Books If You Like James Patterson (2024)

If you're a fan of James Patterson's gripping thrillers, then we've got you covered with this tantalising array of suspenseful stories. From heart-pounding mysteries to intricate plots filled with unforgettable characters, these novels are sure to satisfy your craving for edge-of-your-seat suspense. Prepare to be transported into worlds where danger lurks around every corner, and the stakes are higher than ever. These authors have mastered the art of crafting page-turners that will have you racing through the pages, desperate to unravel the twisted secrets and shocking revelations that lie ahead.

Whether you're drawn to gritty police procedurals, chilling psychological thrillers, or high-octane action-packed adventures, there's something here to captivate every reader who craves the adrenaline rush of a heart-pounding tale. So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a thrilling journey filled with unexpected plot twists, complex characters and pulse-pounding suspense. These books are the perfect companions for those who can't resist the allure of a gripping mystery or the thrill of a high-stakes chase. Dive in and let these masterful storytellers take you on a ride you'll never forget!

1. I Will Ruin You by Linwood Barclay

In Sunday Times bestseller Linwood Barclay's gripping new thriller I Will Ruin You, a high school teacher character's heroic act inadvertently makes him the target of a dangerous blackmailer. When Richard Boyle prevents a former student from committing an atrocity, he's hailed as a hero, but someone with a dark secret is triggered by the media coverage. Soon, Richard finds himself entangled in a web of salacious accusations and deadly secrets, desperate to uncover the truth before it's too late.

Books If You Like James Patterson (1)

2. Critical Incidents by Lucie Whitehouse

In Lucie Whitehouse's Critical Incidents, dismissed Met-Detective Inspector Robin Lyons finds herself embroiled in a shocking case after the husband of her best friend, Corrina, is accused of murder and the family is engulfed by violence. Robyn's career is a shambles, but she's unable to stand back whilst the police investigate, and so must navigate a web of secrets and lies to uncover the truth; dredging up the case of a missing woman and Corrina’s husband's potential involvement. Fans of James Patterson's gasp-inducing plots and unforgettable characters will be hooked by this gripping thriller.

Books If You Like James Patterson (2)

An extract:

Robin surveyed the table with its heap of crumpled napkins and burger boxes, stray fries and onion rings, the pile of bleeding ketchup packets. Aftermath of the cholesterol bomb. They’d had breakfast back in London, too, but as the road signs had started to portend BIRMINGHAM, her stomach started churning, and by the time they’d reached Warwick Services, it had felt completely empty or at least gnawing in some other way that made eating fifteen quid’s worth of Burger King seem like a good idea. Whoppers, milkshakes, the works – no section of the menu overlooked. Now she had stomach ache and she felt sick.

Across the table, Lennie’s stomach was a toddler-style pot under her Blondie T-shirt. She put her hands on it and grimaced. ‘Ugh. I feel like I’ve swallowed a sofa cushion. Full of grease.’

‘It was a two-seater. I got the fluff and loose change from down the back, too.’

Lennie laughed and for a moment, everything seemed brighter. There was still a chance this would all be irrelevant in the grand scheme, wasn’t there? A blip. Once, on one of the long nights when Lennie was a baby, she’d whispered in her ear that together, they could do anything. She would do anything for her, of course; but also, because of her, she, Robin, could do anything. Right, said a snide voice.

She stood quickly and began piling their rubbish onto the trays, crushing her burger box with a savagery that startled Lennie from her texting. ‘Once more unto the breach?’

A thump, hard but fleshy, as if a large bird – a pheasant, even a swan – had dropped from the sky and landed deadweight on the roof. They both jumped but a second later a smirking face loomed at the passenger-side window. For the love of god. Robin took a long breath then pressed the button to lower the glass.


Her own eyes looked back from a face that was her own, too, but pale and more defined, the jaw made square by pads of muscle. ‘Shocked you, did I? What are you doing sitting back here? There’s a parking spot outside.’

‘Someone must have just gone.’

Her brother made the yeah, right expression he’d been giving her since he was six. ‘How are you, Lennie? Can’t be many people who’ve staked out their own grandparents. Old habits dying hard, Rob?’

3. Risk Of Harm by Lucie Whitehouse

In Lucie Whitehouse's gripping crime thriller Risk Of Harm, DCI Robin Lyons finds herself investigating a knife crime which led to death in her hometown of Birmingham, working under her former flame Samir. As tensions rise with far-right nationalists and they discover a potential serial killer on the loose, Robin must navigate painful family dynamics and confront her past to uncover the truth and bring the culprit to justice.

Books If You Like James Patterson (3)

An extract:

Robin could feel bracelets of sweat round the suit’s elasticated cuffs. It was early but the air was already humid and her heart was thudding from the physical effort. Ahead, Rafferty, the scene manager, was hacking through the undergrowth as if they were up the Amazon rather than ten minutes from Birmingham city centre. She and Malia followed in silence, focused on staying upright and alive. Loose electrical cables, open lift shafts, fallen beams – if you were looking for an untimely death, this place was the jackpot.

