features to list.
This home is priced at $37,000, far below replacement cost. SEE AT 3601 LaSALLE ST. Call 835-6245 FOR APPOINTMENT HAPPY basem*nt, baseboard heating, garage. Parking. 708 thru 720 Gilbert Ave.
separate! LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME! OLLEEN REALTY BUILDER MLS To or Trade ''Call 834-6646 2147 Brackett MLS Dial 834-3095 Art J. Peterson, evenings 2-1982 YOUR EVENINGS Brian Solem, 832-1858 Harry Whibwam, 832-4727 Dick Larson, ASSOCIATES To Lend 50 COMPLETE LOAN SERVICE GATEWAY CREDIT, INC. 1498 S. Hastings Way Dial 832-9751 The cuttlefish, a relative of he squid and octopus, camou lages itself by changing color two-thirds of a second. Interest Paid on Corporate Notes Interest paid each six i months on notes with a maturity of one to five years.
GATEWAY CREDIT, INC. 1498 S. tattings Way Phone 832-9751 REAL ESTATE DREAM HOME On this large, beautiful, landscaped lot, 5 rooms in this delightful home on Western Ave. Priced at only $15,900. Larry Stumph Realtor Dial 2-4477 or 2-5481 Homes For Sale 60 BY OWNER 3 BEDROOM HOME Dining room, living room, sun porch, double garage.
Ideal location. $14,900. 1415 Main Street, Eau Claire. By appointment only, 832-0467. 4 Apartment house.
$260 month income, or more. Always occupied. Grand opportunity 832-2555. IN FALL bedroom split level. Den and recreation room.
Ga rage. Double lot. Call 877-4091. Twp bedroom home, East Side; fireplace, baths 832-8749 FOR YOUR HOME Or Lot Call WALKER INC. Broker Dial 835-3161 SUBURBAN DREAM acres is the setting for this bedroom ranch with full walk- ut basem*nt, 2 fireplaces, 2Vz aths, large family room, mud oom, den, k.
car garage, other extras too numerous mention. Creek in tyack of and for your viewing pleasure. 44,000. DonnellaM AGENCY REALTORS MLS Dial 835-5191 Chick Feather, 832-7263 Then see these! We have 3 new homes ready for occupancy. Bach one includes carpeted bedrooms and living room, all full basem*nt with gas furnace, iand 2- oar attached garage, landscaped wooded lots.
Prices from $22,800 to $23,900. CALL US ABOUT THESE 4 and over BEDROOM HOMES! $10,900 Why crowd your family? We offer you this spacious home located on 3 acres of land. 17,500 Close in for the big family that would like to own their own home. Built in oven and range, exhaust fan, built-in refrigerator, paneled and tiled recreation room. 19,800 Country living South EAST SIDE 'HILL This well-kept 4 bedroom beauty Is lust the Ideal home for the family with school children.
Family size kitchen with built-lns; formal dining room. An easy walk to schools from grade to the University. 1404 Hoover. Below replacement cost. And 2 baths.
All the rooms are large, plus plaster walls, hot water heat and cool porch for summer relaxing. At 1814 Goff. 5 BEDROOMS: ROBIN ROAD: beat this 3 bedroom with 191x181 ft. lot. Yes, there Is a 2 car garage and It's only 1 year old.
$21,900 So you can see It any time. This 3 bedroom VACANT: home at 2V14 Birch Is only 512 sot). NORTH SIDE: We have this large 4 bed room family home at 2913 Neptune It has a huge kltctien and all bed rooms and living room are carpeted A quiet street, but close to school and 1 block from bus. J27.500. Now is the time to In- THIRD WARD: home with 2 baths at 1622 Rust St.
Few homes are offered in this location, so take time for an Inspection today. $30,500. Xlev REALTOR MLS 834-1501 Evenings: 0. Sneen 2-0766 J. Kleven 4-7221 DUPLEX: North Side upper and lower for your security.
Income $110.00 iper month. Price $8,000. THREE BEDROOM RAMBLER- Upper West location, with double garage, bullt-fals, carpeting $22,000. THIRD WARD Two story. This is the opportunity you've awaited.
Large shaded lot, dougle garage and'a real family home with" huge living room, separate dining room and only $22,800. DUPLEX Top quality two bedroom units; with ranges and refrigerators, washers and, dryers; provided for your future. $23,300. -i NEW RAMBLER' Large lot, double garage, bath and Vz, built- ins, carpeting. A Farmer Bugher home.
$25,000. WALKOUT RAMBLER one of those much desired homes with fourth bedroom, bath and recreation room in the lower level. Huge garage, family kitchen, dining room $24,300. Farmer-Bugher REALTORS 715 S. Barstow St.
834-2691 S. L. Hagen, evenings 835-5651 Date Carlson, evenings 832-8949 WICK BUILDS BETTER Homes Today Homes Unlimited, Inc. G1ESE REALTY 29 W. Spring, Chlppewa Falls 723-4559 NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME BY OWNER Near Hillcrest Golf Course Call 834-5810 Evenings town I Private Secretary: Midwest ski resort looking tor take-over type to keep private in order Bookkeeper: Supervise air-conditioned ot- A.