The old Gisborne works, relic of British industry, shuttered in the Nineties according to Google. Until then, they’d made bicycle parts and evidently on a major scale: the grey cube on the aerial map filled the entire depth of the block. This one workshop alone was the size of an ice rink, stretching away between graffitied iron pillars like a ruined Victorian greenhouse.

The roof had been glass but it crunched underfoot now, glinting among the sea of rubbish that surrounded them in all directions: traffic cones, a rusted-out fire extinguisher, plastic bags. Nettles and elder sprouted from every crevice, and the air stank of petrochemicals and decay. It was a steampunk garden, so far post the apocalypse that even the zombies had moved on.

‘It’s a young woman, Rob,’ Samir had said on the phone. ‘I want you to take this one.’

Rafferty tripped suddenly and fell forward with a shout. When they reached him, he was picking himself up but one of his gloves was torn and bloody. He looked shaken and they saw why: a foot away gaped a huge square-mouthed hole in the ground, its dank sides falling away towards the gleam of stagnant water twenty feet below. There was no warning at all – no tape, no sign. The fall would have killed him.

He put a second glove over the top to contain the bleeding and they went on, chastened, through vandalized steel doors to a slightly smaller space. The glass roof was intact here but so moss-covered that light penetrated only in patches. A mangled Venetian blind reared from the junk like the ribcage of a futuristic beast.

At the far end, SOCOs moved through the half-light, spectral in their white suits.

4. The Drowning Isle by Simon McCleave

In Simon McCleave's latest atmospheric crime thriller, The Drowning Isle, a teenage boy goes missing on a camping trip, plunging the close-knit community of Anglesey into turmoil. DI Laura Hart leads the murder investigation, uncovering clues from a tangled web of relationships and a religious cult with a dark history. With the island reluctant to give up its secrets, Laura must navigate the lies and mysteries to unravel the truth.

Books If You Like James Patterson (4)

5. Graveyard Of Empires by Scott Mariani

In Scott Mariani's Graveyard Of Empires, ex-SAS major Ben Hope finds himself in Afghanistan, a land known for crushing conquerors throughout history. Tasked with locating a former bounty hunter before a new regime does, Ben must navigate treacherous terrain and face lethal enemies. With old comrades like the assassin Jaden Wolf by his side, Ben uncovers ancient secrets and modern dangers, all while questioning if he can bear the burden of being the last hope for the innocent.

Books If You Like James Patterson (5)

6. The White Knight by Scott Mariani

In Scott Mariani's The White Knight, ex-SAS soldier Ben Hope finds himself embroiled in a high-stakes international mystery involving a stolen Napoleon-era chess set. As bodies pile up and the stakes rise, Hope must race against time to uncover the truth behind the deadly plot before it's too late. With intricate plotting and unforgettable characters, this suspenseful thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Books If You Like James Patterson (6)

An extract:

The only sounds to be heard in the fine, sunlit room were the distant whisper of the surf and the occasional soft clunk as one of the two silent, deeply concentrated players shifted one of his chessmen over the board. For the last hour, neither had paid the slightest attention to the magnificent sweep of white sandy shore visible from the windows of the beachfront villa, the gently waving palm trees, the pure azure blue of the ocean under a cloudless, pristine sky.

It wasn’t a large villa. Small, but perfectly appointed, with all the requisite luxuries provided for their guests. This island haven, privately owned and totally inaccessible to ordinary people, comprised another fourteen of them, for the use of the top-level delegates who had been helicoptered or yachted in from all over the world, for a very special and important reason.

The room in which the two chess players sat was cool and airy and brilliant white: white marble floor, white marble columns, white marble fireplace, the only splashes of colour provided by the oriental rugs and the artwork on the walls. Its furnishings were tastefully minimal, an artful blend of classical and modern. Such understated opulence was nothing unusual for these men, who had lived for nearly all of their lives in wealth and privilege.

7. The Tudor Deception by Scott Mariani

In Scott Mariani's The Tudor Deception, Ben Hope, a former SAS operative, finds himself embroiled in a centuries-old mystery linked to a modern-day bombing. Tasked with uncovering the truth behind two missing boys from centuries ago, Hope embarks on a perilous journey across Europe, dodging bullets and unravelling the connection between a murdered professor, an English lord, and a pretender to the Tudor throne. With a rising body count and old secrets carrying a hefty price, Ben must race against time to solve the plot before becoming the next victim.

Books If You Like James Patterson (7)

An extract:

Co. Galway, Ireland 2005

While they’d been inside the pub a veil of clouds had drawn over to blot out the stars, and now a heavy downpour was lashing the pavements of the small fishing village. Aurora looked up at the sky, pulled a face and said, ‘Ugh.’

‘Doesn’t look like it’s about to let up any time soon,’ Ben said, hunting for his car keys. ‘We’ll have to make a run for it.’ The Interceptor was parked fifty yards down the rain-slicked street. He was glad he hadn’t left the top down.

Aurora pointed at the keys in his hand. ‘So are you going to let me drive back?’ she asked, smiling at him. He couldn’t tell if she was being serious, or just teasing. Her eyes flashed in the lights of the pub doorway. Inside, the band had started up another number, a rousing rendition of the old tune Whiskey in the Jar.

‘Oh, I don’t know about that,’ he replied. Ben was liking Aurora much more than he’d been initially willing to admit to himself.

She giggled and nudged him with her elbow. ‘You promised you’d let me have a go of your speed machine. And you’ve had too many pints of Guinness anyway.’

Maybe she had a point there. Even though he felt perfectly sober and it was extremely unlikely they’d encounter any Garda patrol cars in the few miles of quiet country lanes between here and Ben’s remote house up the coast, it probably wasn’t worth taking the risk of a drink-driving charge. Relenting, he handed her the keys and said with a show of reluctance, ‘Fine, all right, then. You win.’

Aurora’s smile widened to a beaming grin. ‘Excellent. Come on. I’ll race you to the car.’

The rain was coming down even harder. Just then, Ben realised that he’d left his jacket inside the pub, slung over the seat of the cosy little corner where they’d spent the evening. ‘sh*t. Hold on. Tell you what, you get the engine warmed up and I’ll be there in a minute.’

8. The Golden Library by Scott Mariani

In Scott Mariani's latest book The Golden Library, ex-SAS soldier Ben Hope finds himself embroiled in a deadly mystery spanning centuries. Tasked with locating a missing girl in China, Ben soon realises the stakes are higher than he imagined, with an ancient secret from the era of China's first emperor and the Terracotta Army at the heart of the intrigue. With unforgettable characters and a fast-paced narrative, this suspenseful thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat as Ben races against time to uncover the truth and catch the killer.

Books If You Like James Patterson (8)

An extract:

Of all the fabulous wealth and splendour of the emperor’s domains, there were few more magnificent places to work. To be called upon to do so should have been the most exalted duty, the highest honour. And yet, these men who spent their every hour of every day in these grand surroundings, their entire lives engaged in this task so dear to the heart of their Divine Ruler the god-king of Qin, were little more than slaves.

At this time the great library housed over forty Confucian scholars, though their numbers often fluctuated as the older ones died of illness, exhaustion or other less natural causes, and new recruits were pressed into service to replace them. Yen Wan-sun with his long white beard was over eighty and had worked here for several years now, almost from the time when the library had first been created. The much younger man working at his side that day was one of those recent arrivals, a seventeen-year-old novice by the name of Liu Hsuan. Both wore the plain robes of their lowly station and neither spoke, conversation being forbidden, as they sat at the long table under the flicker of the lanterns with their heads bowed over their work.

9. The Plotters by Un-su Kim

In The Plotters by Un-su Kim we follow Reseng, a hitman raised in Seoul's criminal underworld, who after taking pity on a hit and letting her choose how to die, finds himself at the centre of a game much bigger than he thought possible. With unforgettable characters and a deliciously dark tone reminiscent of James Patterson's suspenseful thrillers, this literary crime novel will keep you on the edge of your seat as Reseng investigates the mystery surrounding his latest job.

Books If You Like James Patterson (9)

An extract:

The old man came out to the garden.

Reseng tightened the focus on the telescopic sight and pulled back the charging handle. The bullet clicked loudly into the chamber. He glanced around. Other than the tall fir trees reaching for the sky, nothing moved. The forest was silent. No birds took flight, no bugs chirred. Given how still it was out here, the noise of a gunshot would travel a long way. And if people heard it and rushed over? He brushed aside the thought. No point in worrying about that. Gunshots were common out here. They would assume it was poachers hunting wild boar. Who would waste their time hiking this deep into the forest just to investigate a single gunshot? Reseng studied the mountain to the west. The sun was one hand above the ridgeline. He still had time.

The old man started watering the flowers. Some received a gulp, some just a sip. He tipped the watering can with great ceremony, as if he were serving them tea. Now and then he did a little shoulder shimmy, as if dancing, and gave a petal a brief caress. He gestured at one of the flowers and chuckled. It looked like they were having a conversation. Reseng adjusted the focus again and studied the flower the old man was talking to. It looked familiar. He must have seen it before, but he couldn’t remember what it was called. He tried to recall which flower bloomed in October—cosmos? zinnia? chrysanthemum?—but none of the names matched the one he was looking at. Why couldn’t he remember? He furrowed his brow and struggled to come up with the name but soon brushed aside that thought, too. It was just a flower—what did it matter?

With their intricate plots, unforgettable characters and nail-biting suspense, these books are the perfect choice for anyone who loves the thrill of a James Patterson novel.

Books If You Like James Patterson (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.