I A. I Inwi IPI Al1C AC. A Twin CitiM OPEN mtdicil Stsrttary: of variety bes.des dicta- 5 phojvt local RfgUfraHen Strictly Cpnfldfntiol tp 5:30 Pally and Solvrdoyi by only Executive Placement of fau Inc. 499 South Boritow Phon. 832-9421 CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE Man Or Woman To restock new type coin dispensers with high quality package candy products.
NO SELLING! DEPENDABLE PERSON CAN EARN Up To A MONTH Part or full time positions needed in this area. Requires car, exchange of references. $1450 to $2990 cash, secured by inventory and equipment. Write for personal interview, giving phone number to: STRATEGIC FRANCHISES DEPT. 25 7262 Natural Bridge Road St.
Louis, Missouri 63121 PUTNAM HEIGHTS HOMES 101 2 hip of this beauty offers 3 large bed corns, 2 baths a large dining room family-size kitchen witfi bullt-lns Fully carpeted and now ready for you 32,800. 906 BRADLEY: of town with 10 acres and a spring on the land. INCOME MINDED! Then call about this! 19,600 2 apartment up. Lower could be converted to 2 more apartments. ft A A nnn Close in suburban ranch home with 4 bedrooms, BUILDER MLS REALTOR To or Trade Call 834-6646 EVENINGS Brian Solem, 832-1858 Harry Whitwam, 832-4727 Dick Larson, ASSOCIATES Even the large kitchen Is richly carpeted.
Featuring 2 baths, 3 arge bedrooms, larse family room with ustlc fireplace. Extra large 2 ca garage. All of this for only 131,600. The Sn ls a MAT different, but has i arge formal dining room, built-in Kitchen, baths. There Is a larg brick planter In front to further beautify bright new home $30,700.
841 BRADLEY: colors that make this home thing of beauty. All rooms except kitchen are carpeted. 1 large baths with decorator colors. The living room faces back with a walkout to patio. Only $27,900.
CT Almost rMdyr 2906 MAY I or occupancy, this modestly priced 3 bedroom home has all the fine features you would expect fo pay much more for than the asking price J25.500. Fully built-in kllch- shaped dining room oft living room, all carpeted. 2836 KELLY PL ACE: Vac!" lovely place. 13 years ot careful musekeeplng make this home better than new. A kitchen with a view of tree -filled rear yard, formal dining room with extra cabinets for china.
3 bright and cheertul bedrooms 126,600. NEW HOME Located at 511 Ninth Al toona. 3 bedrooms and living room carpeted. Birch cabinets, full basem*nt, double garage Large lot, 132x106. $20,500.
LARGE LOT And this "like new" 3 or 4 bed room home on the upper Wes Side. Oak floors $21,900 NEW 3 BEDROOM With ceramic bath, carpeting, oak trim cabinets. Double garage. 90x150 ft. lot $21,900.
BOX SCORE garage, in and ease. den, 2 fireplaces, baths, oversized 2 oar acres of land. Designed by a woman for comfort 4 bedroom ranch with country living, full finished walkout basem*nt. Central hall for 2 car attached garage. Complete built in kitchen.
Many extras. ftjnr nnn New Putnam Heights, 3 bedrooom car ted family room, IVfe baths, 2 car garage, full basem*nt. Ideal location. I nn 3 acres of industrial land plus a 2 apartment home a family home. Income of $275 per month.
rpn New South side 3 bedroom ranch home, carpeted throughout, large 2 car attached garage. Ranga and hood in kitchen. 40 acres of land with 4 bedroom mo, 2 kitchens, plus dining room. Full' Pony barn, machine shed, 2 car garage. Large 3 bedroom East Side home with dining room, basem*nt detached garage.
Finished attic for quiet study. Beautiful large 2 bedroom North side home with full finished basem*nt. Attached garage. Beautiful lot. East side 4 bedroom home with dining room.
Full basem*nt, detached garage. Ideal family home at a realistic price. ynn Exceptionally large 3 bedroom home expandable lo 4 bedrooms, plus unfinished family room. Garage attached. Large basem*nt, North.
Upper West 2 bedroom home with full basem*nt and Nice city lot. nnn $16,900 ,600 basem*nt. $7,500 forced air furnace. leal for older couple. NO even REALTOR MLS 834-1501 Evenings; 0.
Sneen 2-0766 J. Kleven 4-7221 HASELWANDER REALTY Neil Haselwander, 834-3656 CJerald Naiberg, Sales 723-7839 Ideal starter home all new down with one bedroom and possibility of 2 -more bedrooms up. Extra 90 ft. city improved lot is included. We will help you to arrange financing on above homes.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Visitors 0 000 Donnellan Agency 1 1 I 0 DONNELLAN AGENCY 1812 Brackett Avenue Phone 835-5191 Evenings: Chick Feather.